My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 69 Starry Night Academy Meditation Method Part 2

Beatrice raised two fingers and said, "Now, I will introduce the second meditation method."

She stretched out her arm towards a wall.

A few small points of light flew there, drilled against the wall, and carved out a simple stove.

"Among the three branches of alchemy of strange objects, the most dangerous is the discipline of giant creation."

Beatrice rubbed her fingers together, and flames burst out from the simple stove next to the wall:

"The meditation method of the giant creation discipline is called [Furnace]. This meditation method is very special. Once you practice it, you cannot practice any other meditation method.

"In his Megazoology course, Professor Burton would turn on a large furnace and pound red-hot iron ingots. The big guys in the discipline of Megazoology believe that only metal materials that can withstand high temperatures are good materials.

“It’s the same attitude towards the uninhibited elements.

"Mages of the giant creation discipline will use the secret medicine of fire to build their own spiritual ocean into a spiritual furnace, and send all the tamed and well-behaved elements to the spiritual furnace for burning.

"The well-behaved elements that want to escape will run away on the spot. The well-behaved elements that don't want to escape will actively become part of the furnace.

"Even if the spiritual ocean suffers heavy damage, as long as the furnace is not extinguished, there will be no elemental dissipation."

Beatrice rubbed her fingers again, and several more burning stoves appeared beside the wall.

The temperature inside the spherical dome rose suddenly.

“[The Furnace] meditation method can only absorb fire and earth elements, as well as a small amount of wind elements.

"And it is very dangerous when practicing. The burning sensation of the spiritual furnace will affect the body of the meditator. If there is not enough fire resistance..."

Beatrice snapped her fingers lightly.

The surrounding short furnaces rose from the ground and turned into high-temperature furnaces with towering chimneys, and billowing heat waves spewed out from the mouth of the furnace.

Xia Zuo subconsciously held his head, fearing that his hair would be ignited by the heat wave.

Fortunately, the instructor just wanted him to experience the feeling of being attacked by flames.

Beatrice rubbed her fingers, and the high-temperature furnace went out, and then turned back to the gray wall. "If there is not enough fire resistance, the meditator of [Furnace] will be reduced to ashes in the flames."

"Turn into ashes.. Do you mean their bodies will turn into ashes?"

Xia Zuo was a little unsure and had to make sure he understood correctly.

"Yes, the body is reduced to ashes. The drastic changes that occur in the spiritual ocean will react on the body."

Beatrice raised her hands and closed her palms in front of her. When she opened her palms, a simple, mysterious blue eye appeared in her palms:

"The following is the third method of meditation. Members of the Kit Kat Object discipline are required to use a magnifying glass in order to accurately adjust delicate instruments when making Kit Kat objects.

"The meditation method they practice is called [Eye of Kolas]."

Beatrice held her hands lightly, her palms close to the student's forehead, and her mysterious blue eyes pressed against the other's forehead.

Xia Zuo felt a comfortable cooling sensation coming from between his eyebrows.

Beatrice stretched out her hand to attract a small red light spot, "You should carefully stare at this cute element in my hand. It was transformed by my magic, but its appearance is the same as the real element."

"Yes, Professor."

Xia Zuo stared at the opponent's palm.

The small red light spot in his sight grew from small to large, gradually occupying the entire field of vision.

An octahedral crystal-like object appeared in front of his eyes, its surface densely covered with arc lines.

Xia Zuo didn't recognize this pattern, but instinctively understood its meaning: burning.

"Do you see the lines on it?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes, Professor. This seems to be a fire element with [burning] characteristics. I understand the meaning of the pattern inexplicably."

Xia Zuo touched his eyebrows, his skin felt slightly cold.

"Very good. This is the advantage of conceiving the characteristics of elements by yourself. You don't need to learn the elemental texture language, you can directly read the textures on some elements."

Beatrice summoned several other elements, placed them in the palm of her hand for the students to observe, and said at the same time:

"When the mage casts a spell, he needs to use his soul to communicate with the clever elements and draw out the energy inside the clever elements. Then through the connection between the spiritual ocean and the body, the energy released by the clever elements is transported outside the body.

"This process will consume the energy of the mage. The energy I am talking about now is its original meaning, not a special name for the theory of meditation.

"You will feel tired after reading or refining poisons for a long time. This is a sign of exhaustion of energy."

Beatrice stretched out her left hand and pointed to the small light spot in the palm of her right hand:

"Elemental patterns and elemental traits have a one-to-one relationship. Elemental traits are related to spells.

"For example, if you want to release flames, you must first accommodate fire elements with characteristics such as [Fire] and [Burning].

“If you want to extinguish the fire, accommodate the water element with the [extinguishing] quality.

"The two qualities of [soaking] and [moistening] you conceived can also release spells to extinguish flames. Tower scholars have developed a lot of spells, and there is always one that suits you.

"The greater the number of elements of the same type in the spiritual ocean, the greater the power of the associated spells you release. After you become a mage apprentice, I will teach you this knowledge in detail."

Xia Zuo nodded in response while staring at the element in his mentor's hand.

"[Eye of Kolas] is a meditation method that specializes in observing elements and can coexist with other meditation methods.

"By observing the subtle changes in the elements, its practitioners can detect signs of dissipation in time and prepare for early response. Enlarging the lines on the elements in the field of vision to the point where they are visible to the naked eye is only its most superficial use."

Beatrice closed her hands, the small light spots in her palms disappeared, and the mysterious blue eyes on the student's forehead also disappeared.

She took a few steps back, a little further away from the other party:

"Next, is the fourth meditation method. The [Elemental Body] meditation method of the elemental concrete discipline.

"This is the second set of meditation methods I have practiced. Now, a complete elemental body has been formed on the surface of my body. As long as this elemental body does not break, no good elements will escape.

"The elemental body I have now is invisible to people below the level of high-level mage."

Beatrice held out three fingers:

"I count down to three. After three, I will temporarily deactivate my elemental body and then summon it again.

"I can only give you 1 second to observe my changes before and after. For mages of my level, the probability of elemental dissipation is very high. The more elemental shells are released for one second, the more possibility of dispersion."

Xia Zuo held his breath, stared at his mentor's body, pursed his lips and nodded, the detection technique gaining momentum in his mind.


A white flash of light appeared on Beatrice's body, streaking rapidly from top to bottom.

Her eyes shone brightly with the morning light, and her long light orange hair floated behind her head. Pale golden light instantly filled the spherical dome.

Xia Zuo felt a dazzling light appear in front of his eyes.

He raised his hand to cover his eyes, squinted his eyes and looked at his mentor through the gaps between his fingers, and quickly released the detection technique.

"Time is up."

Beatrice's voice was ethereal and came from all directions and angles.

As the words fell, white light flashed across her body again, the morning light in her eyes converged, her long hair fell down to her shoulders, and her whole body returned to its normal appearance.

Xia Zuo quickly looked through the information fed back by the detection technique in his mind.

[Character Name] Beatrice (Elemental Body Released)

[Identity] Head of Starry Night Academy, mage of unknown class

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)

【Resistance】? ? ?


[Agility] 24


【vitality】? ?

【Perception】? ?

【will】? ?

【Spirit】? ?

【charm】? ?

[Character Specialties]

[Elemental Body Meditation], [Eye of Kolas Meditation], [Basic Meditation]..

[Character skills]

[Elemental Body·Complete Type]:

[[Skill Effect 1] The elemental body will wrap the skill user's body, preventing the elements from dissipating.

[[Skill Effect 2] Surrounding targets will undergo a mandatory [Perception] attribute determination. If the target fails the [Perception] judgment, it will not be able to detect the true attributes and appearance of the skill user.

"Do you feel it?" Beatrice's clear voice sounded in the dome.

Xia Zuo nodded wordlessly, his eyes still trembling slightly.

As early as in Rosak City, when he was dealing with the resident mage Thales Meso, he knew that the mage had a way to hide his true appearance and strength.

But the true attributes of the head of the hospital are too scary.

Vitality, perception, will, spirit and charisma are all question marks.

It shows specific values ​​of strength, agility and stamina. Taken alone, any one of them will defeat everyone you have encountered before.

"This is the second function of the [Elemental Body] meditation method. It allows mages of my level to disguise themselves as ordinary people.

"Practitioners of this meditation method use their own spiritual ocean as the raw material for elemental bottles. When enough elemental bottles are accumulated, these elemental bottles are then used to weave an elemental shell covering the body."

A smile appeared on Beatrice's pretty face, "The bigger you are, the more element bottles you need to use. For example, the castle manager Dim has to collect element bottles several times his size to get enough. Your words"

Her eyes looked up and down on the students, and her smile became even wider:

"If you accumulate five or six years of elemental bottles, you should be able to weave the most basic elemental body. This meditation method can also coexist with other meditation methods. When you become an official mage, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with it. "

6.02 There is another chapter

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