That evening.

Xia Zuo and Anruer walked to a corner of the restaurant where there were fewer people.

As soon as Anruer sat down, she snuggled into her boyfriend's arms, pressed against his chest, and asked about the class situation this afternoon with a slightly sad face.

Xia Zuo probably guessed what she was worried about.

When you practice meditation for the first time, you will not see each other for several months. This is the most difficult thing for a couple who is in the stage of love.

Xia Zuo could understand the worries in the other person's heart.

Goldfinger mentioned in the promotion conditions for mage servants that the four-series resistance must reach at least 5%.

There is still a long way to go before this value.

Xia Zuo patted the soft waist in his arms and said gently:

"I have to prepare for two or three months before I start practicing meditation. I will complete the first practice as soon as possible and come out early."

Anru'er stared at her boyfriend, tears glistening in her eyes, shook her head and said:

"No, don't speed up the progress of your first practice for me. You have to listen to the arrangements of the head of the hospital. I just want you to come out of the dormitory safely."

Did she know that her first meditation practice might fail? ..Xia Zuo asked: "Did Professor Zhuo Lang tell you?"

"Yeah." Anruer nodded, "Professor Zhuo Lang also said that the meditation method of poison alchemy has some disadvantages, but he didn't tell me what they were specifically..."

Xia Zuo laughed dumbly. Due to the rules of the school, Professor Zhuo Lang could only speak half and hide the other half when speaking, which made Anruer even more worried.

"Don't worry." He comforted the other person's back and whispered in his ear:

"The head of the college said that I can first practice the basic meditation method, which is the meditation method you will practice in the future. When the time is right, I can then learn the meditation method of poison alchemy."

Anruer sat up straight and looked at the other party suspiciously:

"Well, I feel that you have decided to practice the meditation method of poison alchemy. I don't know why you feel this way..."

Okay, this girl is not as easy to fool as before.

Xia Zuo's smile froze, and he quietly released the detection technique to check the opponent's current attributes.

[Character name] An Ruer

[Identity] Servant of Starry Night Academy mage

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[[Wind Resistance] 4%

[[Water Resistance] 3%









(Due to growth in size, attribute values ​​have increased.)

After not checking Anruer's template for several months, her perception reached 7 points.

Xia Zuo rubbed his stiff cheeks and realized that he couldn't look at the other person from a static perspective.

Anruer will also grow.

He sighed silently:

"Yes, I plan to practice the meditation method of poison alchemy. I won't tell you just because I don't want you to worry."

Anruer hugged her boyfriend again, pouted and said dissatisfiedly:

"Don't comfort me like a child in the future. Don't always bear the pressure of poison alchemy alone. You can choose what you can say to me. We must go on together and become mages together.

"Promise me, okay?"

Xia Zuo lowered his head, tapped the other person's forehead, and said solemnly: "Okay, I promise you."

He picked up the menu on the table and shook it, "Let's have dinner."

"Yeah~ Just order me a steak and vegetable soup. I'll get a drink."

Anruer raised a smile, stood up and walked towards the large round table in the center of the restaurant.

Xia Zuo looked at her back in a daze.

The food in the school is good and nutritious, and the students' bodies develop rapidly.

Two years ago, when I first met Anruer, she was slender and dragged a heavy suitcase onto a carriage heading to the school. Now, she has grown into a healthy, slender figure with noticeable curves.

My mental age has also grown a lot, and I have become much more mature and stable.

An Ru'er came from the direction of the large round table with a drink, and Xia Zuo's eyes were still focused on her.

He has indeed grown up a lot.

the next day.

In the morning, Xia Zuo was refining black-eye poison and its secondary refined powder in the large alchemy room.

In the afternoon, he came to his tutor's study for class.

At the same time yesterday, Beatrice introduced the overview of meditation methods at Starry Night Academy.

Today is the official proficiency level poison alchemy course.

Beatrice sat behind the desk, took out a few textbooks from the drawer and handed them to the students opposite, and then explained the knowledge in a friendly voice. The silver sand changing beside her became a blackboard.

A skilled poison alchemist must master 20 new poison formulas, 10 antidote formulas for common deadly poisons, and ideas for making antidotes.

In addition, the highlight of the proficiency level is stripping away the poisonous effects.

Beatrice knew that Xia Zuo had an excellent memory, so she deliberately skipped the simpler parts during class and focused on explaining the most difficult content.

The course lasts until dinner.

Carrying a heavy schoolbag, Xia Zuo went to the terrace outside the corridor to breathe in the evening air.

The knowledge points at the proficiency level are much more difficult than those at the entry level. After an afternoon of instilling knowledge, it is inevitable that my mind will feel a little groggy.

Fortunately, there are no classes in the evening.

Every morning and evening is the time for refining poison.

Xia Zuo touched his shriveled belly, walked to the stairs, and found Anruer waiting in the castle hall.

Dinner was spent in intimate time.

Xia Zuo sent his girlfriend to the oil alchemy area, then slowly walked up the spiral stairs and entered the large alchemy room.

On regular days, time flies by like a wild horse.

Xia Zuo devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of the proficiency level, firmly mastering the poisons and antidotes at this stage, and improving his resistance along the way.

Three months later at 1 p.m.

It's cloudy today.

The blue sky is hidden behind the clouds, leaving only a small trace of blue on the horizon.

Xia Zuo stood on the terrace of the tower.

The breeze ruffled the corners of the robe.

His eyes swept across the lake under the castle, the city walls and turrets of the school, drifted into the distance along the wide central avenue of the city, and finally took half of Starry Night City into his eyes.

A month ago, he reached the minimum requirement for promotion to Mage Apprentice - 5% resistance to the four elements.

With the help of his mentor Beatrice, he successfully entered a shallow state of meditation. (Note ①)

To be on the safe side, he chose to continue to pile up resistance.

Just a few days ago, as the last bottle of black eye poison was poured into his mouth, his four-series resistance reached 6%.

This is the upper limit of resistance that a skilled poison alchemist can achieve.

A brief, strong gust of wind blew past the side of the terrace.

Xia Zuo held down his collar that was blown by the wind, and rubbed his brow with his other hand.

Somehow, during this period of time, he felt that his emotions were extremely heavy.

He himself didn't know what was going on.


He exhaled a long breath toward the cloud-covered sky, and Anruer's worried look flashed before his eyes.

Maybe it’s because I’m going to be separated from my girlfriend for a few months.

There is no way, what is supposed to come will always come. It’s time to start practicing introductory meditation techniques.

"Xia Zuo." Beatrice's voice came from behind.

Xia Zuo turned around and greeted humbly, "Good afternoon, professor."

Beatrice clasped her hands in front of her body and narrowed her eyes slightly:

"You look a little down, are you worried?"

"Professor... I plan to practice meditation."

Xia Zuo stepped forward and said:

"I want to practice basic meditation first, and then try the [Toxic Crystal] meditation."

"Yes. It's just as I imagined. Professor Kulov thinks so too. He and I both think you are very cautious and will not put the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method first."

Beatrice took a few steps forward, stood side by side with the students, and said warmly:

"If you are not in a good mood, I suggest you take it slow. There is no need to rush to practice meditation."

Xia Zuo smiled helplessly, touched his hair, and said with some embarrassment:

"Professor, once we start practicing meditation, Anru'er and I won't be able to see each other for several months. I think it's probably because of this that I feel very depressed."

Beatrice looked at the other party with a smile:

"In this case, I can comfort you. In the more than two hundred years that I have been running the school, no couple has ever broken up because of practicing meditation.

"Hmm~ Let me reminisce... They both became mages in the end and did not leave each other behind. You will do the same."

Xia Zuo's face turned red for the rare occasion, "Really..."

"Do you still remember the establishment of the Mage Guild in the academy? After becoming a mage apprentice, you can earn rewards and points by completing bounties.

“There is a redeemable reward for mage apprentices in the Elemental Embodiment discipline.

"I thought you could use it too."

Beatrice took out a small manual from the pocket of her robe.

The manual records many trivial matters according to date, and it looks like a memorandum.

Beatrice turned to one page of the small manual, handed it to the students to check, and said at the same time:

"If you can earn enough points, you can exchange them for a master-level elemental bottle and give it to Anru'er."

Xia Zuo stared at the words on the page, and the words in his ears made him understand the source of his depression.

He was worried about Anruer. Worried that she was failing the first time she practiced meditation. I am also afraid that I am powerless to deal with the situation.

The haze in my heart began to dissipate.

Xia Zuo has a goal to work hard for.

But this goal seems quite far away.

This page of the manual contains dozens of lines of text, marking with numbers the points required for each redeemable reward.

Intermediate basic meditation method requires 8,000 points. For other intermediate-level meditation methods, the redemption prices range from 8,000 points to 10,000 points.

The master-level element bottle requires 25,000 points, and the redemption price is much higher than the intermediate meditation method.

In other words, if Xia Zuo wanted to help Anruer improve the success rate of her first meditation, she would have to pay a heavy price.

Is it worth it?


Without knowing how difficult it is to earn points, do you still think it’s worth it?

Yes, it's worth it.

With determination in his eyes, Xia Zuo handed the manual back to his instructor.

Beatrice understood the other party's psychological changes and smiled:

"Hmm~ It seems that my words are useful. Your mood is no longer as low as before."

She stretched out her arms deep into the corridor:

"Come on. Let's go to the study room to prepare the props needed to practice meditation for the first time. Then we will go to your dormitory to decorate it."

About half an hour later, Beatrice arrived at the student dormitory with two large suitcases.

She avoided the soft couch, tables and chairs and put down her suitcase on the open space on the floor.

Xia Zuo knew that the instructor might come here today, so he cleaned up in advance and put all the things that were not needed for practicing meditation into the closet and lockers.

Beatrice stood by the suitcase and rubbed her fingers.

The two boxes were opened together, and the bottles and cans inside flew smoothly to the desk.

Silver sand emerged next to Beatrice, flowing like water against the wall, wrapping the room, and then disappeared without a trace.

Beatrice controlled a parchment scroll to the desk and unfolded the scroll on the table.

She waved to the students waiting at the door of the dormitory, pointed to the parchment and said:

"This is the entry-level content of the basic meditation method and the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method."

Her fingers swept across the glass bottles of different sizes next to her:

"These are the functional potions you need to use. You have learned them in the alchemy general course. I won't introduce them anymore."

Beatrice reached out and tapped the largest glass bottle:

"This is your master-level element bottle. The clever elements inside have the characteristics of [floating]. Its usage is recorded on the parchment."

Then, she moved her hand to another smaller glass bottle:

"This is an elemental confinement bottle containing unruly elements. The unruly elements inside have [burning] properties. The instructions for using it are also on the parchment scroll."

A glass ball floated out of her pocket and landed on the desk.

"This is my surveillance guard. If you want to find me, just hold it up with your left hand and stroke it three times with your right hand. When it floats from your hand, it means that I am paying attention to your movements. You can just say Ask your questions and I will answer them for you.”

"As for elemental poisons..."

Beatrice took out a dark metal box from another pocket:

"Put this elemental toxin here with me for now. When you master the entry-level basic meditation method and want to try the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method, contact me through the surveillance guard. I will get it for you when the time comes. .”

Xia Zuo nodded and his eyes fell on the parchment on the table.

Beatrice looked around the dormitory, "All the props are ready, the rest is up to you."

She snapped her fingers lightly to attract the students' attention, "Do you want me to bring you a message to An Ru'er?"

Xia Zuo touched his head and felt that it was a bit hard to say earthy love words.

Moreover, the two of them had discussed many times about his first practice of meditation.

Anruer was also mentally prepared for her boyfriend to lose contact for a short period of time.

On today's day, he proposed the meditation method to his mentor, which was also decided after discussion between him and Anru'er.

Xia Zuo was silent for a while, and a hint of worry appeared in his heart, "Professor, the three Rich brothers..."

"How do you know about this scandal?" Beatrice raised her slender eyebrows. She did not pursue the source of the rumors, but showed a relieved smile, "You don't have to worry about these three guys. I have already driven them to Sibu." Riel is omitted.”

"Then I'll be completely relieved." Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Beatrice controlled the two suitcases on the ground, left here, and closed the door.

"I'm leaving, waiting for your good news. If you encounter any problems, be sure to contact me in time."

Silver sand emerged from the walls on both sides of the door after she left, covering the door panel before disappearing again.

Xia Zuo sat down at the desk and took out a simple pocket watch from the drawer.

This was a birthday gift from Anruer on the day he came of age. Due to frequent visits to the toxin-filled alchemy room, this pocket watch has always been lying in a drawer.

Xia Zuo opened the cover of the watch, and his and Anruer's names were engraved on it.

He stared at the hands of the pocket watch for a while, then put the pocket watch back into the drawer and read the contents of the parchment with concentration.

Three months ago, when Xia Zuo tried the twice-refined black eye poison for the first time, he found that his consciousness was split in two.

Half of his consciousness was suffering from the poisonous effects of the black eye poison.

The other half is like a calm bystander, putting aside the distorted lines in the field of vision and focusing on observing the small light spots flying out of the body.

According to what Beatrice said, the half of consciousness that endured the poisonous effects was the consciousness that stayed within the body.

The consciousness of calmly observing small points of light is in the soul.

In meditation theory, this state is defined as shallow meditation.

The next step is to let all consciousness be in the soul and observe one's own spiritual ocean from the perspective of the soul.

This step is difficult.

In the era when meditation was emerging, many strange and bizarre methods emerged in order to enter deep meditation.

There are good ones and there are bad ones. Some are civilized and some are bloody.

But in the end, there is only one method that has been passed down to this day and is recognized by all orthodox mages:

Concentration method.

Mage servants and mage apprentices need to use concentration potions or other props when performing deep meditation.

After becoming an official mage, you can enter deep meditation as long as you cast spells with the same effect on yourself.

The basic meditation method teaches people how to act in a deep meditative state.

After a long period of development, the basic meditation method has become very complete.

To this day, it allows practitioners to tame and accommodate the elements more easily.

The premise is to follow the instructions and practice strictly step by step to minimize the possibility of failure.

The first step is to confirm that you can enter deep meditation with the help of concentration potion.

According to the statistics of the Mage Temple, 90% of people will move from shallow meditation to deep meditation after taking the first concentration potion.

The remaining one person cannot enter deep meditation with the help of concentration potion. They can ask a mentor to help them cast more powerful spells.

If spells cannot make such people enter deep meditation...then they can only find another way out.

Xia Zuo feels that he is not unlucky and will not be so unlucky.

He took a shower, put on a loose nightgown, and picked up a satiety potion.

This satiety potion is better than the one used during the final exam.

Perfect quality, expert-level product, one bottle will keep you from being hungry for 20 days.


Take the satiety potion.

Xia Zuo read the message from Goldfinger hastily, then sat on the bed holding a concentration potion.

He uncorked the bottle, poured the light blue liquid into his mouth, put the clean glass bottle away, and then lay back on the bed.

Xia Zuo squinted his eyes and focused on the railing of the window curtain, turning the ceiling into a blurry background.

This is a habit he developed in order to enter shallow meditation more quickly.

This process has become familiar after drinking thousands of black eye poison.

Xia Zuo has now achieved that as long as he stares at something in a daze, he can successfully enter the stage of shallow meditation.

After a few seconds, a calm state of mind took over.

Xia Zuo closed his eyes and reviewed in the darkness the key points that need to be paid attention to when entering deep meditation.

Beatrice mentioned in her first class that when she first entered the spiritual ocean, she would see gray walls wrapping her soul like a cocoon.

She specifically emphasized not to have violent emotions such as fear and fear, otherwise you will immediately leave the meditative state.

Xia Zuo reminded himself several times in his mind, and then allowed his consciousness to sink into the endless darkness.

Dimly, he felt that his consciousness was no longer sinking.

He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was no longer the ceiling of the dormitory and the curtains of the soft couch.

There is no light here.

But I can still see clearly.

At first glance, the mottled gray wall appears in front of you, with pits and dents all over it, and patterns symbolizing the characteristics of the elements spread on the wall.

Xia Zuo's soul slowly made a movement to scan around.

This should be his spiritual ocean, and it looks exactly like what his instructor described.

His gaze moved from bottom to top, along the wall

The next second, his heart palpitated, he broke away from his meditative state, and sat up suddenly from his bed.

What was that just now!

Xia Zuo lay down with a pale face and stared blankly at the ceiling.

There is also a wall above the head of the soul.

The semi-curved wall also has texture, but it is extremely smooth, which is very different from other walls.

If his spiritual ocean also has the concept of up, down, left, and right, then the small area at the top is a smooth wall, and the rest of the wall is mottled.

Two completely different walls fit together tightly, leaving no gaps.

It's like being forcibly glued together.

Who can do this..

"Goldfinger, did you do it?" Xia Zuo asked silently in his mind.

no respond.

Do you dare to do it or not?

"Which wall is the one that envelops my soul and spiritual ocean? Is it the smooth one?" Xia Zuo asked again in his mind.

"You opened a skylight in the original owner's spiritual ocean, put my soul in, and drove away the original owner's soul..."

Why? No, the original owner’s soul seems to have left on its own.

Xia Zuo recalled that when he first met Audrey, he shed tears uncontrollably as soon as he heard the news that his parents were killed.

At that moment, he felt as if something had left his body.

It should be the soul of the original owner.

Golden Finger just opened the original owner's spiritual ocean, put Xia Zuo's soul in, and then closed the spiritual ocean again.

This process caused serious damage to his mental ocean, resulting in an initial mental attribute value of only 1 point.

This kind of operation that transcends cognition is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Xia Zuo vaguely felt that there might be a big problem with his time travel...

He couldn't help but shiver, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

What does this big guy who allowed himself to travel through time want to do?

Fatten and then kill?

Or is there another conspiracy?

Xia Zuo lay weakly on the bed, feeling that the thoughts in his mind were as messy as an overturned paint tray.

All kinds of conspiracy theories are popping up.

Note ①: About 3,000 words have been omitted. The reason for omitting is that it may lead readers to try red umbrellas with white poles..

Thanks to naive Qin for the 100 points reward.

Thanks to reader 1343008251650068480 for the 100 points.

Thanks to Dancing Clown, Feng Yan Bing Xin, Huang Xiangsheng, Ming Mingming, Nian Xin, *The Fugitive*, Stardust Ring, Book Friends 140301202320795, Not a Gong Jing Gong Jing, and Gaishi Zhang for their monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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