The pain from the soul intensified and gradually turned into a sour feeling.

Parchment and Beatrice both emphasized that once such a situation occurs, accommodation of well-behaved elements must be stopped immediately, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Professor Kulov may well have faced a similar situation.

But he did not give up absorbing it, but forcibly accelerated the process, which resulted in physical trauma and premature aging of appearance and body functions.

At this moment, Xia Zuo thought of a question.

He paused the operation of accommodating the well-behaved element and fell into thought.

Does the school know that I have strong recovery ability?

You should know.

This characteristic of mine has long been known to everyone in the circus. It is not difficult for the academy to collect this information.

So, does the school know exactly how strong my recovery ability is?

According to the rigor of the Alchemy School, the school can deduce the approximate recovery ability based on the degree of damage to the body when spitting out fireballs.

Based on this inference, the school took out an unknown potion that increased vitality and gave it to me to take. Only then did Professor Kulov allow me to continue testing the poison.

If you think so.

The academy has already judged that practicing the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method this time will most likely fail.

No, no, no!

I was stupid again!

The school assigned me to poison alchemy because of my strong will.

I just put the pot on willpower.

I have been nesting dolls for so long that I even forgot what doll was inside. Thanks to my instructor’s words before, I was reminded...

Xia Zuo suppressed his mood swings and made a plan in his mind.

He planned to appear in front of his mentor with a listless spirit, an extremely pale face, a weak appearance, and a sleepy face.

Rather than recruiting mentors in a state of high energy, rosy complexion, and full of motivation.

In this way, the possibility of being suspected can be minimized.

Just do it.

Xia Zuo didn't add any points for the time being and continued to pull the purple mist to condense the poisonous crystals.

The blood volume quickly dropped below 50%, and [Emergency Moment] took effect, and the basic blood return speed increased to 10.5 points/hour, which was exactly the same as the blood deduction speed.

When the entire elemental poison crystal condenses and takes shape in the spiritual ocean.

Xia Zuo's current blood volume is actually 12 points left!

In this situation where the blood is continuously deducted, but the blood is deducted not violently, the high blood recovery speed combined with the effect of [Emergency Moment] makes the body very tough.

Without even using a single free attribute point, he completely defeated the clever element.

Come on, hurry up, call the instructor over quickly.

Otherwise, the blood will be full and all the efforts will be in vain!

Xia Zuo had a clever idea and woke up from meditation.

There was an endless sense of sleepiness and powerlessness in my body.

very good.

Just keep this sick and sick feeling!

His left arm struggled to rummage on the table, and his right arm was pulled out of the round hole in the suitcase.

Two trembling hands groped on the glass ball.

After a while, a white light lit up in his hazy vision.

"Professor...I...succeeded." Xia Zuo said intermittently towards the glass ball in a hoarse voice.

The glass ball immediately floated back to the table.

About half a minute later.

The door of the room opened wide, and Beatrice released a spell in the direction of the desk.

Xia Zuo only felt a refreshing air flow passing through his body repeatedly.

In just a few seconds, the dryness in my eyes disappeared, and the stiffness and fatigue all over my body improved slightly.

After he could open his eyes, the first thing he did was look inside the suitcase.

The elemental poison is still in the form of black powder, but the dim elemental light inside has disappeared.

He rubbed his eyes lightly and cast his scrying spell on the black powder.

The feedback information showed that this was a pool of elemental toxins that had lost their poisonous effect.

This shows that the purple mist contained in the spiritual ocean is not a substance, but only the poisonous effect of elemental toxins.

Poison potency is accommodated into the spiritual ocean? ? ...This question popped into Xia Zuo's mind.

His thoughts were interrupted by the footsteps of his mentor.

"Xia Zuo."

Beatrice came to the desk, looked at it carefully, and after confirming that the other person was only extremely weak physically and mentally tired, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Professor...ahem, I'm not getting older, am I?"

Xia Zuo lowered his head, supported his forehead with his right hand, and groped his forehead with his left hand, as if he was worried that there were wrinkles there that could not be removed.

"You haven't aged, don't worry. You are still as young as you were a dozen days ago. You go take a shower first, and then have a good sleep. I will clean the room." Beatrice said gently.

She snapped her fingers, and the silver sand on the wall appeared, floating over to help the weak student.

Xia Zuo, supported by Yinsha, walked slowly towards the bathroom, muttering fearfully:

"Ah, it was terrible. The last burst of pain and pain, ahem, was too strong, ahem, too sudden, ahem, but fortunately I survived..."

The sound of shower sounded in the bathroom.

The silver sand rolled back to Beatrice and dissipated in the air.

About twenty minutes later, Xia Zuo returned to the room after cleaning himself.

The bottles and jars on the desk, as well as other props needed to practice meditation, have been taken away by Beatrice.

The dormitory suddenly became much more spacious.

Xia Zuo fell into the soft couch, wrapped himself in a quilt and fell asleep.

Noon the next day.

The strong sunlight penetrated into the house through the gaps in the blinds, leaving bright horizontal stripes on the wooden floor.

Xia Zuo rubbed his eyes, sat up from the bed, and finally had some strength and energy to check Goldfinger's information.

"It was detected that the host successfully accommodated a small fire elemental, and the character template was updated.

"Due to the use of the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to accommodate this element, the body is in a state of slight poisoning, and the blood volume is deducted by 1 point every hour, and the upper limit of blood volume is reduced by 2 points."

(Unimportant data omitted)

[HP] 48/48 (Slightly poisoned No. 1, 1st floor)

[[Mild Poisoning No. 1]

This negative effect is caused by elemental poison crystals within the spiritual ocean.

Every time you use the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to accommodate a small element, you will get 1 layer of this negative effect.

Each layer of this negative effect reduces the upper limit of blood volume by 2 points and the blood recovery speed by 1 point/hour.

[[Basic blood return speed]

6 o'clock/hour


[[Spirit Slot] 1.5/60

Use basic meditation to accommodate 1 small wind elemental, occupying 1 slot.

Use the [Poison Crystal] meditation method to accommodate 1 small fire elemental, occupying 0.5 slots.

[Elemental Characteristics]

[[Wind Trait] Floating x1

[[Fire Trait] Burning x1

【Spell Power】

[[Wind power] 1 point

[[Fire power] 1 point

Each elemental poison crystal only occupies half of the mental slot?

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand and made a gesture with his little finger, as if this was really the case.

Elemental poison crystals are immobile in the spiritual ocean and will not fly around like light spots.

If forced into the spiritual ocean, it can indeed contain more than a hundred elemental poisonous crystals.

As for the mild poisoning state caused by elemental poisonous crystals.

Since it is a negative effect caused by toxins, it can definitely be weakened by earth resistance and will attributes.

Therefore, there will be more ways to deal with this negative effect in the future.

Xia Zuo stretched out, kicked his legs, and walked to the closet to look for a clean Starry Night robe.

There is a note full of handwriting on the desk.

After changing his clothes, he picked it up and glanced at it.

This note was left by Beatrice.

Beatrice has informed Anru'er that her boyfriend will finish practicing meditation for the first time today.

Beatrice asked Xia Zuo to go directly to Anruer and come to the study tonight or tomorrow morning.

In the lower right corner of the note, Beatrice specifically marked today's date.

Nearly 40 days have passed since Xia Zuo stepped through the dormitory door and practiced meditation for the first time.

During these 40 days, for him, more than 95% of the time was spent in a deep state of meditation, which felt as relaxing as having slept twice.

But for the mage servant who cannot enter a deep state of meditation, he has been busy for more than a month.

It's as if there is a huge difference in the experience of time between the mage's apprentice and the mage's servant.

A strange sense of division flowed in Xia Zuo's heart.

Just imagine.

If in the academy, except for the instructor, there were no other factors that would interrupt meditation, would it be possible to remain immersed in deep meditation?

What follows is growing individual strength.

And an increasingly weak humanity.

As a senior mage, Beatrice is very aware of the dangers of this kind of mentality.

She warned Xia Zuo in advance on a note.

Mages, especially those of formal mages and above, can already eat only once in several months with the help of functional potions or spells.

In the era when the meditation method was developing vigorously, there were countless people with outstanding talents who chose to avoid mediocre civilians and hid in secret strongholds in the wild to practice meditation method.

In order to prevent monsters and other creatures from interrupting their meditation process, these people build towers that reach into the sky.

This is where the name Tower Mage comes from.

The chaos and bloody experiments of the "Year of Blood and Turmoil" were started by the most inhumane group among the tower mages.

They feel that their level of life is higher, regard civilians and mage servants as livestock, and ruthlessly cut humans with spells and scalpels just to satisfy their inner selfish desires.

Finally, after hundreds of years of fighting, these executioners were suppressed by the beings now in the Mage Temple.

The school of alchemy emerged in that era.

Beatrice wrote on the note:

[Being close to the common people and valuing life is the foundation for the Alchemy School to occupy the right to speak in the Mage Temple. 】

There are similar admonitions within other schools within the Mage Temple.

The Fighters Guild teaches civilians how to protect themselves.

Demon hunters of the demon hunting school personally go out to hunt monsters and protect civilians.

Tower mages study spells and develop majestic meteorological spells, incomparably strong city defense spells, and terrain spells to calm volcanic eruptions, allowing civilians to escape from natural disasters and to protect civilians.

Each school of thought has much to gain from protecting civilians.

With this idea developed to this day, for the Alchemy School, power, money, strength, and longevity are all in short supply.

Go down to the personal level.

When these four things are not lacking, an indifferent character will inevitably develop, and eventually one will go astray due to the persistent pursuit of the so-called truth.

Maintaining one's normal humanity is a compulsory course for every mage apprentice.

Within the alchemical school, there were two ways to remain human.

One is to study orthodox alchemy, develop new alchemical products or improve existing alchemical products, or engage in alchemy-related errands, receive positive feedback from the alchemy school's appreciation, and integrate oneself into the alchemy school as a whole.

Most mages of the alchemy school use this method.

The second method is to bind your own humanity to your emotions. Among many relationships, love has the greatest potential, because it is deeper than friendship and may develop into family ties.

Xia Zuo can gain love when he is in the mage servant stage.

In the eyes of many higher-level mages, this is a very enviable thing.

Be sure to cherish it.

Xia Zuo folded the note and put it in the desk drawer.

The intention of the mentor can be briefly summarized with a sentence from the previous life: Chicken Soup for the Soul:

One person can go fast, but two people can go far.

Mages of the Alchemy School have a long lifespan, and their future is endless.

No matter how fast you walk, it's better not to go crookedly.

The best way to avoid going astray is to have someone with you. Chat, talk about your worries, discuss important matters, etc.

It's better to have a companion than to be a lone wolf.

Even without the warning from his mentor, Xia Zuo did not intend to abandon his feelings for Anruer.

He knows what kind of person he is.

Rationality and sensibility coexist, focusing on feelings, and deep in the heart longing for someone to accompany you.

What's more, Anru'er has grown up a lot in the past two years. As the peaches mature before her eyes, if she doesn't pick them herself, why should she give them to others? This is no joke.

Xia Zuo straightened his robes in front of the mirror in the room, then opened the door and walked quickly to the castle hall.

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