My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 77 [Spell Training] Additional Bonus

The next day.

Inside the dormitory.

Xia Zuo woke up from a deep meditative state.

A diluted concentration potion can provide 8 hours of deep meditation.

When he opened his eyes while lying in bed, the hands of the wall clock happened to point to 6 a.m.

Performing basic meditation techniques in deep meditation can also restore energy and wake up refreshed in the morning.

Xia Zuo was washing and reading the messages from Golden Finger in his mind.

He spent a whole night using basic meditation methods to expand his spiritual ocean, but only gained a very small amount of spiritual attribute value. Not as much as [Spell Training] provides.

It may also be because there are too few clever elements. Maybe after there are dozens or hundreds of them in the future, the mental attribute values ​​​​given by the basic meditation method will increase.

Pushing open the door, he walked to the dining room and had breakfast with Anruer.

Today is Monday.

In the morning, the school mainly teaches new students.

After breakfast, Xia Zuo left his girlfriend for a while and went to the big alchemy room to learn poison refining by himself.

All poisons and antidotes at the proficiency level have been mastered.

Now it’s time to focus on stripping away the poisonous effects.

The process of stripping away the poisonous effects is different from previous refining.

In the past, the fire was gushing, the liquid was rolling, and the steam was steaming. I was busy working on the alchemy table with spatulas and spoons.

But when the poisonous effect is stripped away, the poison alchemist is more like a gardener waiting for flowers to bear fruit.

Xia Zuo needs to first follow the instructions in "Stripping Off the Poison Effect" and use non-toxic raw materials and the once-refined black eye poison to refine a solution called the base liquid.

To put it in book terms, the term base liquid is a common term used in poison alchemy and pharmaceutical alchemy.

In the field of toxic alchemy.

The so-called base solution specifically refers to a solution that does not contain toxic effects to be stripped off, but contains toxic effects that need to be retained.

The twice-refined black-eye poison has an additional hallucinatory effect that makes people see flesh sprouts.

This hallucinatory effect is the poisonous effect waiting to be stripped away.

The poisonous effect that needs to be retained is the visual hallucination effect.

The once-refined black eye poison does not have hallucination effect, but it does contain hallucination effect. It is the best base liquid raw material.

The principle of stripping the poisonous effect is to transfer the hallucinatory effect of the twice-refined black-eye poison to the once-refined black-eye poison in the base liquid.

This part of the knowledge points seems complicated, but in fact it is very easy to operate.

Xia Zuo spent a whole morning refining the required liquid.

Then, take a bottle of twice-refined black-eye poison and pour it into the glass bottle where the base liquid is.

After sealing the bottle mouth, just let the mixture sit for 30 days, open the cork and look at the color of the liquid inside, and you will know whether the peeling is successful.

After 30 days, the liquid in the bottle is like oil and water, divided into two layers of different colors.

Then the stripping is successful.

Afterwards, just pull out the upper liquid and store the lower liquid separately.

As the results of the peel take 30 days to come out.

The poison alchemist must record the refining process in detail so that after the results come out, he can judge whether his refining operation is wrong based on the results.

Therefore, after completing this operation, Xia Zuo sat at the storage table of the alchemy platform and spent half an hour writing text.

This is just to deal with the mentor.

With the help of the detection technique, he already knew that the refining result was of perfect quality when he mixed the poison and the liquid.

At noon, Xia Zuo and Anruer had dinner together, and then returned to their respective dormitories to rest.

1 pm.

He arrived at his tutor's study on time.

Beatrice sat behind the desk, closed the book in her hand, raised her head and looked at the door and asked:

"You're here. How are the training for the four forms of offensive spells going?"

"Good afternoon, professor. I have almost mastered the first three forms, and only the boomerang form still needs some training." Xia Zuo said, standing in front of the instructor with his hands hanging down.

"Yes. Come with me. Today we will learn the [Burning] fire spell." Beatrice stood up and led her students towards the depths of the study.

Spacious spell training room.

At the other end of the training ground, the wind spikes, wind belts and boomerangs made of silver sand were still demonstrating the spell process tirelessly.

Beatrice raised her right hand towards them, and the wind thorns and the silver sand brought by the wind floated back to her, leaving the silver sand boomerang flying back and forth not far away.

She stood on the open space of the training ground, faced the students and said:

"Fire spells also have several common appearance forms. For example, flames, flames and fireballs. I think you have experience in the circus, so you should be familiar with these forms, right?"

After Beatrice saw the students nodding, she continued:

"However, I have to tell you regretfully. At the stage of a mage apprentice, it is very difficult to truly breathe out flames out of thin air.

"Breathing flames out of thin air is itself a composite spell involving both earth and fire elements. You must first have an elemental trait that can generate flammable objects, such as the [Shaping] trait you conceived.

"Use this trait to cast a spell that creates flammable objects, and then use fire spells to ignite the flammable objects."

Casting spells must also follow the basic laws of nature...Xia Zuo frowned thoughtfully.

Beatrice took out a small, bulging leather pouch from her pocket, handed it to her student, and said at the same time:

"This skin bag contains a flammable gas. Its gas nozzle has been specially modified.

"If you are skilled enough, you can press the switch of the air nozzle with your left hand to spray out the gas in the skin bag, and at the same time use wind spells to control the sprayed gas and let it float towards your target.

"After the flammable gas reaches the designated location, use the magic-level fire spell [Spark Technique] on the flammable gas. The spark in a flash is enough to ignite the flammable gas."

While listening to his instructor's instructions, Xia Zuo curiously picked up the skin bag and looked at it repeatedly.

The air nozzle of this leather bag is a circle of thin metal tubes. There is a small valve where the brass-colored thin tube connects with the bag mouth. This should be the switch that controls the gas in the bag.

If used with a burning torch, wouldn't it become a flamethrower?

While describing the shape of the flamethrower he envisioned to his instructor, Xia Zuo reached out and drew a rough outline on the airbag.

"Yes, yes. There is indeed such a thing." Beatrice tapped her chin, "The flamethrower you mentioned is a product of weapon alchemy. This alchemy subject is not allowed to appear in Starry Night Academy."

ah? Weapons alchemy research flamethrower?

The title of Rexor of the Demon Hunting School: Master of Weapons and Seals.

Xia Zuo suddenly realized that he might have some misunderstandings about weapons in this world...

Beatrice snapped her fingers to attract the students' attention and turned the topic back to teaching:

"Before we officially start class, you must first try to mobilize the energy of the [Burning] characteristic fire element. You use the [Poison Crystal] meditation method to contain this small element. When you use it to cast spells, you will be affected by the elemental poison. interference.

"Based on your willpower, this interference is nothing and will not interrupt your spell casting process. However, the toxicity of elemental toxins will be enhanced during spell casting. You have to pay more attention. Once the soul feels sore, stop immediately Cast a spell.”

"Yes, Professor."

Beatrice pointed to the air in front of the students, then crossed her arms and said:

“The method of casting the spark spell is similar to the spell learned yesterday.

"Imagine the texture of [burning] characteristics at the same time, and imagine the appearance of sparks at the same time. After you have finished imagining both, just say 'burning' silently."

Xia Zuo stood up straight, adjusted his body's center of gravity, squinted his eyes and entered a shallow state of meditation.

After a few seconds, he raised his right hand, palm forward, and said silently: "Burn."


A short and extremely short yellow light flashed in the air, and a very weak sound came out.

Xia Zuo touched his forehead and said, "Professor, this must be a success, right?"

"Well, it worked." Beatrice made a circle with her right index finger beside her head and asked with concern:

"Is there any discomfort? My head feels dizzy, my temples are swollen, etc."

Xia Zuo pressed a circle on his head with his hand and flipped through a large message sent by Goldfinger:

"It was detected that the host successfully used the elemental poison crystal to cast a spell, the [Identity 1] entry was updated, and the [Identity Bonus] changed."

[Identity 1]: Mage Apprentice

[[Identity Bonus 1]: [Book Combination]

[[Identity Bonus 2]:

【Spell Training】

1. When you successfully use the well-behaved element to cast a spell, you will receive an additional 10% to 50% experience bonus based on the spell's power, as well as a small amount of mental and trace perception attribute value bonuses.

2. (New) When you successfully use elemental poison crystals to cast spells, in addition to the above rewards, you will receive a small amount of willpower and four-series resistance bonuses.

"Successfully cast a complete spark spell, the power is 2, the reward is 0.22 experience points, a small amount of mental and will attribute values, a small amount of perception attribute values, and a small amount of four-series resistance."

"The spark technique is undergoing digital transformation and the spell template is being generated... The transformation is completed and the spell template is successfully generated."

[Spell name] Spark spell

[Spell type] Attack type

[Spell Level] Trick

[Related Traits] Fire: Burning

[Spell Power] The current maximum power is 2 points

(The trait associated with this spell is [Burning]. The well-behaved element of the [Burning] trait doubles the spell power provided.)

[Spell description]

When using elemental poison crystals to cast this spell, the poisonous effect of [Slight Poisoning Effect No. 1] will be increased by 2% during the duration of the spell (spell power * 1%).

[Spell Effect]

When this spell is used, a small amount of sparks will be generated at the specified location. The area of ​​influence of the sparks is a sphere with a diameter of 2 cm.

Both Beatrice and Kulov mentioned that the poisonous effect of elemental poisons will be somewhat enhanced when casting spells.

After Goldfinger digitalized the Spark Technique, he calculated the specific formula.

This cost of casting a spell is nothing compared to the special effect of preventing elements from dissipating. What's more, you can also get willpower and four-series resistance rewards.

When Xia Zuo thought of this, he thought about it and said:

"Professor, I see nothing wrong with using elemental poison crystals to cast spells.

"I would like to ask a question. Among the elemental qualities I have conceived, which elemental qualities are relatively rare and suitable for using the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to accommodate related elements?"

"This is the course content of the elemental pattern language. It will be taught to you after you learn the common tricks."

Beatrice gently twitched her chin, pondered for a few seconds and then said:

"However, since you mentioned it, it doesn't hurt to talk to you.

"The earth element qualities [resistance], water element qualities [nourishing], wind element qualities [connection] and [invisible] that you conceived. These four are rare qualities, but they are not rare yet.

"Fire element trait [explosion], earth element trait [deposition], water element trait [accommodation] and wind element trait [spread]. These four are relatively rare, and there are still some traces of them in the wild far away from human strongholds.

"The rest of the elemental qualities are quite common. The schools have stocks of unruly elements with these qualities."

Beatrice looked at the students who were lost in thought and added a few words:

"Thousands of years ago, when the number of spells was not enough, the rarer the elemental qualities, the more secretive the spells you knew, and stealth was usually linked to power.

“But now the situation is completely different from before, the gap between common traits and rare traits is almost non-existent.

“The broader and more common the qualities of the elements you envision, the better.

"Because, tower scholars have developed a large number of spells. The broader and common the elemental characteristics are, the more spells are associated with them.

"Rare elemental qualities will restrict the number of spells you can cast."

Makes sense.

Xia Zuo realized that he had been misled by the idea of ​​"rare equals powerful".

But, having said that.

This does not prevent him from using the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to tame and accommodate all the well-behaved elements after developing elemental toxins.

Elemental Poison Crystal only occupies 0.5 slots, this is just one reason.

Secondly, the taming time of [Poison Crystal] meditation method is extremely short, only about 3 minutes.

If you use the basic meditation method, the taming time is based on 15 days.

This may not matter to other mage apprentices, at most it will cost them more life.

But Xia Zuo is different.

Time is experience! Experience is free attribute points!

Immersing yourself in deep meditation for 15 days or more just to tame an unruly element is not cost-effective and will result in a lot of lost experience.

Seeing that her student was still deep in thought, Beatrice thought that he had not understood why the status of rare traits was not as good as before.

She groped in her robe pocket and took out a roll of sheepskin that was as thick as her finger and tied with a blue ribbon.

"Look at this spell scroll.

“It records the [communication technique], which is the spell you often see where the letter flies in the air and falls into the hands of the recipient accurately.

“A long time ago, communication was a spell unique to the [Connection] trait.

"Now, basically any wind attribute can use this spell. This is the credit of the tower mage."

Beatrice took out another spell scroll.

"Look at this again, [Hand of Wind]. In the past, this was a spell unique to certain wind attributes. Now it has become a universal spell for wind attributes. It can help you write in the air, read and write... Tea cups, chores.”

Xia Zuo came back to his senses and looked at his instructor, "Professor, I understand."

"Yes. These two spell scrolls can directly instill spells into your mind. I will teach you how to use them in class later. Let's go back to class."

Beatrice pointed to the skin bag in the opponent’s hand:

"There is a buckle on the side of the leather bag. You can hang it on your belt and buckle it somewhere convenient."

After the other party hung up the leather bag, Beatrice raised her hand and made a thumbs-up gesture.

"Aim the air nozzle forward and use your thumb to pull the valve. Note that you only need to pull it once, don't pull it all the time."

Xia Zuo turned slightly to the side and turned the valve of the air nozzle toward the open space.


A light red air ball spurted out from the air nozzle, floating one or two meters in front of the two of them. Irregular-shaped air masses like clouds drifted towards the ceiling at an extremely slow speed.

"Okay, now. Use Spark Technique on the air mass."

After Xia Zuo received the instructions from his instructor, he narrowed his eyes and fantasized for a few seconds.


"Boom!" Two sounds came out almost at the same time.

Sparks appeared in the center of the air mass, successfully ignited the flammable gas, and a small flame burst out, and a short heat wave blew onto Xia Zuo's face. The flames in the air dissipated in less than half a second.

"very good."

Beatrice's pretty face raised a smile and encouraged, "Try a few more times. When you are almost proficient, use wind bombs to control the flammable gas ball, and when the gas ball floats forward, use the spark technique to ignite it. This is a bit Difficult. Because the target of Spark is moving. But I believe you can do it."

About five minutes later.

Xia Zuo turned the air nozzle valve with his left hand.

After the air mass appears, immediately raise your left and right hands.

"Wind bomb."

The light red air mass transformed into water droplets and floated forward rapidly.



The floating flammable wind bomb exploded and floated forward for a short distance before dissipating.

Xia Zuo looked excited and gradually found the feeling of casting the legendary fireball technique.

"Now let's learn another magic-level spell, [Firelight].

"This is a spell that can burst out a bright light. You can use it to scare wild animals or malicious gangsters. The fire spell can also continuously emit light and illuminate a small area."

Beatrice raised her right hand, and a bright light group appeared above her palm.

Xia Zuo calmed down his inner longing for the fireball technique, calmed down his mind, and continued to learn new tricks from his mentor.

Thanks for the 100 points*2 reward from singing and dancing rap basketball music!

Thank you for your guidance, advertising song 56, readers 1138728426837340160, and Tujia 12 for your monthly votes!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes! Thank you so much!

I got the news that it may be on the shelves next Monday, so I have to adjust my posting pace in the past few days, please forgive me.

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