Two months later.

That night, the fourth class of freshmen memorized general textbooks in the library and cafeteria to prepare for the final exam.

Middle school students are working hard to refine products in the alchemy area.

Everyone has a goal to strive for.

The same goes for Xia Zuo.

Tonight was something special for him.

At this time, in the strange object alchemy room, the furnace roared lowly, and heat waves overflowed in the spacious room.

The solution in the high-temperature crucible rippled from time to time, and the fire rose and fell following the rhythm of the ripples. The tongue of flame poked out of the furnace mouth and then retracted, like a shy dancer lifting up her skirt to reveal a glimpse of scenery.

Xia Zuo wore glasses and stared closely at the surface of the solution, with his hands resting on the heating and cooling buttons.

This refining lasted from 1 pm to 7 pm now, which was a full 6 hours, far longer than the previous refining time.

The scale line on the metal wire has reached 90 centimeters above the solution, and there is only 10 centimeters left in the solution.

But there is still no trace of the product.



A circle of ripples appears on the surface of the solution.

Xia Zuo pressed the cooling button, and then immediately pressed the heating button.

Another circle of ripples appeared.



A rounded object reveals its arc on the surface of the liquid.

"It's almost successful." Xia Zuo laughed hoarsely and pressed the mental control button.

Behind him, Beatrice was sitting on a chair with a mysterious blue eye on her forehead. She also noticed the scene in the crucible.

Beatrice quietly changed her posture, stood up, folded her arms in front of her, slightly bent her right fingers, and the silver sand around her was ready to go, always ready to help her student operate the buttons to prevent hours of hard work from being in vain.

Refining the Life Alchemy Stone is a very laborious matter.

The lifting stage is what Beatrice is most worried about.

Xia Zuo sensed his mentor's actions. After his perception increased to more than 10 points, the surrounding signs became increasingly clear.

But he couldn't spare the time to thank his mentor.

The Alchemy Stone of Life is so important.

Time flows slowly, and only the low roar of the stove lingers in the strange object alchemy room.

At this moment when the atmosphere solidified, the round alchemy stone was completely out of the solution!


Xia Zuo cheered hoarsely, feeling that he was on the verge of collapse.

He put his arms on the console, endured the dizziness and pressed the button to turn off the stove, then picked up the kettle on the table and drank a large gulp of water, then sat on a chair to rest.

Beatrice looked at the silver elliptical sphere hanging on the left robotic arm and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the students beside her and said with a smile: "Very good quality. Do you want me to get it for you?"

"Thank you, Professor."

Xia Zuo waved his hand, feeling that he had regained some energy and strength, "I want to complete the last step by myself."

If the instructor takes away the job of cutting the wire and doesn't get the reward, then several hours of hard work will be in vain.

Beatrice tapped her chin and sat back on the chair.

Xia Zuo rubbed his temples and moved his shoulders.

He pressed a few times on the console to move the left robotic arm, stood up and untied the metal wire, and used the detection technique on the elliptical sphere in his hand.

[Item Name] Primary Life Alchemy Stone

[Prop Type] Kit Kat Object Learning Products

[Item Level] Skilled Level

[Prop quality] Completeness 98% (the silk thread used for lifting has not yet been processed)

[Solidization Array] Liquid transfer, the rest of the array is unknown

[Prop characteristics] Not yet bound, transfer liquid, store liquid, indestructible, extremely inert

[Props Effect]

There are five liquid containers with a capacity of two liters inside this prop.

After being bound to this prop, you can use your thoughts to contain liquid into this prop, you can also use your thoughts to consume the liquid in this prop, or you can have the liquid in this prop appear at a designated location within a range of no more than 1 meter.

Xia Zuo took off the glasses on his left eye and pulled out a hair with hair follicles from his head.

Then, he picked up the scissors on the desk and made a cut where the metal wire connected to the alchemy stone.


The thread left in the alchemy stone shrank inwards, leaving a round hole the size of a hair.

Xia Zuo stuffed his hair into the round hole.

A flash of white light surged out of the alchemy stone, the round hole closed and disappeared, and the surface of the elliptical sphere became smooth.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"It is detected that the host has successfully produced a primary life alchemy stone, proficiency level, perfect quality, rewarded with 150 experience points, 0.3 points of perception attribute value, and 0.3% fire resistance."

This message was followed by another:

"The primary life alchemy stone was successfully bound, the character template was updated, and the [Binding Props] entry was added."

Xia Zuo flipped through the newly added entries in his mind, caressing the alchemy stone with his right hand, and a feeling of blood connection came through his fingertips.

Touching the alchemy stone is as intimate as touching a certain part of your own body.

"Professor, I succeeded." Xia Zuo grinned, his tired look replaced by a smile.

Beatrice pointed to the kettle on the table, "Try it and see how effective the Alchemy Stone of Life is."

Xia Zuo picked up the kettle, focused his attention on the clear water and the life alchemy stone at the same time, and used his mind to issue the instruction "contain the clear water" to the alchemy stone.

The prop transfer circle inside the alchemy stone took effect, and the water in the kettle disappeared out of thin air.

Xia Zuo could feel that there was a pool of clear water in a container in the Alchemy Stone of Life.

With a thought in his mind, he muttered silently: "Take a sip of water."

A mouthful of water instantly came out of the closed mouth.


Xia Zuo swallowed the water and smiled, "Haha, the Alchemy Stone of Life is so useful!"

Beatrice took out an oval leather bag from her pocket and said with a smile:

"This is a special leather case for the alchemy stone. It is also an alchemy product. It is very strong and durable. There are buckles and ropes on the leather case. You'd better hang the alchemy stone on your body and develop a good habit of carrying it with you."

Xia Zuo took the leather case and hung it ten centimeters below the creaking hole on the right side.

After the alchemy stone is stuffed into the leather case, it just fills the gap between the right arm and the right torso, without affecting the refining of poisons and spell casting.

"Professor, do you think it's okay for me to wear the alchemy stone here?"

Xia Zuo stretched out his left hand and touched the leather sheath, "If you think it's okay, I will wear the alchemy stone in the same position under the robe starting tomorrow."

Beatrice was surprised to be stunned when she saw the way Xia Zuo chose to wear it.

She frowned slightly, tilted her chin, lowered her head slightly, and took a few steps on the high platform.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​wearing it there?" Beatrice stopped and stared at the student and asked.

"I" Xia Zuo was confused by his mentor's actions and touched the back of his head, "I just thought it would be very convenient to wear it there, so I did it subconsciously without thinking about anything else."

"Yeah" Beatrice fell into thought.

Xia Zuo looked at his mentor and blinked. He didn't understand why he had such a big reaction. Wasn't he just wearing the alchemy stone under his armpit...

He thought about it carefully.

If you want to get to the bottom of it, the inspiration for this wearing style comes from the police movies I watched in my previous life, in which the policemen hung their pistols under their armpits.

Beatrice snapped her fingers lightly, seeming to have made a decision.

"Now that you have the Life Alchemy Stone, your spell casting talent is pretty good, and you can also use the Tivanas Wind Movement, I plan to arrange some special tasks for you."

"Special mission?" Now it was Xia Zuo's turn to be stunned.

Beatrice offered no explanation.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and waved to the students to follow her, "Go and rest tonight. Come to the study room tomorrow morning."

It was early the next morning. Today was Saturday. There was still half a day of classes in the morning and I would have a day off in the afternoon.

Xia Zuo and Anruer had breakfast together, and then walked alone through the sun-filled corridor.

He rarely visited his tutor in the morning.

During this time, Beatrice was usually teaching new students or dealing with school and kingdom affairs.

Xia Zuo knocked on the door and walked into the study.

There are four skylights on the ceiling, and the transparent glass allows sunlight to shine in with its original color. Bright light beams are located at the four corners of the study, making the room more transparent and brighter.

Between the bright beams of light, Beatrice sat behind the large desk, resting her elbows on the armrests, clasping her hands in front of her, looking at the documents in front of her, and writing words with five pens.

She raised her head and smiled at the student, "Sit down for a while. I'll take care of my business and then talk to you."

Xia Zuo sat down at the desk and looked at the documents on the table curiously. Then he stopped looking at them and stared at the light beam in a daze.

Beatrice was dealing with daily affairs in the kingdom, and the text on the document was boring just by looking at it.

Xia Zuo sometimes really admires Beatrice.

She not only has to run the school, manage the mages stationed in various places, but also review the proposals of the Kingdom Council. She also has to find time to teach her students. She works twenty-four hours a day, but she does not show any signs of fatigue or boredom.

The most rare thing is that in the face of so many things, her mentality has always been very peaceful. She is sitting in the study strategizing and has everything under control.

Xia Zuo thought that he had not been able to reach Beatrice's level in two lifetimes.

Perhaps only those who have experienced the world for a long time and have enough experience can do this.

"Click." The five pens put their caps on neatly and flew to the pen holder.

Beatrice glanced at the documents and placed them on the table.

She changed her sitting position, leaning back against the back of the chair, crossing one leg, and resting her arms naturally on the armrest.

"Xia Zuo, do you remember a third-rate alchemist named Piduof?"

"Yes, Professor. The last time I went to West City to transport poison, I participated in the roundup of criminals. Among the five criminals, the one with the longest hair was Piduof." Xia Zuo looked at the slim mentor and said.

"Then there's no need for me to introduce you."

Beatrice pondered for a moment and said:

"In the past few years, the kingdom has been cleaning up illegal organizations. Starry Night Province and Yenan Province are relatively close to the capital, and have sufficient manpower of mages and assistants stationed in the city. They have always been relatively peaceful.

“In your hometown of Rossak Province, after I arranged for Miffy Morton to go on a tour, there are no traces of rogues now.

"Only Sbrier Province has been plagued by banditry. I arranged for several mage apprentices to go there, but there is still no improvement."

Beatrice rubbed the corner of her eyebrows, seeming a little helpless, "I suspect there are traitors among the parliamentary officials and the army in Sbrier Province. Because most of them are locals. Compared with the civilians in Yenan Province and Starry Night Province, They are more likely to be seduced by the rhetoric of illegal organizations. There have been cases like this before.”

"Pidov's confession in West City Prison confirmed my suspicion. He said that he was running errands for a certain big shot, and he also confessed the crimes he had committed before, but he failed to tell who the big shot was. .”

Beatrice changed her sitting position, put her elbows on the desk, put her hands together and rubbed them gently, and then said:

"I asked the garrison mage in Sbrier Province to investigate local officials and military officials, but found nothing. Do you know what this means?"

"Uh." Faced with this problem, Xia Zuo quickly turned his head and said in an uncertain tone:

"Either the officials and military dignitaries really have no problem. Or...the garrison mage or the mage assistant...has a problem?"

Beatrice nodded slowly, her expression a little solemn.

"The resident mages and assistants all came out of the academy. There is almost no possibility of them rebelling, let alone surrendering to an illegal organization that is destined to die. But to be on the safe side, I sent Dim to Sbrier Province. One trip.”

"Did Sir Dim find anything?" Xia Zuo asked.

Beatrice snapped her fingers lightly, and a stack of documents flew out of the drawer. The papers spread out in mid-air and showed the words on them to Xia Zuo.

Dim's handwriting is just like his own, neat, powerful and capable, and every character is written in a precise and clear manner.

The results of these investigation reports are consistent. Every resident mage and assistant is fine. They are as loyal to the school, the Alchemy School and the Mage Temple as ever.

"Then who else can be considered a big shot?" Xia Zuo frowned and scratched the back of his head.

Beatrice waved her hand and the document flew back into the drawer.

"Xia Zuo, there are four types of mages in the kingdom."

She raised her right hand and held up a finger.

"The first type of mage. Me, Bolton, Bethel, Barry and Professor Zhuo Lang. We are from the Eastern Continent. Under the arrangement of the Mage Temple and the Alchemy School, we came to work at Starry Night Academy. Each of us is at least a high-level mage. The above strength will not leave the school."

Xia Zuo noticed that Beatrice did not mention Mrs. Morton, a professor of wound medicine and tonics. Thinking of Mars and his sister Miffy Morton, it is not difficult to speculate that Mrs. Morton is a native of the Western Continent.

"The second type of mages were born in the Western Continent. They have never been to the Eastern Continent after becoming mage apprentices in the academy."

Beatrice held up a third finger.

"The third category. Because of their outstanding talents, they were allowed to go to the Eastern Continent for further study. So far, only a few people have obtained this qualification, and you are one of them."

"I want to talk to you about the fourth type of mage."

Beatrice held up a fourth finger.

"They only have the strength of mage apprentices, but they have expert-level alchemist qualifications. As researchers, they were arranged by the Mage Temple to come to the Western Continent to study the root causes of the differences between the Eastern and Western Continents. For example, the major alchemist associations held meetings on the Starry Night The owners of the shops opened in the city are all researchers."

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully, "Are you saying that there is a traitor among the fourth type of mages? Does Mr. Dim have any investigation results?"

Beatrice spread her hands, "I can't arrange for Dim to investigate them. Because these researchers are not members of Starry Night Academy."

"What should I do?" Xia Zuo frowned.

"I have applied to the Mage Temple to investigate the fourth category of mages. Once I receive the permission order, I will ask Dim to investigate them."

Beatrice pointed to the students across the table, "When the time comes, you and Dim will go together and help each other. If there is a fight, you will also participate."

"!!!" Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows suddenly, his face full of shock, "Am I going too? Participate in the battle?"

"Yes. Your potential in alchemy has been fully demonstrated. In the first lesson of learning magic, I witnessed your talent in spell casting. Therefore, I want to help you tap into your combat potential. With Dim taking care of you, I feel relieved about you."

After hearing this, Xia Zuo muttered, "Combat potential..."

Beatrice stared at the students across the table and encouraged her in a brisk tone:

"Alchemy and combat do not conflict. The Alchemy School is in urgent need of mages with top alchemy attainments who can also participate in combat. If you are qualified for combat tasks, you will receive more preferential treatment."

Those responsible for combat tasks in the Eastern Continent are mainly the Demon Hunting School and the Warrior Guild. The former focuses more on combat matters, and can even be said to make a living by fighting monsters.

According to Beatrice, the Alchemy School is not only recruiting students with high willpower, but also training its own combatants, hoping to dig deeper into the Demon Hunting School...

Thanks to my classmate Tianzhen for the 100 points.

Thanks to Huang Xiangsheng for the 1500 points!

Thanks to book friends in Shuhuang for the 1,000 points!

Thank you for the eternal eternity, Yunpanshui, dyeing the moon and falling snow, I like the house girl, the fan of the shadow of the waning moon in the sky, book friend 20211025102345367181433, Ark Ferryman, leg daddy, Huang Xiangsheng, book friend 140301202320795, book friend in the book wasteland , Qingfa’s monthly vote!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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