Early morning six days later.

Dim's carriage tore through the mist, walked down a winding mountain road, merged into a spacious and flat road, followed the passing caravans, and drove towards the top of the castle on the horizon.

Xia Zuo turned over and sat up in the car, habitually found a toothbrush and mouthwash from his pocket, and prepared to sit in the driver's seat to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Faint shouts, mixed with the rumble of several carriages, entered the carriage.

He opened the window panel and took a look, and found that there were many carriages in front, left and right, and the walls of Starlight City were rising on the horizon not far away.

Xia Zuo took back the things in his hands and patted the big guy on the driver's seat, "Dim, we're almost there."

Dim opened his eyes, stretched out comfortably, scratched his thick beard and said:

"Ah~~Yes, we're almost there. Let's find a hotel to stay in, take care of ourselves, and then go find the three researchers."

Dim took out his water bag and took a sip, then turned around and said, "By the way, you can put on your coat of arms later. Those people value qualifications the most."

"Okay." Xia Zuo nodded, wiped a few words on his face casually, sat in the driver's seat and looked at the passers-by.

The carriage passed the moat, was inspected by the guards, then turned two corners in the market area and stopped in the backyard of an inn.

Dim stepped out of the carriage and patted the packhorse's neck, "Old man, wait for me here. I'll help you brush your fur after I've settled in."

The packhorse snorted and rubbed its head against Dim's broad chest.

Xia Zuo walked around the pack horse. Under the ordinary brown fur, there was extremely strong energy and physical strength. "You are awesome. Do you have a name?"

Xia Zuo turned his head and looked at the horse's owner, "Dim, does it have a name?"

Dim took out a carrot from his pocket and brought it to the packhorse's mouth. "It's called Carrot, and it likes to eat carrots. Most of the space in my alchemy bag is used to hold its rations."

"Okay, let's go in." Dim waved and took Xia Zuo to the back door of the hotel.

The two found the bartender who was wiping the wine glasses and asked for two quiet rooms.

Xia Zuo came to his room and rushed into the bathroom to take a shower.

About an hour later, he put on a neat robe and hood, and left the hotel together with Dim, who had taken care of the radishes.

The two of them passed through the crowds and walked on the streets of the market area. Dim's tall body saved a lot of effort, and passers-by on both sides consciously gave way to the road.

In front of a pharmacy, Dim stopped and pointed to Xia Zuo's chest.

Xia Zuo understood, took out the emblem of an expert poison alchemist and wore it on his body.

There are several rows of herbal medicines displayed at the entrance of this store. The scent of medicine mixed with the fishy smell of earth is the best sign. In fact, pre-processed herbs do not contain earth, but customers like fresh ones, and earth equals freshness. , the store owner has no choice but to cater to the customers' wishes.

"Dingling bell~" The hanging bell hanging on the door of the store made a crisp sound.

The female drugstore clerk put down the rag in her hand, wiped the water on her hands on her apron, and greeted the customer, "Welcome~, what do you two need?"

Dim raised his chin towards the door of the back hall, "I am Dim. I have made an appointment with Ms. Julia Willie soon. This is my assistant next to me."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The female clerk nodded and walked quickly into the back hall. A minute later, she returned to the front hall and invited Dim and Diem in.

Xia Zuo followed Dim through a corridor and came to a glass greenhouse.

Here transparent baffles divide different areas, and daisies, wisteria, white camellia, bermudagrass, pink alfalfa...all kinds of herbs and flowers can be seen everywhere. Elemental servants operate showerheads, shovels, and fertilizer bags, tending to plants in pots and wooden troughs.

At the end of the glass greenhouse is an iron door. At this time, the door is open, and an elegant lady wearing a light green robe walks in with a heartfelt smile on her face and a green vine headband on her head. Follow the figure and fly.

"Dim, I'm relieved you came to me first instead of anyone else."

Julia stretched out her right hand and shook it lightly with Dim, then looked at the assistant beside him. Her eyes fell on the coat of arms on the assistant's chest, and there was a faint admiration flowing in her eyes.

"Xia Zuo, an expert poison alchemist, is honored to meet you. Although this is our first meeting, I have already heard about your deeds. You are surprisingly young and energetic."

Julia stretched out her right hand again, shaking her wrist up and down while shaking it lightly with Xia Zuo, "If you want to check my alchemy diary and alchemy room, just tell me."

"Good morning, Ms. Willy." Xia Zuo said with a smile, sighing inwardly that the coat of arms was so useful. He didn't even need greeting etiquette skills to make the other party have such a good impression.

Julia chuckled and said, "Just call me Julia."

Dim waited for the two to finish introducing each other and said, "Julia, you know my temper."

He looked at Xia Zuo, as if explaining to the other party what Julia had said before, "I am used to ranking the least suspicious people at the top. So, Xia Zuo, you go to the alchemy room first. Zhu and I Leah, let’s chat for a while.”

Julia took out a bunch of keys from her pocket and handed them to the young poison alchemist, "Please do so, Xia Zuo. The alchemy diary is on my desk, and you can check everything in the alchemy room. If you want to check The warehouse of strange materials requires me to unlock the magic circle, so remember to come to me when the time comes."

"Okay, Julia." Xia Zuo took the key, said goodbye to the two of them, and walked to the iron door. Julia and Julia walked to the low table in the corner of the glass room.

The first thing after entering the iron gate, Xia Zuo took out a pair of white gloves and put them on. To be honest, if his alchemy room was to be inspected by an outsider, he would hope that the other person would wear gloves to avoid getting the alchemy room dirty.

Julia's alchemy room is very neat and clean, with a faint fragrance of flowers and plants, log-colored bookshelves and desks, off-white wooden floors, and wisteria dotted with white flowers in the hanging basket by the window. The sun is shining brightly outside the window, and the room The interior is warm and relaxing, much better than the Poison Alchemy Room.

Xia Zuo thought for a while, then took out his headgear and shoe covers and put them on before walking to the desk and sitting down.

About 14 years ago, Julia arrived in the Eastern Continent with the last expedition team from the Mage Temple.

There are 14 alchemy diaries on the table, each corresponding to one year's alchemy records.

Xia Zuo started from the diary with the latest date. From 9 am to 5 pm, I finally finished reading 14 notebooks.

He gained much knowledge of herbal alchemy.

At the same time, we also have a clearer understanding of bioalchemy.

Many of the raw materials that Julia is responsible for transporting need to be refined in this alchemy room and then handed over to the biological alchemists in the same city.

Xia Zuo took out his notepad and pen from his pocket and wrote down the information that intersected with bioalchemy.

The rest of the content in the alchemy diary has nothing to do with this investigation, but Xia Zuo still wrote down a summary of the more important events to prepare for future review.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the sunset light outside the window became dim, and night was about to fall.

Xia Zuo stood up, moved his sore wrists, twisted his stiff shoulders, took off his shoe covers, pushed open the iron door of the alchemy room, and found the two people who had been waiting in the glass room for a long time.

"Julia, I looked through the 14 alchemy diaries on the desk." Xia Zuo shook the notepad in his hand, "There are some matters that need to be checked in the warehouse."

"Okay, come with me." Julia saw the other party's gloves and hood, and immediately felt good about him, and walked towards the iron gate with a smile on her face.

On the wall beside the desk in the alchemy room, there is a metal door with only a handle and no keyhole.

Julia put her hand on the door panel.

Several circles of crystal blue arc-shaped patterns emerged on the door, spinning around Julia's palm for several seconds. The arc-shaped patterns formed four layers of complete circular patterns nested together. The sounds of gears turning and chains sliding came from the door. came from behind.

"Click." The metal door unlocked, and Julia pushed the door inwards.

After changing his shoe covers, Xia Zuo couldn't help but tremble when he walked in.

This warehouse is more like an art exhibition hall than a warehouse.

On the soft brown carpet, there are glass culture tanks of different sizes.

The larger culture tank is more than five meters high and is divided into three layers from top to bottom. There is a green plant behind the glass plate on each layer.

A medium-sized culture tank is used to cultivate aquatic herbs. Blue aquatic plants flow slowly in the water.

The smallest culture tank is also the height of an adult, in which walking magic grass is grown alone.

When Xia Zuo walked past a spherical glass cabinet, he stopped and looked at the ink-colored gecko inside.

These geckos have a small flower on their tail.

The main body of the petals is white, with filamentous bright red patterns distributed on the petals, and the stamen is like a drop of red blood.

When the gecko's tail falls off, the flowers fall to the bottom of the display case. After about a minute or two, the gecko's new tail sprouts from the end of its body, and a tiny bud is attached to the new tail.

Xia Zuo opened the notepad, compared the records on the page, and observed these flowers named [Blood-sucking Demonic Flowers].

The blood-draining magic flower is a parasitic magic grass. This type of magic grass cannot survive alone in soil or culture fluid, and can only parasitize plants or animals.

The blood-sucking flower in front of me can only survive on animals.

Moreover, its growth cycle is relatively short, and it can take up to three months to unfold the buds - which coincides with the cycle of a gecko growing a new tail after its tail is cut off. Geckos have become the most suitable carrier for cultivating blood-sucking magic flowers.

The gecko in the culture jar contains the seeds of the Blood-Draining Demon Flower. The process of the blood-sucking magic flower growing is also the process of the gecko losing its blood.

There are suction cups on the gecko's paws, which can be seen through the glass. There are bright red blood sinuses on the suction cups, which shows that the gecko is still very vital after being repeatedly drained of blood.

These geckos are naturally no ordinary geckos.

Without exception, they have been transformed by bio-alchemy and have adapted to the existence of the blood-sucking demon flower.

The seeds of the blood-sucking magic flower and the gecko's feed are provided by herbal alchemy.

The gecko that cultivates the magic flower is provided by bioalchemy.

The blood-sucking magic flower, which is full of gecko blood, must be handed over to bio-alchemy.

This spherical culture tank is a classic example of cross-collaboration between two alchemies.

Xia Zuo spent some time taking note of the current situation in the display cabinet, and then asked Julia for some feed and samples of the blood-sucking magic flower.

He stopped for a while in front of several other display cabinets to record the inventory of strange materials.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, Xia Zuo and Dim said goodbye to Julia, left the pharmacy and walked to the hotel.

The two first went to the backyard to look at the radishes, and then came to Dim's room.

Xia Zuo was at the table and calculated Julia's itinerary in the past two years, put down the pen in his hand and said:

"Dim, there is no problem with Julia Wiley for the time being. Her schedule is very regular and has not changed significantly in the past 14 years. In her alchemy diary, there are records of the retrieval, replenishment, and delivery of raw materials and products, as well as Only after checking with two other researchers will we know whether it is true.”

Xia Zuo packed up his notepad and pen, "Speaking of which, Dim, why do you think Julia is the least suspicious?"

Dim was eating carrots, making a circle on his head with his other hand, and said:

"In the Herbal Alchemist Association, expert-level members and above wear special hats. Male members wear rattan hats woven from rattan, and female members wear vine headbands around their hair like Julia. This is not simple. Decoration, it requires careful care every day to maintain its vibrant green color.”

Dim paused, scratched his beard, and added:

"The method of taking care of the headband and rattan hat is related to the meditation method of the Herbal Alchemist Association. I don't know what it is specifically. The head of the hospital told me this, 'Every morning and every night before going to bed, you should soothe with a peaceful mind. it, otherwise it will wither quickly'."

"Oh~" Xia Zuo sighed, "So you knew that there was nothing wrong with Julia the first time you saw her, right? People who have done bad things cannot have a peaceful mind."

"Yes." Dim spread his hands, "But it would be best to check it one more time with you here."

Thanks to InkWh1te for the 1500 points!

Thanks to False Darkness, Meteor Shower, Xuan Shi Er, Men Only Grow Up at Thirty, and InkWh1te for their monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes~

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