My Bloodthirty Husband is So Gentle

Yu Ge 3: Teacher-student love sprouts, Shi Jin and his son’s daily life (17 updates

"Who allows you to give your mother's mobile phone number to a stranger?"

Dad seemed angry.

He stood still: "Rongrong is not a stranger."

Shi Jin put down the teacup and asked slowly and unsmilingly, "What did I tell you this morning?"

The three or four-year-old child stood up straight and repeated exactly what his father had said: "Don't tell anyone about your mother."

Shi Jin said simply and concisely: "Go and face the wall."


He lowered his head, feeling a little sad, but still wanted to listen to his father's words. He stood in front of the wall next to the study door and seriously thought about his mistakes.

Shi Jin opened the door to the study room and asked before entering, "Do you know you are wrong?"

Don't know yet.

Tianbei shook his head.

"Come in before you know you're wrong." Shi Jin closed the door.

Jiang Jiusheng couldn't bear it and followed him into the study: "Shi Jin."

Shi Jin walked over obediently: "Huh?"

Jiang Jiusheng frowned and said to him: "Tianbei is still young, you are too harsh on him."

Her views on education are different from Shi Jin's, but they are the same as most parents in the world. She is a loving mother and a strict father. She is gentler, while Shi Jin is tougher.

Shi Jin lowered his head, kissed her on the face, and said, "Tianbei is a boy and cannot be coddled and raised."

Having said that…

Jiang Jiusheng still felt sorry for her child, so she put Shi Jin down and opened the door and went out.

Shi Jin: "..."

Tianbei was still in the same position as before, standing upright and facing the wall.

Jiang Jiusheng walked over and knelt down: "Tianbei, there's no need to face the wall. Go play in the room."

Tianbei shook his head, his childish look still on his brows, but what Xiao Nai said in his voice was old-fashioned: "No, Mom, I'm thinking about my mistakes." He also recited two elegant sentences in a serious manner, "The ancients said, a villain has nothing to do with anything. However, a gentleman often makes mistakes, and when he is unable to do something, he seeks others from himself."

Jiang Jiusheng: "..."

This little gentleman.

She smiled: "Who taught you that?"

Tianbei said: "Grandpa taught me, but I didn't know what it meant, and then my father told me."

Dad said that self-reflection is also a kind of cultivation.

Jiang Jiusheng laughed. What a father and son...

Then, after standing for half a quarter of an hour, Shi Tianbei knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Shi Jin was handling business.

Tianbei entered the house, moved the small stool at the door, and sat down.

Shi Jin raised his eyelids: "You know you're wrong?"

Xiao Naoyin said: "I know."

"Talk about it."

Tianbei told his father the result of his reflection: "You can't tell others your mother's number. Mom is a public figure." He said it very seriously and solemnly, "I am afraid that bad people will want to harm my mother."

Tianbei still remembers that last month, a strange uncle followed his mother to the women's bathroom. The bad uncle was a fan of his mother and gave his mother a bouquet of flowers, but the flowers were filled with trackers.


Shi Jin replied with this word, and then took out a can of yellow peach yogurt from the drawer. It was a new product, packaged in a small can.

He asked: "Do you want to drink?"

Tianbei nodded immediately: "Drink."

Shi Jin opened the can of yogurt and placed it on the desk: "Take it."

Tianbei was very happy. He walked over to get the yogurt and said to his father, "Thank you." His father still loved him very much and even helped him open the lid of the yogurt.

"Sit and drink."

"Oh." He held the yogurt and sat back on the stool to drink.

There was very little yogurt in the small can, so I finished it in a short time.

Shi Jin was replying to a work email: "Want more?"


Shi Jin took another bottle, opened the cap, and placed it on the table.

Tianbei was extremely satisfied.

After handling the mail, Shi Jin stood up and gave Tianbei a piece of paper: "Memorize it."

It's dad's number.

Shi Tianbei was very touched and felt that his father loved him very much and he was very happy.

In the next half month, Jiang Jinyu had an important project. He was the main person in charge of the project. He had to deal with many things. Once he got busy, he stayed at the school day and night. He stayed in the school for half a month.

Except when he was in class, Chu Ge didn't see him much, and he was afraid of disturbing him, so he went to his school residence to deliver soup several times. Jiang Jiusheng asked her to deliver it. He probably saw her girlish thoughts and deliberately matchmaking. Chu Ge didn't get along well with the people in her class, because she was the only girl. She had almost no interaction with the boys except in class. However, she got along well with the sophomore class led by Jiang Jinyu. She is familiar with her, and some girls will say hello to her when they see her.

Jiang Jinyu just came home on Sunday. He didn't eat dinner and fell asleep.

At ten o'clock the next day, Chu Ge had a class and Jiang Jinyu also had a class, so they met at the gate of the community.


Jiang Jinyu replied: "Morning."

He pushed the bicycle, which was a modified mountain bike with a back seat. Because he sometimes had to carry Tianbei, he specially installed a back seat.

Chu Ge glanced at the back seat several times: "Are you going by bicycle?"


It takes more than fifty minutes to ride a bicycle from Yujingyinwan to Xi'an Jiaotong University. If you drive, it won't even take twenty minutes. Chu Ge looked at the time and saw that it was only nine o'clock.

She said: "I also like riding bicycles."

After a few seconds, he added, "I don't have class until ten o'clock, so you can go later."

After a few seconds: "Your bicycle is very beautiful." She walked to the back seat and touched the seat. She blinked her round almond eyes and said, "The back seat is also very beautiful."


Jiang Jinyu pushed the car and came to her side: "I'll take you."

She nodded immediately: "Okay, okay."

On the opposite road, King and Yan watched Chu Ge get on his bicycle and wisely drove the car farther away, but still followed him at a certain distance in their sight.

Chu Ge was sitting in the back seat, holding on to his seat. Jiang Jinyu rode slowly. She was wearing overalls today, which were very light and light blue, the same color as his shirt.

The sun was a bit dazzling, so she squinted her eyes: "Jin Yu."


Chu Ge asked him: "Have you watched the movie your sister acted in?"


He doesn't like watching movies, but he will watch Jiang Jiusheng's movies and even go to the cinema to watch them.

"Where's "The Empress", have you seen it?" This is Chu Ge's favorite movie. She watched it again last night, and her eyes were still sore from crying.

"Look." Jiang Jinyu looked at the road. She was very light and he stepped on it easily.

Speaking of this movie, Chu Ge started talking.

She said: "I like Yingchen very much."

Then he said: "Rong Li is also very good."

A little emotional, with a somewhat sad expression: "They match each other very well and love each other very much."

"What a pity." Chu Ge became even more sad, thinking, "Why is there no sex scene?"

Jiang Jinyu: "..."

He didn't want to talk about sex scenes.

Chu Ge was still chattering: "The kissing scene is only one scene."

She complained: "It's still a substitute."

She likes Yingchen and Rong Li so much. From the perspective of her own mother, she hopes they will be happy.

"I couldn't sleep after watching it last night." She resented deeply, "They love each other so much, why didn't they have sex scenes!"

Jiang Jinyu: "..."

It’s about the sex scene again.

He said: "It's all fake."

"I know." Of course she knew it wasn't true. The point was, "But why is there no sex scene?"

Jiang Jinyu: "..."

She seems to be obsessed with sex scenes.

Jiang Jinyu gave her an explanation: "My sister won't do sex scenes, and my brother-in-law won't let her do it." Even kissing scenes won't work.

Chu Ge retreated and asked for this time: "A substitute will do."

It would be nice to give the movie fans a thought.

She sighed: "Rong Li and Yingchen are not perfect at all."

She said sadly: "So sad."

She regretted: "It would be nice if there was a sex scene."

She had an idea: "Then give birth to a baby."

Finally, she joked to herself: "Then someone will inherit the throne."

Along the way, she talked endlessly, focusing on three themes: the throne, the kiss scene, and the bed scene.

The car suddenly vibrated -

The wheel hit the stone and the car body shook. She who was chattering in the back seat immediately fell silent and hugged his waist.

Chu Ge was surprised: "Jin Yu, your waist is so thin."

Jiang Jinyu's body stiffened.

Then, the direction of his hand was distorted, and the car swayed for a distance, hit a street light pole, and the entire bicycle flipped over.

Chu Ge ouched.

Jiang Jinyu put her hands on the ground and was not injured. He immediately moved the bicycle that was pressing her away and asked her in a panic: "Where did you fall?"

Chu Ge was still sitting on the ground, with one hand on his ankle, his face flushed: "Feet."

Jiang Jinyu looked at her feet, stretched out his hand, and wanted to touch her, but he didn't dare to move her. He was a little at a loss: "Does it hurt?"

She nodded: "Yeah, it hurts."

Jiang Jinyu frowned: "Can you move?"

She moved her ankle and frowned: "I can't move anymore."

Jiang Jinyu hesitated for a moment, said sorry, then picked her up, walked to the park next to her, and put her on a chair.

He rolled up her trouser legs, and sure enough, her ankles were red: "I'll take you to the hospital."

Chu Ge checked the time: "You still have class at ten o'clock."

He insisted: "Go to the hospital first."

She also insisted: "You are a teacher, you cannot be absent from work without excuse." Then she said, "You go to class first, and I will ask King to take me to the hospital."

Jiang Jinyu didn't respond.

She pointed to a car on the opposite road: "He drove, it was very convenient."

Jiang Jinyu thought for a moment and agreed: "Call me when you get to the hospital."


"My feet hurt." She grabbed his sleeve, "Can you carry me to the car?"

Chu Ge is a little bully who grew up in Xisu Town. She is not afraid of anything, but when she wants to act like a spoiled child, she will restrain all her arrogance and unruliness. She is just a little girl, well-behaved and cunning.

Jiang Jinyu leaned over and hugged her.

She smiled as he watched his face getting redder and redder.

King quickly got out of the car and helped open the door. Jiang Jinyu put her into the back seat with one foot still in the car. He glanced at her ankle and did not get out of the car.

"Go to class quickly." Chu Ge said, "I'm fine." He added, "See you at school later."


Jiang Jinyu got out of the car, closed the door, and rode away.

Chu Ge was still leaning against the car window, looking at his back.

King, the co-pilot, asked: "Miss Chuge, is your leg broken?"

"No." Chu Ge moved his ankle. It hurt a little, but it was bearable.

King told the truth: "When you broke your leg in Xisu Town, it was still the same." He had only studied Chinese for a while and was not very good at it. He didn't know many idioms, but he was watching a martial arts drama recently, and I am very addicted to martial arts dramas and have learned a lot of vocabulary, such as "flying over roofs, walking over walls, floating on water with light skills."

Chu Ge showed him a bright smile: "King, do you know Foshan Wuying Kick?"

He had also heard of Foshan Shadowless Kick in martial arts dramas.

He replied: "No."

Chu Ge had a harmless expression on his face: "I know it, do you want to try it?"

King shut up.

Jiang Jinyu received a call from Chu Ge during the break.

He went outside the classroom to pick her up: "Is the injury serious?"

"not heavy."

After saying this, she said a few more words in succession.

"The doctor said I can't walk."

"It's best not to land."

She said in a troubled tone: "But what should we do? King is going to class."

She said in a more distressed tone: "My roommate is not in the dormitory either."

At the end, she sighed.

Jiang Jinyu knew what she meant: "I'll pick you up."

She replied instantly: "Okay~" She was so happy that her voice wavered.

After asking for the address, Jiang Jinyu hung up the phone and looked at the time. There were still eight minutes left, so he ran over.

Chu Ge was sitting on a bench next to the path with few people, waving to Jiang Jinyu in the distance: "Jinyu." She stood up and landed on one foot, "I'm here."

Jiang Jinyu walked over and looked at her right foot. The ankle was bandaged, the canvas shoe had been taken off, and the injured foot was wearing a larger slipper.

He asked: "Go to class?"

"I asked for leave." It was an unimportant elective. She didn't want to go, she wanted to stay with him.

Jiang Jinyu asked again: "Go back to the dormitory?"

"I won't go back." She had a legitimate reason, "There is no one in the dormitory, it's boring." So, the final conclusion was, "Go and take your classes."

Jiang Jinyu came closer and squatted down: "I will carry you."


Chu Ge climbed on his back and wrapped his arms around Jiang Jinyu's neck naturally.

"Jin Yu."


She stretched out her finger and touched his ear, just once: "Your ears are red again."

Jiang Jinyu didn't speak, and his ears turned redder.

He has never been with the opposite sex. He has been with programs, computers, and games. Chu Ge is the first and only girl he has met.

Therefore, Jiang Jinyu didn't know if all girls were like this, so... flirty.

Because he was carrying someone on his back, and he had an injured foot, Jiang Jinyu walked very slowly. There was no doubt that he was late. He, who was always punctual, made an exception for being late for the first time. When he helped Chu Ge sit down There was a cry in the classroom.

Because Chu Ge was of mixed race and good-looking, everyone in the class recognized her after just a few classes.

Jiang Jinyu returned to the podium and adjusted his breathing: "Sorry, I'm late." He turned on the computer and "started class."

Chu Ge didn't bring any books, so he just propped his chin up and watched Jiang Jinyu's lecture. The lecture was about sophomore programming. She couldn't understand a word of it. It didn't matter. Jin Yu's voice was nice. She could have listened to his voice for a hundred years. .


This sentence suddenly came from the front.

Chu Ge recognized the scolding girl. He had seen her collecting homework in the class. She was the academic committee member of this class and the 'little vixen' who asked Jin Yu questions last time.

Chu Ge glanced over. Because it was in class, her voice was very low: "I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again."

The other person shut up.

Compared to Tan Miaowei, the girl next to her was much friendlier. She put her book upright on the desk, blocking the view of the podium, and leaned over to strike up a conversation: "My name is Fangyuan, what's yours?"

The face is a bit square, the eyes are round, the Chinese is broad and profound, and the name is really good.

Chu Ge said: "My name is Chu Ge."

Fangyuan was a bit gossipy and couldn't help but wonder: "Are you our teacher Jiang's girlfriend?"

Chu Ge shook his head.

There has never been anyone of the opposite sex around Teacher Jiang, and he would not even look at any beautiful female student. I heard that the beauties of the Art Academy have all chased Teacher Jiang, and Teacher Jiang has never ignored anyone, but just now Teacher Jiang took Chu Ge Baobao entered the classroom, and Fangyuan didn't believe it when he said there was nothing wrong with him.

Would Chu Ge come to class so frequently without being naughty?

Fangyuan still felt that there was a strong sense of adultery: "Then what is your relationship?"

Chu Ge thought for a while: "An unusual relationship."

She met Jin Yu when she was seventeen, and it has been four or five years now, and she is still his savior. This cannot be an ordinary relationship, this is a two- or three-level relationship, no, it is not an eighty-nine-level relationship.

Fangyuan looked like "I knew something was fishy" and gave Chu Ge a meaningful look.


The male classmate behind him leaned on the table and called out.

Chu Ge leaned back in his seat: "Call me?"

The male classmate was a bit handsome, with single eyelids, and he was very handsome. He lowered his voice and whispered, "Add me on WeChat."

In a place like Xisu Town, the most taboo thing is socializing. Chu Ge has never used WeChat before. The app on her phone was installed by King a while ago, and it only has a few friends with whom she has not chatted. Thinking that she wanted to build a good relationship so that she could become the teacher's wife of this class in the future, she took her cell phone to him and scanned it.

It was then that she was suddenly called upon.

"Chu Ge."

Chu Ge's conditioned reflex: "Here we come!"

The male classmates in the back were all laughing.

Jiang Jinyu raised his head and looked at her, with a serious expression on his face and a stern academic style: "What is the output of this program?"

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