My British Empire

Chapter 153 Dissatisfaction

ps: Chapter 2, ask for votes, please comfort

The Scottish Parliament passed all the contents discussed by Edward and the nobles in one fell swoop, and fixed them in the form of laws.

After Edward heard the news, he relaxed, and the smile on his face deepened, but Edward was satisfied, but it didn't mean everyone was satisfied.

Although most of the Scottish Parliament is dominated by nobles and monks, ordinary people still have some seats, otherwise how did the more than 50 votes against it come from.

Donald is one of the only twenty-seven civilian members of the Scottish Parliament. As the largest rancher in the Tayside area, he owns more than 20,000 acres of pasture in the Tayside area.

There are 15,000 sheep and 3,000 cows in the pasture, with a total value of 100,000 pounds. His wealth is richer than most nobles, so the Scottish Parliament gave him a seat.

For England, Donald hated and disliked the state. England's wool sold well in Europe, and English merchants often competed with him, causing losses of thousands of pounds every year.

What is the concept of thousands of pounds, he can buy a title of nobility in Germany, or he can buy hundreds of acres of land (although they are all the same grassland) in the sparsely populated Scotland.

Donald's heart keeps bleeding when he thinks of these things, especially these are one-third of his annual profit, which makes him even more difficult to let go.

But today the Parliament agreed to the establishment of the United Kingdom between Scotland and England. My God, are those nobles crazy?

Regardless of the nobles, Donald voted against it anyway.

You must know that the English have always occupied a huge market in Spain and the Netherlands, as well as Florence, the textile center of the Mediterranean, at this time, and the Scots cannot compete with the English there.

In view of the enmity between England and France, the French prohibited the English from exporting textiles to France, so France became the main market for Scotland's wool exports.

Moreover, the French have always been the allies of Scotland. Compared with other merchants in France, Scottish merchants have a special status, and France has become the dairy cow of the Scots.

However, the Parliament now agrees to establish the United Kingdom with England, and also abides by the Tudor royal family as the royal family of the United Kingdom. In this way, Scottish wool cannot be exported to France.

This is killing Donald. Without the French market, where will his wool be sold?

So, full of resentment and worries about the future, Donald returned to his mansion in Edinburgh, sulking alone in a chair.

Against the Scottish Parliament? This is not a good idea, just those nobles can easily crush themselves, not to mention there is an English king behind them.

No matter how he thinks, Donald realizes that it is a dead end. Is his family business about to fail?

Thinking of this, Donald's face was full of gray, and his whole body became decadent.

"No! Even if my Timothy family is destroyed, don't let those nobles and the English feel better!"

Whispering in his mouth, Donald couldn't help clenching his fists, his face full of resentment.

"Master, Mr. Russell and Mr. Scott are here to see you!"

When Donald made up his mind there, a young servant timidly ran in, saluted, and said softly.

Hearing the servant's report, Donald couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, why did they come to him?

As he walked, he thought, they are also one of the few ranchers in Scotland, so they have the same purpose as their own.

Thinking of this, Donald couldn't help but his heart lit up, and his eyes lit up.

After a while, Donald came to the hall and saw five or six people standing together, the leaders of which were the red-haired Russell and the old-fashioned Scott.

"Oh, my friends, it is an honor for you to come to my house!"

Donald greeted them with a happy smile, gave them a hug, and invited them to sit down.

"Donald, we didn't come to you to reminisce about the past, you know the specific reason!" the red-haired Russell said slowly with a bitter face.

"Yes, Mr. Donald, we came to you to brainstorm together and discuss what can be done!"

The stuffy Scott didn't speak, but the man next to them did.

Donald took a look and found a strong young man standing up and shouting loudly.

Donald knew him, Nigel, also a big sheep farmer, whose name means warrior or winner in Scottish, but with his tall and mighty figure, being a warrior is not bad.

Donald thought silently in his heart, but his face remained motionless.

"Since you are all like this, let's find a way together to find a way for our family to survive!"

In view of this, Donald stopped talking nonsense and said directly.

"The proposal passed by the parliament today, everyone knows that France will definitely deal with us like the English. If we don't find a way, I'm afraid we will all go bankrupt!"

Donald spread his hands and said with a melancholy face, and then he looked at the rigid Scott again.

Among so many people, Scott is the only nobleman. Although he is a lord, he is different from them after all. Besides, his family does not raise sheep, which made Donald feel suspicious.

Seeming to sense the meaning in Donald's gaze, the staid and silent Scott looked at Donald, and said with care, "My father died in 1542!"

In this way, Donald understood what was going on. In that year, King James V of Scotland was killed in action, along with the nobles who followed him, including Scott's father.

And the old-fashioned Scott does not live up to this title. He is old-fashioned and persistent. He is worried about the death of his father by the English. Moreover, he is also a Kate (the main ethnic group in Scotland), and he has deep resistance to an English king ruling Scotland.

"Otherwise, we will recruit troops to compete with the English. With a few of us, there will always be thousands of people!"

The brave Nigel saw the silence of the crowd, and then spoke loudly of his plan, disrupting the calm.

"You can't say that, Nigel, we spend money to recruit all kinds of soldiers, how can we beat the English?"

Donald looked at Nigel who was spitting speechlessly, and hit him directly.

"This—" It seemed that what Donald said made sense, Nigel was stuck for a while, and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Russell's eyes lit up when he was thinking, and he said immediately: "But we can recruit some brave people, anyway, we are not short of money!"

"You mean the Highlanders?" Donald blurted out a sentence with his eyes lit up.

Ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a large number of monthly tickets

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