My British Empire

Chapter 371 Return of the Hero

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Since the nobles and the church began to fight each other a few years ago, the whole of Scotland has finally ushered in real peace.

The Anglican sect was methodically promoted by the joint efforts of the nobles and the Church of Scotland. Most of Scotland, with millions of people, had abandoned Catholicism and began to believe in Anglican sect.

Although it is difficult to completely eliminate the Catholic belief tradition in Scotland for a while, Anglicanism has completely taken advantage of the current situation in Scotland.

What's left is nothing more than water grinding the mill, and it will take time to grind it in.

The nobles licked their wounds, and vigorously absorbed the religious property seized from the church, gradually recovering their vitality.

And the original Catholic Church, now the Scottish Anglican Church, is also licking its wounds, and is still cleaning out those stubborn Catholics.

Therefore, at present, Scotland is the most powerful in England. There are 3,000 Scottish National Army and 1,000 English soldiers. These people are stationed in Edinburgh, suppressing the situation in Scotland.

As mentioned above, the Scottish National Army is the product of Edward signing a treaty with the nobles and the church.

Every nobleman will have his own personal quota according to his title, as long as he doesn't pass the line, it's fine.

In fact, these quotas were nearly one-third more than their previous standing army, and it was Edward who wasted the nobles' financial resources.

Moreover, the nobles must hand over half of their private soldiers as the Scottish standing army to defend Scotland.

And, pay half of the military expenses.

In other words, these nobles spent money in vain to raise soldiers for Edward, although in name it was to defend Scotland.

At present, the Marquess of Edinburgh commands these troops, as well as the 1,000-strong English garrison under the command of Viscount Smith.

"My lord, a dilapidated merchant ship was found in front of the port, and the people in the port found this ship!"

Wilson, Marquess of Edinburgh, was sitting at his table, slowly savoring his lunch.

A pretty maid stood there, serving him from time to time.

At this time, after the approval of the steward, a soldier ran over and said out of breath.

"It's just a wreck, it's nothing important!"

The Marquis of Edinburgh calmly listened to what the soldiers said, and then said softly.

"However, the people on board said that they were sent by His Majesty the King to find the route!"

"Oh? Really?" His Excellency the Marquis was a little surprised, and finally looked at the soldier.

"Then, what about those who claim to be the envoys of the king?"

"They have all been invited to Edinburgh, and arrangements have been made for those people to wash up. It seems that they are not lightly frozen!"

The soldier raised his head and replied.

"After finishing them, give them some money and send them back to London!"

At this time, His Excellency the Marquis gave unsalty instructions to the housekeeper beside him.

"Yes, my lord!" The butler quickly bent down and agreed.

"Finally safe, we are finally safe!"

After a group of people took a hot bath, everything was clean and dirty, and everything looked clean and tidy.

When everyone met, they couldn't help hugging and weeping with joy.

"Safe, safe, we are finally safe!"

Chandler couldn't control the excitement in his heart anymore, his eyes were full of tears, weeping with joy.

He was on his knees, clutching a small silver cross tightly to his forehead.

The others were no exception, and kept praying.

Sitting on the ship of the Marquess of Edinburgh, everyone finally came to London.

Chandler looked forward, at the approaching pier, his legs trembled a little.

The closer he got, the more excited he became.

Although they were sponsored by the London-based Adventure Company, they were finally granted credentials by His Majesty the King.

"Your Excellency, when we come back this time, we have completed a historical mission, and our name will be conveyed throughout England, the British Isles!"

Seeing that His Excellency the captain was in a trance, the first officer at the side thought that he was depressed because of the current situation, so he couldn't help but encouraged him.

"It's a pity Sir Hugh Willoughby, he didn't wait until this day!"

Upon hearing the first mate's persuasion, Chandler said with a sad expression.

As soon as this was said, the other surviving crew members also showed sadness.

When we first set off, everyone's mood was so high and aggressive.

Unexpectedly, for the first time due to a big storm, the three ships in the fleet were divided into two, and the remaining two ships led by Sir Hugh Willoughby, for some unknown reason, all members were frozen to death.

More than one hundred and thirty people, including Sir Hugh Willoughby, were thrown into the water and froze to death alive.

And although they did not obtain the route to the East, they obtained the right to trade with the Principality of Moscow and the route to Eastern Europe.

When they were ecstatic and full of joy, they encountered a big storm on their way back.

Under the command of Deputy Envoy Chandler, they escaped from the eye of the storm with the efforts of the entire crew.

Still, the remnants of the storm took their toll.

Not only lost two-thirds of the drinks and half of the food, but even a dozen crew members.

What's more, just as the entire ship was repaired, a big storm hit.

So, the ship is not far from being scrapped.

During these seven days, twenty-eight of them were tortured and finally reached the port of Edinburgh.

It's so difficult, it's so difficult.

Thinking of this, hot tears rolled out of everyone's eyes.

Soon, the pier ahead revealed its true colors.

I saw that the pier was densely packed with people, men, women, old, young, and even toddlers, all waving flags. When they approached the pier, there was a loud noise from the crowd cheers.

"Welcome back the hero!" "Great hero!" "Long live the hero Richard Chandler!"...

The cheers made Chandler finally burst into tears, crying like a seven-year-old child.

"Your Excellency, look quickly, look quickly!" At this moment, the first officer pulled his clothes inappropriately, pointed at the high platform on the pier, and shouted excitedly.

"This is—" Looking up carefully, Chandler found that they were a young man and woman, and looking at their clothes, they were His Majesty the King and his wife.

With joy and excitement, everyone boarded the pier and met His Majesty the King.

Everyone knelt on one knee and looked down at Edward and Mary.

The crowd on the side cheered louder and louder, and their faces were full of curiosity and excitement about the young king and Queen Mary.

"Heroes, welcome back!"

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