My British Empire

Chapter 570 Unbelievable

"The new musket is indeed very powerful!" Seeing the results of the match, Alexander was very pleasantly surprised.

It turned out that when he developed the flintlock gun at the Royal Academy of Sciences, he actually refused in his heart.

After all, the use of matchlock guns has reached hundreds of years. If soldiers change the use of firearms, the cooperation of other people also needs to be trained, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops, especially in Normandy and the French Civil War.

However, after using the flintlock, he fell in love with this musket.

Strong resistance to weather, fast launch speed, and easy to control. Although the current cost is a bit high, you can still try it.

Moreover, with the three-stage shooting, the speed should not be too fast to catch the Spaniard, who has always been known for his speed and proficiency, by surprise.

I saw that in the first raised phalanx, the two sides shot at each other, and then slowly approached. In less than ten minutes, when the distance was less than ten steps, the Spaniards had already suffered heavy losses, and two-thirds of the soldiers fell.

The crackling sound was so moving to Alexander's ears, it was the taste of victory.

After the phalanx came into contact, the long spears began to poke each other. It looked like children fighting. You poked, I poked, and stabbed each other.

Thousands of pure white spears, from a distance, look like toothpicks, fine and thin, and from time to time some unlucky ghosts are poked, and they fall to the ground.

And this scene has long been expected by both sides.

Under the spears, the Spaniards sent short soldiers with spears on their heads, holding machetes, squatting forward, and went to chop off the long legs of the Englishmen.

England did not show weakness, and began to send swordsmen to fight each other.

The upper and lower battles were fought at the same time, which was very intense.

At this time, the last phalanx with the largest number of people has a big advantage, almost twice the strength of the opponent. The head of the phalanx, Robin, frowned and shouted loudly: "Surround them, attack with all your strength—"

After that, no matter how elite the Spanish phalanx was, it was hard to beat the four-legged Spanish phalanx. No matter how hard they struggled, it took only half an hour.

Therefore, Alexander set his sights on the two small Spanish phalanxes. Although they were in armor, they were in the same situation and suffered heavy losses.

This kind of aggrieved style of play made the Spaniard complain endlessly.

go ahead! It means dying, being slaughtered.

Back off, you will be overshadowed by the opponent's cavalry again, and strangled by the infantry regiment and cavalry together, but the time of death will be relatively late.

Moreover, the Spanish Army's obedience rate is extremely high, even if the front is dead, it cannot retreat.

As a commander, General Battier knew that the result of a retreat would be more terrifying than a confrontation, and total annihilation was inevitable.

And the Spanish army has been rampant in Europe for decades, and victory is the norm, so how can it retreat?

Therefore, even though the front phalanx had already told them with bloody lessons that failure was doomed, the other two phalanxes still moved forward firmly with tears in their eyes.

As expected, under the surprised eyes of England, the Spanish soldiers lay on the ground with tears in their eyes. Few people fled the battlefield, only those who surrendered and those who died in battle.

In less than two hours, the battle between the phalanx and the phalanx ended with England's complete victory. The British's new weapons and three-stage shooting made the Spaniards suffer. The Spaniard still failed inevitably.

This is the first time that the Spaniards have completely retreated in the face of almost the same battle formation.

This is different from the previous years when the Germans played a 7-1 match at the gate of Brazil in the World Cup in Brazil. They were naked (luo) humiliating the football kingdom.

Therefore, when he saw General Battier, Alexander only saw the old man with a blushing face and a face of disobedience, and he shouted: This is an unfair battle, absolutely unfair.

The same was true of the other captured Spaniards, their heads bowed, mixed with shame and resentment.

Alexander laughed for it. He understood that Spain's defeat at this time was only temporary, and there must be frequent wars between the two countries after that, but he didn't understand that Spain would hate England for centuries because of this.

Finally, Alexander began to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Spain killed no more than 2,000 people, wounded more than 4,000, and captured more than 5,000 people, including General Battier, who led the Spanish phalanx.

The British side was also having a hard time. The precise shooting methods of the Spanish veterans made the English people also uncomfortable. More than 1,000 people were killed in battle and 2,000 were injured.

The reason why the damage was so high after the victory is inseparable from the tenacious fighting spirit of the Spaniards, especially General Shane Battier's final defense, which took more than an hour, and Alexander had to send all his troops to fight fiercely. attack.

As for the captured armor, muskets, spears, and horses, there are too many to count, especially the unscrupulous looting by the Spaniards in the Netherlands, which made the English soldiers who were bleeding from their wounds a fortune.

"Go, tell His Majesty the King that we have won!" Alexander looked at the Spanish soldiers being drawn into a string, and then at the blood and corpses on the ground, he let out a long breath.

Under great pressure, he did not break through the city of Arras, but just waited for work and met the Spaniards for a while, thus establishing the Netherlands' victory in one fell swoop.

In the major cities of the southern Netherlands, at this moment, the number of remaining Spanish troops is no more than 8,000 to 9,000, and they are relatively poor troops. They suppress law and order. This is the only force remaining in Spain in the Netherlands.

And the English will occupy the most fertile land in Europe, making Europe fear England.

But he would not have imagined that more than 10,000 cavalry from Austria and Hungary had already arrived, only a day away from the city of Aras.

The news of the victory spread to London, and the whole palace, the city of London, and even the United Kingdom became a sea of ​​joy in an instant.

Who is Spain, the overlord of Europa for decades, the world's number one army and navy, suppressing any country that tries to challenge him, the Spanish phalanx has become synonymous with fear.

But this time, with the same force, the United Kingdom had already planned to lose the army, but who knows, it won in the end, a complete victory.

His Majesty the King announced that a reward of £50,000 would be awarded to the winning hero.

The United Kingdom government announced that the winning army would buy land from Normandy at a lower price.

However, several newspapers reported repeatedly, announcing this event to the whole country.

United Weekly: Victory? Just go faster!

London Daily: The victory of the United Kingdom Army will prove that Spain is no longer suitable for its role at this time!

Scotch Daily: Triumph of a Kingdom, Fall of a Overlord.


So people seem to have forgotten that the Spanish standing army still has 20,000 to 30,000 people, but this time, it is only 10,000 people.

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