My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 191: You recently got sick

Based on the original price,

Make a ninth...96% off!

10% off is too exaggerated!

The price of the magic modified firearm is much higher, and it starts with a million less. Compared with aircraft missiles, the price of several million, hundreds of millions of dollars, the price of this firearm can be said to be very conscience!

and so,

The greater the discount for the face wall person, the more Li Yao lost!

It is not a cheap commodity like medicine. It costs only RMB 200,000 to RMB 300,000. If you buy so much in bulk, you will get a 30% discount without losing too much.

After confirming this,

Sister Fengli said: "Yes, when will you be able to provide the pharmacy this month? We will wait for you with the money!"

The feeling of having money to spend,


Li Yao: "..."

He was a little bit difficult,

Now that our stall is getting bigger and bigger, the small workshop-style production has gradually failed to keep up with the supply demand.

Feng Li met and said boldly: "Is the money not enough to buy the raw materials? You really don't want to discount it. Hire some people to help you. You can make more money by producing more! Elixir is a consumable! What are you afraid of!"

The truth is this truth!

Where can you find the manpower to master Alchemy?

Li Yao waved his hand and said: "I remembered this matter, and I will find a way to solve it. If it's okay, sister, go back and chant."

Feng Li turned his 1.8-meter-long long leg to Li Yao and said: "Yo, is this abandoning my sister?"

Li Yao: "Dare you dare!"

Feng Li held a two-meter-long Park knife aside: "You really dislike it!"

Li Yao rolled his eyes: "Chen Xi, drop off."

Chen Xi: "Well."

"Don't come here! I heard it myself! Don't come here!"

Sister Fengli is a bit stunned now Chen Xi...

When Feng Li left,

Li Yao turned over his mobile phone to send a message to the dead party: "I have insufficient manpower here, is there any way to help me down?"

Lin Xiaowei did not return,

The avatar is also gray.

It was estimated that she had just scammed her out, making her angry and annoyed, so she went offline.



He put away his phone and continued to study magic knowledge.


Learning has become his habit, learning makes him happy!

Since there are not enough people,

Li Yao wondered if he could find a solution in alchemy, such as designing an automated production line for a magic system? In fact, this set has already been applied on a large scale in the main world on the other side of the dead party. It is just that the alchemist who can design this pipeline is also a master level!

after all,

The main line of the world produces magic warships...

In addition to these things,

Li Yao is also currently studying "constructing magic dolls" and "transformer masks". The former can make root magic doll servants and let them clean the room and deal with debris. More advanced, they can also embed the soul into them. , Forming a "human soul devil".

This is also the final destination of many mage servants.

The shape changer mask was made by Li Yao in response to the "World Heritage Art Fair".

Although I don’t know when it will be available,

Just be prepared.


East China Sea, coastline.

Old Man Lu fell from high altitude to the vicinity of Lianyungang Baitabu Airport. He shook his body, and some ice crystals suddenly fell on his body.

Oh shit,

It's so cold to fly in the sky this season!

Even if he had a Jiangang body, he felt cold and could not drill into the bone marrow.

It's really old...

Old Man Lu sorted out his clothes, and took care of some scattered gray hair again, and then flicked the dragon snake cane in his hand-a little dark red ice crystal was thrown to the ground, even in such weather, those The ice crystals quickly melted in the sun and penetrated into the soil.

A little bit of beast blood.

It should be a memorial to this land.


Many people have forgotten history, and some people are still calling on young people to forget history.

But they face people...

Never dare to forget.

Even today, they are still bleeding.

and so,

How could it be forgotten?

Old Man Lu packed himself up and walked towards the airport, spanning tens of meters in one step, but a few flashing figures became smaller and smaller, and soon reached the airport entrance.

Waiting for the VIP waiting room,

After feeling the warmth sweeping through the body inside and out, he let out a breath of breath: "It's much more comfortable to fly by plane!"

Old man Lu took out his mobile phone and dialed Master Guo's phone: "Hello, Xiao Guo?"

Over the phone,

Master Guo suddenly became terrified: "Lao Lu, you have something to tell."

Old Man Lu was dissatisfied and said: "How many times! Call it Uncle Two!"

Master Guo: "Good second uncle, you say second uncle."

Old Man Lu said beautifully: "What Li Yao was you invited to the World Expo? Don't let him go. I'm looking at this boy, and let his brother go."

Master Guo: "???

Why didn't he know that Li Yao still has a senior brother?

But thinking of the unpredictable ability of the second uncle, he suffocated the doubt again.

Master Guo replied: "Listen to your arrangement."

Old Man Lu hung up the phone, thinking about it and conveying his ideas to Feng Li.

Feng Li probably knew what was going on after receiving the notice.


The salted fish next door are nested at home, and next to the office of the Provincial People in the Provincial City, there will not be any people who don't open their eyes and come to death.

But this Expo is going to the capital,

When the forces of all parties come to the scene and confront each other, it is difficult not to let foreign forces notice Li Yao.

after all,

Li Yao appeared with the amputated rejuvenation potion and the magic modified firearms, in order to show muscles and deter foreign forces!

This will inevitably push Li Yao to the wind.

Let him be the target of many forces.

This is very detrimental to Li Yao's personal safety.

After understanding Lao Lu's ideas, Feng Li also began to think about it. How can Li Yao not only participate in the Expo but also avoid risks?

Open a vest and pull down!

Inside the face wall person is a master who is proficient in Yi Rongshu, then give Li Yao Yi Rong, then reshape an identity, let him become a legal transparent person!

This is not difficult for people in the wall.

They can even do it seamlessly!

As long as a suitable person is found among the missing people, Li Yao's application will be enough!


No matter how powerful foreign forces are, it is impossible to dig out Li Yao!

Because the file information of the missing people is true, even the time of file entry is okay, the blank social activity time can be interpreted as being protected by the wall-faced people, so how do they troubleshoot?

not to mention,

It's not the first time that this kind of thing has been done by people who have faced the wall.

The rest of the work is just to let Li Yao accept the arrangements for the future.

Thinking of this,

Feng Li looked at the two-meter-long Park knife that was placed in the corner, and suddenly felt that his negotiation ability was enhanced-after equipped with this item, the negotiation ability can be +10! Can greatly improve the persuasiveness of negotiations!


She dragged the Dapu knife to the lost pub next door and found Li Yao: "Old man, have you been sick recently?"

Li Yao: "???


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