My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 358: Finally hands on

The strategic significance of the super prosthetic limb is very important,

When the Phoenix Legion was established, the combat effectiveness of the first batch of prosthetic prosthetic fighters generally reached the level of aliens after being tested.

According to the feedback provided by Li Yao and a large number of experimental monitoring data, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers can continue to increase under the influence of the super prosthesis.

Everyone has different endowments,

The rate of increase is also different.

If the talent is very outstanding, the improvement in muscle strength, nerve reaction speed and cell activity is very significant. The warrior after the transformation of the super prosthesis is expected to reach the level of pseudo third order!

After all, the general alien strength evaluation standard before the fourth order is only an increase in physical quality and mental will.

Various schools and traditions have similar practices.

Therefore, super-powerful prosthetic soldiers can also practice the law to strengthen their spiritual will.

However, this is their limit.

go down,

The fourth-order stranger does not only temper the body, but also temper the will.

Rather, it is necessary to visualize its own will and bless it on the body through the combination of spiritual power.

Superpower prosthetic warriors do not have the ability to use spiritual power, so they cannot reach the fourth level.

Not to mention the fifth stage of the present state of mind.


Judging from Xiaofengli's feedback, Li Yao seems to have the ability to continue to push forward the super-powerful prosthetic transformation soldiers.

Therefore, the face wall people still value the prosthetic superpower.

Mrs. Qian was really taken aback when Maeve announced the sale of super-powerful prostheses.

War pets and super prostheses are different.

Super prosthetic limbs are an improvement for veterans, and the individual value of each veteran may not have to be much higher, but there are hundreds of thousands of disabled veterans in China. They all have proficient skills. Once they form a group army with modern weapons, The combat power formed is completely unmatched by pets of war!


Maeve then announced that the sales application for the super-powerful prosthesis requires approval from the face-to-face person!

As a result,

The face-to-face person has an important bargaining chip in the conversation with the international alien forces!

Ms. Qian thought for a while,

What Li Yao really wants to promote should be ordinary prostheses. On the one hand, these ordinary prostheses can benefit the public. On the other hand, there are more disabled people in the world than disabled veterans!

If Meifu made it so popular!

Can quickly expand its international influence.

Is this what Li Yao wants?

As soon as Ms. Qian thought of it, she heard from Maeve: "All sales of the above products are settled in US dollars. Thank you for your cooperation."

Ok? !

Ms. Qian immediately reacted!

He wanted to run against the Fed!

Now the US Federal Government raises interest rates and shrinks currencies to deal with domestic financial problems. But Li Yao has to settle in US dollars, which forces major forces to exchange their funds into US dollars, which is equivalent to working with the Fed.

The U.S. federation was initially vigorously anchoring oil settlement in the Middle East with dollars.

Forced the world to use dollars to buy oil.

This approach disguised all the countries in the world into their rear factories, allowing them to enjoy the superb benefits of standing on top of the world.

But this is not without its drawbacks.

For example, Huaxia,

Originally, everyone used gold reserves as hard currency to issue equivalent amounts of currency.

But gold reserves are less economical and material development, so oil with larger reserves becomes hard currency.

What should I do if the oil is now controlled and settled in US dollars?

Since the US dollar wants to hijack the world with oil, it is as good as he wishes. Hua Xia is simply using the US dollar as a currency anchor. We will issue as much currency as we have! In order to ensure the smooth operation of the domestic financial system.

A series of recent Sao operations in China,

Any price increase to destock, interest rate increase leverage and the like are all in response to the contraction of the US currency.

We have less foreign exchange,

What about Grandpa Mao, who uses foreign exchange as an anchor? If there is too much money in the market, it is easy to inflation!

So the country first rescued the market with stocks!

Unexpectedly, this wave was too ruthless, and the stock market did not break ahead of time.

It hasn't passed when the stock market crashed and the rooftop line could not get up in the past two years. Last year's World Cup losers had to be lined up in the corridor.

The stock market collapsed,

After that, you can only start the housing market!

So why did a certain real estate want to jump off the price and leave quickly, but was interviewed?

Now Li Yao has added a bar to it!

Although compared to the global trend, the volume produced by Maeve is still too small to play a decisive role, but even the smallest resistance is also resistance.

Even if you really can’t touch someone,

Disgusting first is also a good choice.

These twists and turns are not only understood by Ms. Qian. In fact, as long as there is enough information, you can know the cause and effect.

after all,

There is nothing new under the sun.

Ms. Qian was in a good mood and could not help whispering to Lu Xing: "I think Xiao Li is very good."

Old man Lu: "..."

and also,


Mei Fu continued: "In addition, due to the impact of the company's business scope, there are many inconveniences in cross-border transactions, so the recruitment of agency rights is also open after today."

This time the representatives of the forces of various countries exploded!

They asked questions one after another:

What are the requirements for obtaining agency rights?

Meifu raised his hand and suppressed everyone's restlessness with a very professional smile: "On the one hand, agency authorization needs to assess the credibility and financial resources of the agency organization. In addition, we will also include the impact of the attack on the evil forces."


Maeve smiled and said: "In the coming period of time, the crackdown rate of all continents and regions against Xudela and other alien criminal organizations will be included in the assessment."

With this remark,

The scene suddenly cooled down.

The U.S. Federation and Xudela have been eyebrowing for so long. Everyone knows that the Homeland Defense Counterattack Department has penetrated a lot of foreign countries, and many of the combat missions are in cooperation with Xudela.

There are even rumors,

One of Hudela’s "snake heads" is the top of the Department of Homeland Defense and Counterattack.

Directly include the fight against Xu Dela and other foreign criminal organizations into the agency authorization evaluation standard. Although the surface is also covered with a layer of shady cloth, the big guys understand that it is just a layer of cloth!

Under that layer of cloth,

The Meifu bio-manufacturing company has drawn a knife and aimed at the organization of the American camp!


Will this be the advice of the face-to-face people?

In the seat under the podium ~ ~ Li Yao finally took a long breath.

After such a long layout, his goal was finally achieved!

Although it's late,

But it was okay.

It doesn't matter if something is late, as long as the ending is good.

Li Yaowang looked to the area represented by the American faction. Among them was a man who was very well-dressed and well-dressed, and his silver-gray hair was full of style.

As if sensing Li Yao's gaze, the man looked at Li Yao, smiled and nodded, showing his grace.

His name is Freeman Morgan.

One of the senior cadres of the Morgan family.

After Maeve's speech is finished, the following is the link of product display...

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