My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 699: water of life

"What are you doing here?"

   A crisp and sweet voice came, and Li Yao and the second uncle looked sideways at the same time, and saw Chen Xi holding a mobile phone in one hand, holding the steering wheel in one hand, and looking at the door through the window of the young and old.

   And she opened...

   is the pink Bentley she bought for Lin Xiaoxi.


   Shopping cart.

  Li Yao saw Chen Xi and raised his hand to say hello: "Yo Chen Xi is back."

  Chen Xi hung up his phone and opened the car door and said, "What does it look like to lie there in such a cold day? Mr. Lu, too, how did you learn from the boss."

  Old man Lu: "..."


   Mom fucked!

  The second uncle, how did I learn from this boy? !

   He stood on the knee at the time, and said with a hard face, "It's cold, go back!"

  Li Yao pouted.

   This old man Lu is a dog!

  Where can ordinary people stand his temper!

  He didn't want to think about it,

  Which of the ordinary people would dare to be so uncle?

  Chen Xi detoured the trunk of the car and said, "Luo Lu, you come to dinner at night~ I bought the food."

   Old man Lu had a bright smile on his face, and looked like a chrysanthemum under the bright sunshine!

   The key is not very chrysanthemum,

   It is rather wrinkled!


   As soon as he promised to come down, he pondered...not right! How did Chen Xi know that Li Yao's stinky boy was coming back and bought food specially? !

   Did Li Yao's boy deliberately ventilate Chen Xi when he returned?

   He glanced back at Li Yao, looked at Chen Xi again, and finally shook his head and went back helplessly.


  Li Yao saw Chen Xi carrying a lot of things in the trunk and got up to help. He went to the car and said, "Chen Xi, you have changed."

   Chen Xi: "Ah?"

  Li Yao: "You don't say hello to me first!"

   Me, boss Li, wronged!

  Chen Xi smiled: "No~ I see I bought the boss's favorite food deliberately!"

   In fact, Li Yao loves to eat some home-cooked food, but it takes time to get it done.

Chen Xi took all the ingredients out of the trunk. There were fungus, various vegetables, as well as rooster, lamb, beef tendon, etc... Chen Xi said: "We will make Dongpo meat at night, get a few A hard dish, and a whole small pot of copper stove, this season is suitable for eating these."

  Li Yao said strangely: "Do you know that I will come back today?"

  Chen Xi: "I don't know, I will bring some back to buy when I go shopping recently; the refrigerator in the pub is quite big anyway."

  Although I bought it once, I could not finish it for several days.

   It doesn't need to be finished.

   Take out something new and give it to the neighborhood.

   Therefore, the beauty shop that Jiang Zhiying opened on the same street often received all kinds of ingredients sent by Chen Xi... It was made like poverty alleviation, causing Jiang Zhiying to be confused.

  Li Yao pursed his lips. He took a deep breath and smiled, "I'll cook tonight!"

  Chen Xi smiled, and her eyes were especially beautiful when she bent: "Boss, let's be together."


  Pure people don't have dirty thoughts!

   Helped Chen Xi to put all the ingredients back to the pub and cook. When he was almost done, Chen Xi hung out the "Tonight's Suspension" sign... and then went back to the kitchen apron to start cooking.

   The whole process is so natural and harmonious.

   as if he had never left.

Li Yao also wore an apron and drilled into the kitchen. Under the dim warm light, the two figures stood side by side in the back kitchen, shaking occasionally. Compared with the cold world outside, the cold color seemed to be cut here and outside. .

During the   , there were also some old drinkers who came often,

   After seeing the sign hanging on the door, they could not help shouting into the tavern: "Is boss Chen closed?"

  Every time at this time, Chen Xi would open the curtain on the kitchen and smiled and said: "Yes, it is closed today, come again in another day~"

  She didn't say that Tianying was closed!

  Xing Xu will be closed... so change it.

  As for the day of the change...

  We don’t know,

   We dare not ask!

  After re-drilling back into the kitchen, Li Yao asked, "Why the **** are you alone? What about Xiaoxi?"

Chen Xi: "She has been busy in the game recently. They followed Cao Rui and they said that they wanted to set up a club or something. In the first half of the year, they worked out all the detailed rules and procedures, and then they could start to be surreal in the second half of the year. The season of the world is registered."

  Li Yao: "..."

   These guys are playing wild!

  Is it possible to be a referee and a player?

  Chen Xi said that his hands were wiped on the apron at this moment: "By the way, I sent a message to let them all come to eat."

   This busy work did not prepare all the dishes until six o'clock.

   The dining table in the tavern was put together to make a big table, a few hard dishes were placed on it, and there was a hot pot with carbon in the middle, and a steam with the smell of the food rose up.

  Li Yao went to the next door and asked the second uncle to come over!


   This man is older and he likes to show off!

  Leading the old man came, Li Yao also said: "I really don't believe you haven't smelled the food, but I have to ask you to come over."

  The second uncle: "I am happy!"

   Later, Cao Rui, Chen Tao, Lin Xiaoxi and Chen Tao's girlfriend Zhao Yan also followed.

  Isn't there any kindness from my family.

   Come directly to the seat.

   Cao Erha sucked his mouth: "Unfortunately, my wife is too busy to take it off, otherwise it would be nice to bring it over! It's so embarrassing for me now!"

   Lin Xiaoxi put a piece of meat with more bones in the chicken stew mushroom and put it in the old Cao bowl: "Relaxed Erha will always be Erha!"



   Cao Rui: "..."

He said in earnest: "I told you that I don't eat this set! I'm married and have a family, do you understand?! By the Old Chen, you go and give me the eight trunk Two years of Maotai came up! When I was married, Dayao was not at home and I could spare him!"

   Speaking of the goods, they took the case, and today there is a posture that killed Li Yao as a dog!

  Li Yao pressed Chen Tao down: "It's not drinking, no problem. What the **** did you do in Maotai in 1982? Also carry it! You God?"

  Chen Tao explained: "No, it's actually a box of water of life... more than ninety degrees. Since you have no news, he has been carrying it in the trunk... waiting for you to come back."

  Li Yao: "..."

   What a hatred!

   However, when Lao Cao got married, he didn’t even drink wine at home.

  Li Yao gritted his teeth: "I can do it! Come to Lao Chen to carry wine and I will perform a traditional performance for the big guy!"

  Chen Xi pulled Li Yao's clothes next to the shelf: "Boss!"

  Li Yao blinked at her: rest assured!

  Can your boss drink too much? !

  We are Masters!

Just after Chen Tao carried the box of more than ninety degrees of rectified vodka, Li Yao's face changed. He pointed to the box of things that didn't understand anything, and his voice shook: "You **** told me this is liqueur???"

   Is your house wine strange blue and black? !

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