My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 738: made fried

This last swordsmanship...

   Old man Lu did not intend to teach them the method of fighting with swords, but intended to teach them a way of tempering themselves and using the ingenious way.

   The intelligent creatures in this plane also have similar methods, and even more powerful than the cultivation methods of the alien system of the earth to a certain extent.

   It's just different in detail operation.

   Earth pays more attention to detail operations,

   And the world is more rugged... It may be because the "spiritual power" here is more intense, right?

  Although it was only a few days before arriving here, Old Man Lu clearly felt that the spiritual atmosphere here was different from that on the earth, and it was much richer, and even he recovered faster with his injury.

   The difference in environment also creates a difference in their habits.

  The earth is like China, which had a hard life in the past,

   Rice noodles are all refined grains,

   Meat is something rare!

   So everyone saves their food as much as possible and calculates to eat. A piece of meat should not only be used for cooking, but even be boiled again to make broth.

  Anyway, it is to use every resource to the extreme.

   And this is a rich foreign country,

   Milk and meat are eaten and thrown away!

   Therefore, they will not be too concerned about the efficiency of the conversion of spiritual power.

   The same is true of American cars and Japanese cars... anyway! That's what it means!

and so,

  Old man Lu said: "This last door, let's call it "Sword Saying"; I will dictate it to you in the next few days."

   Old clan immediately grateful to Dade!

   My family's heritage is expected!

   The lineage is promising!

   A few days later, Lu Xingshen stopped at the furnace camp to teach them the most outstanding young generation to practice swordsmanship.

  Because he does not understand the grammar of the world, he can only dictate to them in the simplest and straightforward way.

   It’s okay in front,

   First-order and second-order contents are all specific operations.

  Wait until the third level, that is the beginning of heart training!

After   , the fourth-order interior scene contains Qiankun,

   Fifth-order foreign gangs become magical powers, and sixth-order heaven and man want to be one!

   Wait until the seventh order...

  Don't say the seventh order!

   is that the previous three, four, five, six heard these big green-skinned men with a big face!

  The sword technique given by Old Man Lu already contains all the practice processes from the first to the seventh order, and it is already a direct way to the outside world! It's just that Lu Xingshen is not so valuable here.


The top of    is second-rate.

  He is a good teacher, so there is no secret in the process of teaching, but these orcs don’t understand what it means to be a human being! What is the appearance of the law phase!

  It’s hard to explain to them...

   They don't understand even with the modern scientific system!

   And Lu Xingshen does not know much about the cultural system of this world.


   Actually, the orcs have no cultural heritage.

   This is very embarrassing.

   In the end, Lu Xingshen couldn’t just say: “You are practicing first! If you can hit the corresponding realm during this period, I will give you an answer with a specific case!”

   They have some foundation in themselves, so the speed of repair is not slow.

   In just a few days, someone has already hit the third order... No way, they almost just temper their bodies in accordance with the sword tactics.

   The rest of the time is memorizing the sword tactics...

   Just a sword tactic, they froze for two or three days!

   Old man Lu has never seen such a stupid student, and in the end was furious: "You are the worst student I have ever brought!"

   If he hadn't done anything for that treasure, he would have gone away.

   These days he is walking around besides the professor, even he has been lurking for a while in the shantytown.

   So I got a better understanding of the culture and customs of this world.

   At the beginning, she would be amazed that all races could get along so harmoniously. Later, he knew that there were contradictions among these races.

   For example, what kind of dwarf would not look good with most elves;

  The human world is also divided into several camps;

Even the green-skinned big man he teaches now is divided into two groups. This wave of heart-shaking and reformation is good. It has inextricable relations with an organization called "Association". As for the other group... !

   Apart from these races,

   I heard that there is a huge world beyond this, with dragons, vampires, undeads, cursed orcs, and so on.

  Although it sounds familiar,

   But Lu Xingshen knew that it was just the result of translation.

   is different from the fantasy life imagined in some literature of the earth.

   is on the earth...

   also has creatures like vampires.

   It's just that there is nothing too similar except for the characteristics of the name.

   this time,

Wang Dalong also found a way to quickly recover from injuries under the guidance of Li Yao and Lin Xiaowei; he is a pure physical training, and his kung fu is all in physical fitness, and there is a race on the side of the main world that is very similar to him... that is Titan Protoss.

   Their physique is very powerful!


   They also have many solutions to this injury.

   The most commonly used is to take a medicine bath.

   Hmm... There are also some side effects.

   After Wang Dalong soaked twice, the whole person gradually became red, and the red became purple in the back!

   Watching thieves celebrate!

   is similar to a certain purple sweet potato in COS, but Wang Dalong does not have that iconic purple potato chin.

  Wang Dalong himself doesn't care about it-it's not green anyway!

   During this time, he was really keen on putting green hats on others... The style of many ladies here in the main world is quite open, and the identity of the person who can be treated by His Majesty's Guard here is certainly not small!

   So they are also happy to hook up with these mysterious upstarts who suddenly appear!

   This time, most of the technical support and study groups that came here are still intellectuals, and they know what they represent so they are very restrained.

   Wang Dalong is different... he never restrained while on earth!

   is here to let himself go!

   When Fu Qinghua made fun of them, he was still excited!

   "It is their mouth that moves first!"

   "Huh, don't you say these little girls' mouths are so powerful! I don't have to use toothpicks to eat screws!"

  I love the Northeast accent when it blows up...

   There is a domineering fan of wild wolf!

   And outside of these daily routines, they have not forgotten the most important task of their trip, that is, the formation and application of particle accelerators.

  After the joint efforts of nearly a thousand advanced technical researchers, they finally completed the construction of one hundred accelerators!

  Lin Xiaowei's side had already started to prepare a small magic floating battleship as long as Li Yao was preparing to teleport.

   So the two sides can be seamlessly connected at this time!

  Looking at everything is ready, Li Yao is very excited!

  Lan Li!

   also wants to be a space warship commander!

  Can't wait for Li Yao to board the Devil's Battleship with enthusiasm, Lin Xiaowei rushed over and over: "Explode! Made explodes! Ah ah ah I'm so annoying! You give me dog stuff!"

  Li Yao: "?????"

  :. :

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