My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 746: Do you feel familiar?

Li Yao prides himself on having seen the big scene.

   I thought that when I was in Romania, Colonel Mend finally made a lot of preparations and finally "opened the door to the sky and asked God to come"!

   Then the so-called "God" was wiped out for Li Yao.

So to say,

   He boss Li also slaughtered!

   But his knowledge in the main world of Canaan City seems to be stretched, so that he feels like he is Liu's grandma;

   What kind of feeling is that?

It was like feeling when I first went to Stormwind City when I was playing a game and saw the majestic main city of humanity; and it seemed like I could see the vast mountains and snow in the mountains from Stormwind City to Ironforge... It feels like opening a door, another world's oncoming shock!

  As for seeing the city floating in the sky...

   The feeling is no less than the shock when he saw the giant golem when playing Wanda and Colossus!

   In this world,

   There is indeed something that breaks the imagination barrier and appears in front of your eyes in a magnificent and beautiful manner!

  Li Yao took a deep breath!

   Slightly cold air conducts the whole body through the lungs, as if there are countless currents flowing from the heart and lungs to the whole body, bringing a crisp and numb feeling.

   He looked at Lin Xiaowei next to him, then quietly took Lin Xiaowei's hand and smiled: "Thank you."


   Lin Xiaowei's brazen nerves immediately made Li Yao inconsistent!

   She was a little embarrassed and replied shyly: "Go back at night and talk again!"

  Kentucky master: "?????"

  What are you doing here?

  Who will eat dog food?

  Talk about my master Ken, is that a single dog!

   I have a wife!


  Kentucky Master walked directly between them and said with a stretched face: "Come with me."

  Li Yao and Lin Xiaowei smiled at each other, but Li Yao curiously said: "Aren't we going there?"

Hearing the dead party said that the association’s deliberations and other important institutions are all there. Master Kent walked in front but said: "We went to the veteran regiment. The senior military and military authorization of Gevinia needed approval from the veteran regiment. "

  Veteran group?

  The organization within this association, Li Yao, knew it, but the relevant descriptive information was relatively vague.

  I only know that all the members of the Elder Regiment are associations, even the famous characters left over from the original magic empire.

   Most of them are incognito and scattered in various places.

  Some are monitoring unknown and terrible secrets;

   Some secret inspectors watched the Magic Association;

   There are also people who are looking for plastic talents on all continents and even all planes of the main world to ensure the vitality of the association!

   Every veteran!

   is equivalent to the huge cornerstone on the base of the Magic Association!

   They are the leader;

   They are guardians;

   They are seeders!

  Because of this mechanism, there are not many veterans resident in the veteran regiment.


  Unless it is a position that does not require rotation, most high-risk or problem-prone positions are rotated once in a while.

and so,

  The number and candidates of veterans in the veteran regiment's residence also change frequently.

   It is independent of the association to a certain extent, and only accepts regular visits by the deliberative committee, and can only access the work log. The specific work content, who is responsible for what kind of work, they have no right to access.

   Therefore, it is difficult for the general mage, even the senior level of the association, to know the specific situation inside the veteran regiment.

   This relatively closed mode of operation certainly has drawbacks.

   Such as internal corruption;

   For example, there may be erosion problems;

   For example, where there is a conflict between the ideological phalanx and the deliberations within the veteran regiment...Of course the association also knows.

   But they chose to believe the elders.

  Because they know,

  Although the veteran regiment is almost not under the jurisdiction of the Association of Communist Youth League, they were all famous figures of the Magic Association or even the period of the Magic Empire. Being able to be elected to the veteran regiment also shows that their character is trustworthy.

  To take a step back, the veteran regiment also has its own self-inspection and anti-inspection mechanism, and even has its own independent sanctions authority.

   They only exist for one purpose!

  Ensure that the association continues in a correct and just manner!

   This is the veteran regiment that Li Yao knows.

of course,

  The veteran regiment is usually responsible for some important affairs of the association.

   Such as Lin Xiaowei's military command.

   By analogy,

The status of the veteran regiment is somewhat similar to the integration of the US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency.

   The organization of the Magic Association and other institutions performs political functions and is mainly responsible for the daily operation, organization and coordination of the association.

   followed KFC,

  Li Yao was a little uneasy in his heart. He leaned over to Lin Xiaowei and whispered: "What do you say if I get to the place of the veteran regiment for a while? I have no hukou!"

  Lin Xiaowei: "You can rest assured that I have already registered you as a magistrate."

  Li Yao: "Yo this is not very virtuous!"

   Lin Xiaowei gave Li Yao a white look: "How to talk to dad!"

  Li Yao glanced at the KFC master in front of him and stunned him back if he wanted to go back: "What name did you register for me?"

   Lin Xiaowei paused: "Lee Lin."

   "Don't think about it! This pronunciation means "human"! "

  Li Yao had a meaningful smile on his face: "Understand~"

  We all understand!

   is wrong!

   This surname is behind! What does this dog want to do!

  Li Yao: "That's right for my father!"

   Lin Xiaowei: "..."

   Just as they were about to make trouble, the voice of Master KFC came from the front: "We are here."


   She looked around abruptly. Is this the residential area in the center of Canaan? The veteran group is here?

   Is this hidden in the city?

  Li Yao saw Lin Xiaowei and asked, "Have you never been here?"

  Lin Xiaowei: "Where can you come if you want to come here?"


Master KFC came to a three-row house. He stood in front of a door and held the The inexplicable charm came out from him, and the strange and complex techniques were instantly formed and then branded. Enter the door handle.

   After a while,

  Master KFC pushed open the door.

  The black hole behind the door, the master Kent just walked in as if swallowed by the shadow behind the door.

  Li Yao and Lin Xiaowei glanced at each other and held hands together and walked in!

   After a brief period of pure darkness,

   Soft light reappeared in their vision.

   This is a grassy lawn, the sky is blue and clouds are white, just like a call, a clean and pure Taoyuan world, the air here is so fresh that people can't help but want to take a deep breath!

  Not waiting for Li Yao to feel good,

Master KFC haunted them from behind them and walked directly between them... a gravel path paved at his feet, the path meandered forward on a green meadow, leading to the distance A manor, and in front of that manor is a huge jade and white stone monument.

   Standing on the tall monument is a man wearing the iconic mage robe holding the light of wisdom!

   That person,

   was the holy mage who created the meditation technique and created the magic empire!

   Tara Young!

   is just...

  Li Yao pounded Lin Xiaowei next to him: "Do you think that sculpture is familiar to you?"

  :. :

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