My Brother-in-law is the Prince

Chapter 164: There are one hundred and sixty-four

  Chapter 164 There are one hundred and sixty-four chapters: the truth comes out

  The head of the military department immediately shouted: "I am wronged, I am wronged..."

  He screamed heart-piercingly.

  Zhu Yong was furious, and beat him up when he was pressed.

  The faces of the ministers who came and went in and out of the Ministry of War changed drastically. Some called for help, some reprimanded, and some hid far away to gloat.

  Zhang Anshi ignored no one, just said: "Quick, take it away."

  So Zhu Yong and Zhang Fu didn't hesitate any longer, took the sack that had been prepared, put it on the body of Chen Wenjun, the head of the Ministry of War, pierced the hole, Zhu Yong was strong, carried it on his back and left.

   Zhang Anshi took his guards and ran away without a trace.

   "Ministry hall." Fang Bin, the left servant of the Ministry of War, hurried into the public room of the Ministry of War and saluted.

  This Fang Bin had just been promoted from the right servant to the left servant, and when he came to see the minister of the Ministry of War, he seemed cautious.

  The Minister of the Ministry of War, Jin Zhong, is not a simple person. It is said that this person once served in the army when he was in Beiping.

   Somehow, he became friends with Yao Guangxiao again, and Yao Guangxiao recommended him to Zhu Di. Soon, this Jin Zhong won Zhu Di's absolute trust.

  The so-called absolute trust means that Zhu Di not only gave him the position of Minister of War, but also appointed him as Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi.

  The position of Minister of the Ministry of War is extremely critical in the Yongle Dynasty, almost comparable to that of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. After all, the current emperor attaches great importance to military affairs.

   And Zhan Shifu Zhan Shifu is even more different, because Zhan Shifu is mainly responsible for the affairs of the East Palace.

  Before Emperor Yongle, it was usually held by the clan. For example, when Zhu Di was in the Hongwu Dynasty, he served as Zhan Shi for a period of time.

  This position not only manages the East Palace, but also serves as the prince's right-hand man, which shows how much Zhu Di trusts Jin Zhong.

  At first, when Jin Zhong came to the Ministry of War, many people looked down on him. After all, he used to be Qiu Ba, and he was only a character tester.

  But soon, everyone discovered that this minister not only learned a lot, but also... quickly gained everyone's trust.

   Just kidding, when he was testing characters in Beiping, there were a lot of people in the crowd, and I don’t know how many rich and noble people believed in him.

  At this time, Fang Bin said anxiously: "The head of the hall, Chen Wenjun, was taken away by Zhang Anshi and the others... and I made a call outside... just outside this hall..."

  Jin Zhong listened, but he was not angry, but said surprisingly calmly: "Why?"

  Fang Bin said: "Call him a rebel."

  Jin Zhong nodded, still plain and authentic: "Really?"

  Jin Zhong pondered for a moment, and then said again: "I have heard Zhang Anshi's name a long time ago, and it can be described as thunderous. Didn't you deal with him before?"

  Recalling the time when the model battalion was fighting with His Royal Highness Tiance Guard, Fang Bin couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously said: "This man is cunning..."

  Jin Zhong said: "A cunning person will not be reckless."

  Paused, he continued: "A cunning person must also be greedy for life and fear of death. A person who is greedy for life and fear of death dares to beat up a head of the military department, so confident, I think... this An Shi must have mastered something."

  Fang Bin was stunned: "So, this matter... our military department just ignore it?"

   "Who says it doesn't matter?" Jin Zhong laughed and said, "The head of our department has been taken for no reason. If we just sit back and ignore it, who wouldn't feel chilled in the whole department?"

  Fang Bin frowned and said, "But if Ruoruo is serious..."

"That's another matter." Jin Zhongdao: "As long as this person is completely convicted, I will be Minister of the Ministry of War, of course I will speak for him and listen to heaven. If not, what does the Ministry of War want my church to do?" Use? You let someone prepare the sedan chair, and I will enter the palace right now."

  Fang Bin listened, and quickly saluted: "Yes."


   Zhang Anshi and the others brought him back to Qixia.

   Immediately, they entered a warehouse.

  Chen Wenjun got out of the sack and shouted: "You are bold, you are so courageous."

  Zhang Anshi smiled and said: "Do you recognize me?"

  Chen Wenjun said with a cold face, angrily: "I don't know."

  Zhang Anshi's smile became bigger, and he said immediately: "He doesn't know us best, brothers, you're welcome, call me."

  Chen Wenjun: "..."

  Zhu Yong and others rushed forward and beat them hard.

  Chen Wenjun cried for his father and mother, and finally shouted: "I know, I know..."

  Zhang Anshi moved a chair and sat down, Shi Shiran said: "Who am I?"

  Chen Wenjun: "..."

  Zhang Anshi said: "You can call me Zhang Anshi from now on."

   "Zhang Anshi..."

   Saying these three words, Chen Wenjun's pupils shrank.

   Immediately, he stared at Zhang Anshi, gritted his teeth and said: " am an official of the imperial court, not to mention you, even if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came personally, don't insult me ​​like this. Do you big a crime is this?"

Zhang Anshi looked at him calmly and said, "Can't you think from another direction? Since I know that you are an official ordered by the court, and this is a heinous crime, I, Zhang Anshi, still bring people here, is it because I have nothing to worry about, and I already have something that can ensure our innocence?"

   Chen Wenjun sneered: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

  Zhang Anshi said: "You will understand soon, I just ask you now, how many people do you have?"

   "How many people?" Chen Wenjun said with a cold face, "I said, I don't understand what you are talking about."

  Zhang Anshi said: "It seems that you are unwilling to say."

  Chen Wenjun said: "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

  Zhang Anshi said: "I never imagined that you would not shed tears when you see the coffin. Qiu Song, Qiu Song... Where is Qiu Song?"

  Zhu Yong lowered his voice, and reached Zhang Anshi's ear: "It's noon, when the sun is just right, I probably went out to dry my belly."

  Zhang Anshi said speechlessly: "Damn it, when is he not watching this guy?"

   "I'll call him."

"No need." Zhang Anshi immediately stood up, looked at Chen Wenjun and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I believe you won't admit to such a serious crime! It doesn't matter. I, a person, Not good at beating and beating, but soon you will be doomed."

  Chen Wenjun looked at Zhang Anshi coldly, and said with a bit of contempt: " wait for a few young brats to be so rampant, and then we will see how you end up."


  Confucius Temple in Nanjing City.

   Along the Qinhuai River, there are contiguous mansions.

   One person hurriedly entered a small house.

  He walked quickly, and then... flashed into the small hall.

   There is no window in the small hall, so it is extraordinarily dark. In the depths of the hall, in the darkness, a person sat upright and leisurely.

  The dim light obscured his face, but the bestowed unicorn robe on his body was particularly conspicuous.

   "Chen Wenjun, the head of the Ministry of War...has been lord...could it be something happened? Now there is a lot of turmoil outside, and many people are already scared..."

  Hearing the anxious voice of the visitor, the calm man pondered for a moment and responded, "Don't panic, the sky hasn't fallen."

  The visitor seemed to be both respectful and afraid of the man in front of him. When he heard his words, he immediately listened to him, and then kowtowed: "It's just...just..."

Before he could continue, the man said: "A few days ago, the old man heard about this incident, and Jin Yiwei was aware of it, it's to blame... it's just that they are too impulsive, thinking that this person Chen Ji... It can be used by us, but who knows, this person is nothing more than a moron! If he is just as cowardly as a moose, that's fine, but this person actually likes to show off so much, such a wimp..."

After a pause, the man continued slowly: "However, there is no need to panic... Tell everyone, at this time, don't act too hastily, why not sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! That Zhang Anshi... is a trouble... It's a pity On the cusp of this storm, if I knew this person was a scourge, I should get rid of it as soon as possible."


The man went on to say: "Don't worry, there are old men's eyes inside and outside the palace, and Jin Zhong, Minister of the Ministry of War, has already entered the palace, and Jin Yiwei... who heard the news here, may be more panicked than us. "


  The man took a sip of tea, and then remained silent.

  The person who came came quietly quit.


  Jin Zhong entered the palace and reported Zhang Anshi's arrogance to the minister.

  Zhu Di's attitude towards Jin Zhong and other close officials is of course different, and he said: "This matter...Yi Shiha has already reported to me, that guy Zhang Anshi...I will beat him, and in a few days...I will take care of him."

  Jin Zhong did not insist: "I just hope that the safety of the principal Chen Wenjun can be guaranteed."

  Zhu Di said: "Don't worry, Zhang Anshi... I know him, he doesn't have the guts."

  Jin Zhong was very satisfied, and said: "Then I will leave."

  As soon as Jin Zhong left, Zhu Di began to scold his mother: "You fucker, you caught the rebellious party and went to the Ministry of War. In broad daylight, you put people in sacks. What are you doing? Lawlessness!"

  Yi Shiha stood aside, very tactful and silent.

  But Zhu Di suddenly looked sideways and lost his eyes, and said, "Chen Wenjun, does he have a personal grudge against Zhang Anshi?"

   "This, I have never heard of this."

  Zhu Di frowned: "What did Jin Yiwei say?"

   "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei... said they have found clues to the rebellious party, and the chief case is the **** Cui Yihong..."

  Zhu Di said coldly: "Is there only one Cui Yihong? What big things can a little Cui Yihong do? Teach him to get to the bottom of it?"

As he said that, Zhu Di took a look at Yi Shiha: "Zhang Anshi took a head of the military department and called him a rebellious party, while Jin Yiwei took the admiral and **** of the Warrior Camp and said he was a rebellious party. What do you do about it? Look?"

  Yi Shiha said: "The servant thinks that Jin Yiwei is more reliable."

  Zhu Di nodded: "Yes, Tiqi has solved many major cases over the years. Ji Gang is also good at criminal names, and he handles things fairly safely."

  Paused, Zhu Di said: "I thought you would speak for Zhang Anshi."

Yishiha hurriedly bowed down, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, if Cui Yihong is really guilty of death, even though he is a member of the palace, then he should be shredded into pieces. The servants serve His Majesty, and they only have His Majesty in their hearts. Now there is a rebellion in the court. , this servant is just as anxious as His Majesty. Commander Ji is a capable official, and he has never made any mistakes in his affairs in the past few years. The file and confession submitted by the servant can be regarded as conclusive evidence, but there is nothing wrong with it. Doubtful."

After a pause, Yi Shiha continued: "As for Marquis Annan, after all, Marquis Annan is not from a criminal background. He can earn money, which is of course his strength. But if it is catching thieves, it is not his specialty, but... the servant thinks that Marquis Annan Such an arrest may not be without benefits."

  Zhu Di raised his eyebrows and said, "Huh? What's the benefit?"

Yi Shiha said: "First Jin Yiwei captured Cui Yihong, the rebellious party behind Cui Yihong must have panicked. And Marquis Annan also captured a chief of the military department, so... the fog is thick instead, isn't it inevitable? Did Jin Yiwei scare the snake away?"

  Zhu Di smiled: "In this way, you mean..."

Yi Shiha then said: "It's better to make the mistake, not to ask for now, let An Nanhou's side make trouble for a while, and Jin Yiwei's side... and then deploy manpower, continue to follow the vine, if you can use this to wipe out these chaotic parties, the servant thinks... that would be the best gone."

Zhu Di subconsciously paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said, "Well... hey... you are really a caring person, Ji Gang... he is quite thorough in his work, Zhang Anshi... um... it's my family... three days, three days later ...I'll show up again."

  Yi Shiha kowtowed: "Your Majesty is wise."

  At noon, Yi Shiha took advantage of Zhu Di's time to eat, and returned to the Supervisor of Rites.

  The **** Liu Yongcheng, who was in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Yi Shiha, he hurried forward and said, " you have any news?"

  Yi Shiha took a deep look at Liu Yongcheng: "Tomorrow, let's complain about illness, and you can go and serve His Majesty."


  Yi Shiha said: "Serve with your heart..."

  Liu Yongcheng looked puzzled and said, "What does Grand Duke mean?"

Yi Shiha said: "Ji Gang came prepared this time, with all the evidence of the crime. Cui Yihong is probably finished. You are his godfather. There is no guarantee that Ji Gang will not make use of the topic. If he adds such a sum in the next report, If His Majesty becomes suspicious, you can't bear it and walk away."

   " the past few days, you should walk around in front of His Majesty more and be diligent. Your Majesty is still kind to us..."

   "Just let Ji Gang succeed?" Liu Yongcheng was so angry that he wanted to jump.

  Yi Shiha said: "It's going to be a long time, don't worry about temporary gains and losses, isn't it time to fight back?"

  Seeing Liu Yongcheng is still aggrieved.

Yishi laughed, and said earnestly: "Do you think... this matter is over? To tell you the truth, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Ji Gang. I am afraid that Ji Gang... will use Cui Yihong to continue to expand Well. At that time... Maybe we, you, and many people in the palace... may be implicated. Think about it... This Cui Yihong is a person in the palace. When she arrives in the imperial prison, she will have to confess and bite her out how many people?"

   Liu Yongcheng frowned.

Yi Shiha continued: "So at this time, what we have to do is to do our best in front of His Majesty, don't say anything, don't do anything, just serve His Majesty wholeheartedly! The more we do our best, we will wait until the future Only when they bite us, will we have a chance to defend ourselves."

"If at this time, I messed up my hands and feet and started biting each other with Ji Gang, it would only be true. Over there at the Yumajian, you have to warn everyone, teach them to be cautious in their words and deeds, and not to inquire. , don’t talk nonsense, don’t look, don’t talk, don’t listen!”

Liu Yongcheng sighed for a long time, and then said: "Hey... now in this palace, there are only two of us who can be the masters. If Zheng He, Wang Jinghong, and Hou Xian are all in Nanjing, we won't let this little one Ji Gang bullied him."

Yi Shiha smiled and said: "You are wrong. The reason why Ji Gang is aggressive now is not because he has grown up, but because he is in a hurry. We stewed the frog in warm water and forced him to the corner, so we had to attack. What do you want?" What I saw was that he was arrogant and domineering, but in fact... it was that he had nowhere to go and wanted to fight hard."

  Liu Yongcheng glanced in astonishment and was disappointed.

  Yi Shiha said: "We can lose eight times out of ten, but Ji Gang doesn't have such luck, he only has one chance."

   After finishing speaking, Yi Shiha said: "Don't be impatient, go back to your horse prison."

   Liu Yongcheng said: "Yes."


   Chen Wenjun, who was locked in the warehouse, did not know how long it had been.

  He was covered in bruises, and he was calm at first, but slowly, he began to panic.

  Besides the warehouse, every now and then, there was a cannon fire, which made him even more uneasy.

   Just when he was flustered.

   Suddenly, the door opened.

   Immediately, Zhang Anshi came in loudly, Zhang Anshi said: "Chen Wenjun, I have confirmed that your wife, children, and a family of twenty-seven people are all fine now."

  Chen Wenjun was furious: "How dare the thief?"

  Zhang Anshi said: "Who is the thief?"

  Chen Wenjun suddenly bowed to Zhang Anshi: "Your official is innocent, please forgive me, Lord Hou. I have always been innocent, and I have never corrupted the law..."

  Zhang Anshi smiled and said, "Really? If that's the case... then tell me... what's going on with the No. A warehouse in Yongping warehouse?"

  When Chen Wenjun heard it, his face suddenly changed slightly: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

  Zhang Anshi took his time and said: "It seems that you will stop crying when you see the coffin."

  Chen Wenjun gritted his teeth: "The lower officials don't know anything."

   "It's okay if you don't know." Zhang Anshi said: "Then let me ask you again, your housekeeper Chen Jian, should know?"

  Chen Wenjun panicked at this moment, his lips trembled: "He... what happened to him?"

  Zhang Anshidao: "Don't you know what he did?"

  Chen Wenjun said: "I...I..."

  Zhang Anshi said: "Come here, take away, and bring this Chen Wenjun into the palace."

  Chen Wenjun suddenly turned indescribably pale.

  Zhu Yong and Zhang Fu had **** Chen Wenjun tightly, and then... dragged him and threw him directly into a carriage.

  Zhang Anshi led people out of the warehouse, but at this moment... Zhu Jin came in a hurry.

  Zhu Jin leaned close to Zhang Anshi's ear, lowered his voice and said, "Master Hou...Recently...for the past two days...there are Jin Yiwei...watching us, even the residence of Master Hou..."

  Zhang Anshi's face remained unchanged, and he even said calmly: "Of course I know, don't be afraid, they dare not do anything, I will enter the palace first, you can go about your business."



  The matter of rebelling against the party has actually reached the point where it cannot be controlled.

  First he was a person in the palace, and then he was the head of the Ministry of War.

   Suddenly, people panic.

  Wenyuan Pavilion finally could not sit idly by.

   Xie Jin was obviously very annoyed by this.

  The minister of the Ministry of War arrested him as soon as he said he wanted to, but His Majesty ignored it. Even Jin Zhong entered the palace to see him, but there was no result. Then Chen Wenjun is still missing, what is this?

  In addition, Baiguan seems to have thought of the horror of the Hongwu period, the feeling of being precarious at any time, almost everyone has no mind to work, and all kinds of rumors spread.

  So, Xie Jin took all the scholars of Wenyuan Pavilion, and together with the ministers of various ministries, asked to see Zhu Di.

"Your Majesty, if things go on like this, everyone will be in danger. The ministers of the yamen are no longer interested in their work, and the important affairs of the country have been ignored by others. So what crime did Chen Wenjun commit? How could he be kidnapped in broad daylight? Please let Your Majesty make it clear."

  Zhu Di looked at all the officials, even Jin Zhong, Minister of the Ministry of War, showed a firm attitude at this time.

  The first time he entered the palace to see Zhu Di, it was actually just a one-time notification, but now the people in the Ministry of War are in panic. If he doesn't give an explanation, there is no way he, the minister, can make everyone abide by their duties.

  Zhu Di nodded and said: "Jin Yiwei and Zhang Anshi, I did ask them to investigate the messy party, and I have heard a little bit about it."

  Speaking, Zhu Di said: "Yi Shiha..."

   Turning around to look, only to find that Yi Shiha has been sick for the past few days, and now it is Liu Yongcheng who is serving him.

  So he said: "Liu Yongcheng, call Ji Gang and Zhang Anshi into the palace and let them bring the prisoner. Now that all the officials are suspicious, it's time for a break."

  After receiving Yi Shiha's warning, Liu Yongcheng became more at ease, and only responded with a low eyebrow.

   Soon...Ji Gang was the leader, followed by a few big Han generals, escorting the **** Cui Yihong, who was almost out of shape. "

   "Your Majesty has met Your Majesty." Ji Gang said neither humble nor overbearing.

  Zhu Di nodded, glanced at Cui Yihong, showing disgust, and then said: "How is the case going?"

   "Your Majesty, I am still following the vine, but I have made great progress. This Cui Yihong... still has a lot of accomplices. I am afraid of making trouble, so..."

  Zhu Di stared at Ji Gang, and said: "This Cui Yihong is from the palace, why is he making trouble?"

   Ji Gang said: "Your Majesty can ask him personally."

  Zhu Di's eyes fell on Cui Yihong.

  But I saw Cui Yihong prostrate on the ground, her body trembling.

  Zhu Di said coldly: "Cui Yihong, raise your head."

  Cui Yihong raised his head cautiously, his face was haggard and his eyes were dull.

  Zhu Di said: "Are you a rebel?"

  Cui Yihong said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty... slave... slave... it's a rebellious party..."

  Zhu Di narrowed his eyes: "Why did you do this?"

   "Slaves don't know the heights of heaven and earth, slaves..."

  Zhu Di was furious: "Say!"

   "Slaves... are greedy for money... and think that... in the future... if they welcome people from Qianyuan to enter the customs, then... they will get a great contribution."

  When he spoke, he had a dull look on his face, as if... he had memorized everything by heart.


  Zhu Di was obviously very angry at this time, gnashing his teeth and said: "You are from the palace, but you still have such wishful thinking."

  Cui Yihong still said as if endorsing: "The servants are greedy for money and goods, and they think that if they welcome people from Qianyuan to enter the customs in the future, they will have a great contribution..."

  Zhu Di said angrily: "Why don't you follow the preface?"

  Cui Yihong said: "Slaves are greedy for money..."

  Zhu Di's expression became more and more serious, his eyes narrowed, and he passed Cui Yihong's face like a knife.

  Ji Gang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty... this person is very tough, and he refused to admit it even to death..."

  Zhu Di snorted coldly, "He's the only one?"

   "There is also his brother, besides... some people in the palace are also involved... it's just that these people are in the deep palace... and... Humble has not yet obtained full evidence, so..."

  Zhu Di sneered and said: "You side... also has his accomplices?"

  Ji Gang said: "Your Majesty, don't forget that when His Majesty was in trouble, there were many eunuchs in Jianwen's palace who informed His Majesty..."

  As soon as this remark came out...Zhu Di's face became surprisingly strange.

   And Liu Yongcheng, who was waiting on the side, couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

  The basis of His Majesty's trust in the eunuchs is that many eunuchs actually made great efforts for Jing Nan.

  But now...Ji Gang's words are like putting the last nail in the coffin.

   That's right, when Zhu Di was in trouble, he asked people to bribe many eunuchs in the palace, and these eunuchs also made great contributions to Zhu Di's decision to rule the world.

  But... who can guarantee that the remnants of Meng Yuan did not bribe eunuchs to commit rebellion?

  Ji Gang went on to say: "This Cui Yihong is just a mere admiral and **** of the warrior battalion. He is nothing. The person who really orders in the will take some time to be humble..."

  Zhu Di looked at Ji Gang in awe.

  For Ji Gang, he has always disdained Gu, thinking that Ji Gang, his former personal soldier, was very afraid of him and would never dare to deceive him.

  And now that the troubles are serious, it is even more impossible for Zhu Di to take them lightly.

  So Zhu Di stared at Ji Gang with a murderous look and said, "Investigate thoroughly!"

  Ji Gang bowed down and said: "In addition, I have collected some things here, I implore Your Majesty... to take a look."

  Liu Yongcheng obediently sent a new confession to the imperial case, and Zhu Di put it on the imperial case.

At this time, Xie Jin stood up and said: "Your Majesty, since the matter has come to light, I dare to ask... the chief of the Ministry of War captured by Zhang Anshi, Marquis of Annan, is so innocent. Now... the whereabouts of this principal are still unknown. People are in danger, please Your Majesty... be aware of the details, and pursue and punish the perpetrators."

  But at this **** came in and said, "Your Majesty, Marquis Annan Zhang Anshi has an audience."

  (end of this chapter)

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