My Brother-in-law is the Prince

Chapter 181: Indispensable

  Chapter 181 contributed a lot

  The amiable look in Zhu Di's eyes gradually disappeared.

   Instead, there is a kind of vigilance like a blade.

  He stared at Zhu Gui and said, "Behind Xu Wen... isn't you?"

  Zhu Guidao: "My brother's affairs are all handled by Xu Wen. Although he also borrowed the power of the palace, but many things, my brother didn't bother..."

  Zhu Gui lowered his head, and continued quietly: "At that time, my brother thought this way. He took the initiative to invite Ying. What happened was his fault, but it turned out to be my brother...Your brother can..."

His voice became lower and lower: "However... I feel that behind him... it's not just the Daiwangfu... Although there are some things that I didn't ask, but several times the Tatars went south... He knew in advance... At that time, I felt uneasy, he But I only said to my younger brother... let my younger brother just rest assured... and some generals in Liaodong... seem to have closer contacts with him..."

   He whispered, not daring to look into Zhu Di's eyes.

  Finally, he said: "Brother Huang, call this Xu Wen to ask, and you will know everything."

  Zhu Di said: "Xu Wen is dead."

"Dead..." Zhu Gui shuddered, but at this moment he suddenly raised his head to look at Zhu Di, and said, "My brother thinks...this Xu Wen...maybe just... just some people used it to shake the foundation of the Ming Dynasty Chess pieces... I can't say it well, but... as far as I know, at least in the desert... they know the situation in our Daming border town like the back of their hands, and they have a lot of people... Xu Wen is just one of them."

  Zhu Di sat upright, but his face was getting colder and colder.

  Zhang Anshi couldn't help but be surprised, this is unexpected news!

   This Xu Wen is already very difficult to deal with, and Zhu Gui does not seem to have the IQ to control Xu Wen. Is there really someone else behind Xu Wen?

  Zhang Anshi thought about it carefully, decades later, the change of Tumu Fortress certainly had reasons for the stupidity of Ming Yingzong at that time.

However, the few reasons for the failure that historians of later generations have hardly disputed are also reflected in the fact that the Oirats accurately grasped the situation of the Ming army at that time, and also found a large number of traces of internal support at the top of the Ming Dynasty. It has a very close relationship with Oala and Tatars.

   Will there be a possibility.

  A large number of high-level internal responses during the Yingzong period of the Ming Dynasty, even including smuggling by frontier troops, actually existed for a long time, and Xu just the tip of the iceberg.

  If so, then many things can be explained.

   During the Tumu Fortress Change period, there was even an exaggerated young prisoner who was even a horse supervisor, basically one of the eunuchs who commanded the imperial guards and horses, and even colluded with the Wala people.

   In addition to this, there are many records of other generals and even some civil servants accepting bribes and making personal relationships with Wala and Tatars.

   It is also because of this that the Nawara people dared to take risks after they had a thorough grasp of the Ming army's movements. At the most suitable time, they quickly locked the position of Ming Yingzong and rushed suddenly.

   You must know that this kind of raid is very risky, especially when the emperor's personal conquest and the army gathered in the border towns, if there is a slight delay, there is a danger of annihilation of thousands of troops.

  Just at this moment, Zhang Anshi didn’t make a sound. He just couldn’t understand why the Oirats and Tatars, who were attacked by Emperor Gao and Zhu Di again and again, could attract so many people to communicate with them in private.

  No matter how unbearable the Ming Dynasty was, it was still much better than the Yuan Dynasty, which had only existed for decades, was devastated, and had almost no order at all.

  Zhu Di sullenly said, "What else do you know?"

  This is for Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui thought for a while and said: " a foolish person. He only learns bows and horses and hunting in the palace on weekdays. Many things...are left to Xu Wen. Whether this matter is true or not, I just feel...can't It must be true.”

  Zhu Di glared at Zhu Gui: "This is the country handed down by Huang Kao, you have such a feeling, and you are still working together with that Xu Wen?"

  Zhu Guidao: "My brother thinks... as long as my brother... my brother becomes the emperor, he can sweep Liuhe, mere... Tatar and Wala are both chickens and dogs."

  Zhu Di: "Enter..."

  His face is suppressed...

  Finally, he patted Zhu Gui on the shoulder and said: "You have come from a long way, our brothers have been gone for many days, hey...let's not talk about that."

   As he spoke, Zhu Di looked at Zhang Anshi: "Check out Xu Wen's death."

  Zhang Anshi nodded: "The minister resigned."

As soon as Zhang Anshi left, Zhu Di smiled and said, "Do you know who this person is? It's the brother-in-law of your nephew Gao Chi. This kid is capable and can make money. Xu Wen was also found out by him, and his medical skills are also excellent." It's amazing."

"Hey... Now it's really scary to be a younger generation, but it seems that these brothers... feel ashamed. Concubine Xu's health is not good. If it really doesn't work, let this kid prescribe some medicine and send it. I'm sure it will cure the disease. Let's go see your sister-in-law first."

  On that day, Zhu Di led Zhu Gui, who was covered in injuries, into the palace.

  Empress Xu cooks in person, and the family eats and drinks. Even Empress Xu made an exception and drank three glasses of water and wine.

  Empress Xu asked her sister about her life in Datong, and when she heard that she was in poor health, she didn't say anything, but she burst into tears.

  Zhu Gui drank, cried and laughed.

  Zhu Di seems to have returned to the time when he was sent to Fengyang Mansion by Huang Kao. At that time, a large group of elderly princes went to Fengyang Mansion to farm and study, and there were only a few eunuchs to take care of them.

  At that time, they were like farmers. Although the crops they pleaded for were far less than the crops they destroyed, they seemed to have no troubles at that time, because all the brothers could throw all troubles to the crown prince Zhu Biao.

Zhu Di said: "A few days ago, I dreamed of my elder brother. My elder brother beat me and said that I was not a human being. I told him that if he was there, I would obey him. But if he is not here, why should I obey that kid Zhu Yunqi? What's so good about the kid? The Great Ming Dynasty should be inherited by people like me."

  Zhu Guidao: "Fourth brother, do you still remember when we sneaked up on the roof of the hall? Look at the Big Dipper at night."

  Zhu Di rejoiced: "We are all old, we have grown fat, and we can't climb anymore. Come on, let's teach someone how to build a ladder."

   Soon, the eunuchs set up ladders.

  Zhu Gui was injured, almost the eunuchs went up first, and then took a bamboo basket to hang him up.

   Zhu Di seemed to be walking on flat ground. Although he was old, he was full of tendons, like an ape.

  Hanging up, Zhu Gui was out of breath, lying on the ridge of the roof, and said, "It was not like this when I was thirteen years old. I could get up in a short time."

  Zhu Di saw that there seemed to be someone hiding in the corner of the glass, and shouted: "Who is it?"

  A person timidly said: "Brother Emperor...please forgive me, it's me..."

   A familiar voice.

  Zhu Di didn't blame him today: "When you die, I will tell you about what happened in Fengyang back then."

  Under the moonlight, a familiar face appeared, and Yi Wang Zhu stood next to Zhu Di tremblingly.

  Zhu Di said: "Do you still remember your thirteenth brother?"

   "I know... when I was young, he beat me." Yiwang Zhu said.

  Zhu Di patted him on the head: "You should hit a dozen more, and you will be safe in the future."

   After finishing speaking, I looked up at the moon and couldn't help sighing, it seemed that the moonlight tonight was a bit sad.

  Early the next morning, Zhu Di stayed up all night.

   Zhao Wang has sent someone to say that the driver is just outside the Meridian Gate, waiting for Zhu Gui to go to Xiaoling.

  Zhu Gui looked tired and limped, and went to bid farewell to Empress Xu first: "Sister-in-law, I'm leaving."

  Empress Xu nodded, and said in a warm voice: "It's cold on the mountain, you need to add more clothes, and eat more on the way. Gao Sui is a fool. He doesn't know how hot or cold people are. If you need anything on the road, tell him."

   Zhu Gui solemnly knelt down and said, "Sister-in-law, take care."

   As he spoke, he stood up tremblingly.

   Then he walked out of the palace step by step.

  Outside the hall, Zhu Di was waiting for him with his hands behind his back.

   "I send you off."

   "Yes." Zhu Gui replied, but kept his head down.

  The two of them did not speak, walked out of Da Nei all the way, crossed the Jinshui Bridge all the way, and then arrived at the Meridian Gate.

   Arrived in front of the door opening.

  Zhu Gui looked up at Zhu Di and said, "Fourth brother, I'm leaving."

  Zhu Di said: "Get out, get out."

  Zhu Gui looked at him expectantly: "Fourth brother, your two nephews..."

  Zhu Di nodded: "I won't teach them to be wronged."

   "Fourth brother...I..." Zhu Gui's voice suddenly choked up and suddenly lost his voice.

  Zhu Di turned his face sideways, his eyes were already moist, so he turned around and hurried towards the palace in a few steps, leaving only a smaller and smaller figure behind.

  Zhu Gui didn't say anything more, and boarded a carriage that came to pick him up.

  Back to the Wulou, Zhu Di took his seat and said: "Yi Shiha, pass the decree, to have a generous burial, and use the county king's ceremony."

  Yi Shiha said: "Slaves...obey the order."

"Concubine Xu is not guilty, she has meritorious persuasion, and still gives her the treatment of a concubine. Her son, Zhu Xunxiu, the son of the Daiwang, was canonized as the county king, and he still worships the ancestral temple of the Daiwang. As for the other concubines, concubines, and concubines... Just stay in the Dai Wang Mansion. Dai Wang Wei is revoked, everyone in the Wang Mansion... the crimes that should be punished, as for Xu Wen's relatives, the Yi family."

  Yi Shiha said: "Then Concubine Xu, also..."

  Zhu Di said: "Leave her a whole body, and kill yourself."

  Yi Shiha said: "Your servant has written it down."

  Zhu Di said again: "This matter... is not allowed to be mentioned in the palace..."

   Speaking of this, Zhu Di suddenly lost his voice, and tears fell suddenly for no reason.

  Yi Shiha was so frightened that he prostrated himself on the ground: "Your servant will die."

Zhu Di wiped his tears, his eyes were red, he sniffed his nose and said: "The son of the king, Zhu Xunxiu, is going to be sent to the capital, and he must be taught severely. If he is not successful, he will still be returned as a county king. If he is really respectful and courteous, he will Restoring the title of Acting King and granting him the title, Datong can no longer remain in the fiefdom, be it Huguang or Jiangmin, this is all a matter of the future."

   After finishing speaking, Zhu Di said, "Proclaim Zhang Anshi."

  Yi Shiha said: "The servant obeys the order."


  Thousands of miles of waves.

   In the endless ocean, mighty ships appear.

  This time...the overseas trip was very smooth. The fleet sailed from Liujiahe in Suzhou to Fujian, and then from Fujian Wuhumen Yangfan, first to Champa, and then to Java. On this road, we passed through Sumatra, Manchuka, Ceylon, Guri and other countries.

  During this period, I passed Sanfoqi Old Port. At that time, Shi Jinqing, the leader of the overseas Chinese in Old Port, came to report that the pirate Chen Zuyi was vicious. Zheng He sent people to persuade Chen Zuyi, and Chen Zuyi feigned surrender, plotting to attack Zheng He's fleet. Zheng He saw through him, sent troops to wipe out more than 5,000 bandit gangs, burned ten bandit ships, captured seven bandit ships, and captured three pirate leaders including Chen Zuyi alive.

  At this point, the Western expatriates were very excited. Almost wherever the fleet docked, the local Han expatriates who heard the news poured in one after another, offering wine and meat to reward the crew on and off the fleet.

  Originally, the goal of this overseas trip was Guli. This Guli is actually the west bank of Tianzhu, and it has almost reached the westernmost point known to the Han people.

  According to the original plan, after arriving at Guli recorded by Master Xuanzang, the fleet should return.

   But who would have thought that the sea chart provided by Deng Jian was very detailed, so that this time the voyage went smoothly. Deng Jian suggested that the fleet continue to go west.

   Zheng He had no objection to this, and continued to sail all the way to Hormos, which is the area around the Persian Gulf.

  After arriving here, Zheng He went ashore to learn about the local conditions and customs. At this time, the return voyage was imminent.

  But Deng Jian had a secret talk with Zheng He all night.

  The two of them were in the boat building of the treasure ship. At this time, their skin colors were already bronze. Even they, because of the hard work of sailing in the sea, had lost a lot of weight.

  Deng Jian said: "This time, godfather is going back, please bring me some messages, some from His Royal Highness, some from Mr. Zhang, and... I have a nephew in the capital..."

  Zheng He is very generous, and his emotions are not visible.

  But today, seeing Deng Jian's strange expression, he felt that Deng Jian's words were more like last words, so he said, "You...don't plan to return?"

"I don't want to return to the voyage for a day." Deng Jian said tearfully: "That's why we didn't tell our godfather about this matter along the way. There will be someone to blame."

   "But..." Deng Jian continued with difficulty: "But I have been entrusted by others, and it is a matter of loyalty. This time I come with the fleet, and there is another important matter."

  Zheng He admired Deng Jian very much, not only Deng Jian was a real person, although the two were "father and son" made up temporarily, he could see Deng Jian's dedication all the way.

   Moreover, the chart presented by Deng Jian also helped a lot. It can be said that the voyage was very rewarding. The goal that Zheng He originally expected to need at least three voyages to the Western Seas to achieve has now been successful.

  So Zheng He couldn't help but said: "Is there anything else you want to hide from me?"

  Deng Jiandao: "For this voyage, Mr. Zhang ordered us... If the conditions are met, we can continue to travel westward. He said that there is a big island, which is a fairyland on earth. There are countless treasures there. If we can choose one, we will make great contributions!"

   Zheng He frowned and said, "Are you planning to go west?"

Deng Jian nodded: "My son is thinking, even if he goes back now, Mr. Zhang can't say anything, but after thinking about it, how could it be so smooth without his chart? His chart is credible. Yes, since we are all halfway there, if we return, the next time... I don’t know when we will reach this fairy island.”

   "Rather than that, it's better to try your luck, so...Godfather, on the way back this time, my son can't be filial."

   Seeing Zheng He's silence for a long time, Deng Jian forced a smile and said: "The surname Zhang, he is such an idiot. He is using his son as a livestock. I don't know how hard it is to go this way..."

Speaking of this, Deng Jian began to wipe away his tears, and said in his mouth: "He enjoys the blessings in the capital and taught us to suffer such hardships, but... but... after all, my son agreed. After all, my son has calculated that if we transfer a few fast boats, choose Some healthy, elite and reliable sailors, prepare enough fresh water, follow the method on the sea chart, follow the monsoon and warm current mentioned on the sea chart...the chance of arriving smoothly is at least 40%..."

   "Son, this person has served others for a lifetime. When he was in the capital, he served His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess Concubine, and later he served Mr. Zhang..."

  He wanted to breathe out the fragrance.

But in the end I swallowed it back, and said instead: "After leaving the sea, I served my godfather all the way. Although I was serving others, it was all voluntary. I was born contemptible, and being able to serve you is also a kind of kindness." Blessing."

"But this time, the son wants to be the master himself. The godfather has great responsibilities and cannot teach the entire fleet. Tens of thousands of horses will go on an adventure together. Then the son will take a few ships alone. It is not a big deal if it is done. It’s a waste of time to come to this world. If it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to be an **** in the next life. With that, even if you have to suffer in poverty in the next life, at least you can feel at ease in your heart, not like now... woo woo..."

   Deng Jian covered his face and began to sob.

  Zheng He didn't try to persuade him, but said: "I'll give you the best boat, and you can choose all the people you can trust. Supplies must be sufficient, and fresh water must be brought... Traveling by boat is no better than land, and everything must be calculated..."

  The next day...

  Several lonely ships left the mighty fleet and headed toward the direction of the setting sun, leaving alone.

  Deng Jian stood on the watchtower of the mast, watching the distant fleet... It was hard to cry for a while, and his tears had been blown dry by the sea wind over and over again.

   can no longer flow out.


  Zhang Anshi enters the palace.

  Seeing Zhu Di's expression is very bad.

  Zhang Anshi knew it in his heart.

  Although I have no brothers, I have no experience in killing brothers.

  Humans are not plants, how can they be ruthless?

   After all, no matter how much someone who claims to be a loner is actually a person of flesh and blood.

   "Xu Wen's gold... who gave it to you?"

   "I checked it." Zhang Anshi said: "It's just..."

   "Just what?"

   "There was a jailer in Yingtian Mansion Prison who suddenly hanged himself."

  Zhu Di frowned and said, "Is this the jailer?"

   "Yes, the minister guessed that the jailer also silenced him."

  Zhu Di said: "Then what about the person who killed the jailer?"

"In the capital city, there was a man next door to the jailer, a merchant... He had a close relationship with the jailer, but unfortunately he also died early this morning... He died by throwing himself into a well, I suspect... It was this merchant who killed the jailer, and then Get silenced."

   "Then who silenced the merchant's mouth?"

  Zhang Anshi: "..."

   "Why didn't you say it?" Zhu Di felt a little irritated.

  Zhang Anshidao: "I think... this clue, it's better not to check it, it's useless."

Zhu Di opened his mouth, and finally paused before saying: "You're right, it's scary, these people are all-pervasive, what I'm worried about is...not just Yingtianfu, I'm afraid it's Jinyiwei... and my six ministries, even the cabinet …not necessarily without collusion.”

  Zhang Anshidao: "Your Majesty, I's impossible to act like an enemy like this."

  Zhu Di looked up at Zhang Anshi.

Zhang Anshi said: "There are no clues now, but as long as the target is determined, continue to investigate, but if everyone suspects, then everyone will be in danger. Once everyone is in danger, these rebellious officials and thieves will succeed Why don't they want me, Daming, to fall apart?"

   "That's why I think that anyone is innocent until they are brought under suspicion. Only in this way... can people take advantage of it."

  Zhu Di said: "What the Qing family said is true, but today I..."

   He shook his head.

  Zhang An Shidao: "The minister has actually made targeted arrangements. Maybe... there will be some eyebrows soon."

  Zhu Di looked at Zhang Anshi strangely: "Didn't it mean that the clue was broken?"

Zhang Anshidao: "The minister is drawing the images of these people, and then based on the images of these people, he is making arrangements. In fact, to put it bluntly, these people... need to eat, drink, organize, and hide. They always need people and money. According to their characteristics, habits, especially their profit-seeking methods, things will be easy to handle.”

  Zhu Di said: "I didn't expect that there is such a big door here."

Zhang Anshidao: "My minister bluntly said that the Jinyiwei in the past was just used as ears and eyes. This kind of arresting and torture method like casting a net all over the sky can shock people, but in reality... its efficiency is very low. Very low."

  Zhu Di said: "It seems that you are very prejudiced against Ji Gang and the others."

   "I am wronged." Zhang Anshi said: "I am just discussing the matter."

  Zhu Di smiled and said, "Do you know why Ji Gang is still alive?"

  Zhang Anshi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Isn't it because he has made great contributions in Jingnan, and the establishment of Jinyiwei... is also because of his hard work?"

   "A merit is a merit, a fault is a fault. He has crossed the threshold." Zhu Di stared at Zhang Anshi, and said calmly: "How can I tolerate him? Of course, he built Jinyiwei, and this Jinyiwei is his people from top to bottom."

"But I'm just a small skill, and I've already caused his party members to fall apart. He thinks... he has won the hearts of the people, and he holds the Jinyiwei in his hands. I can't leave him. This person is too arrogant and stupid. How can I tolerate him? .”

  Zhang Anshi did not expect Zhu Di to confide the truth to him so directly.

  But what Zhu Di said was indeed correct, because within this month, Zhang Anshi could clearly feel that the Jinyiwei, which was originally monolithic, was showing signs of disintegration.

  Zhang Anshi looked at Zhu Di and said, "Then Your Majesty..."

Zhu Di said earnestly and deeply: "I want to keep him and try my knife. He is a whetstone. A good knife must be sharpened first. If even Ji Gang can't hold my knife, then it's still worth it." Why don't An An live and earn money for me, so stop messing around."

  Zhang Anshi said helplessly: "Your Majesty, are you talking about the sword you are talking about?"

  Zhu Di glared at him and said, "Don't ask too many questions."

  Zhang Anshi: "..."

Zhu Di patted Zhang Anshi on the shoulder, and then said again: "Work hard, show me your means, continue to investigate the chaotic party, Neiqianhusuo and Nanbei Town Fusi must investigate, you split up and go hand in hand. "

   "But you are better than Ji Gang. Ji Gang has no way out. At this time, he will use all means to protect himself. Now he is a mad dog!"

  Zhang Anshi had no choice but to say: "I know."

  Zhu Di said: "I'm not in the mood today, get out of here, don't hang around in front of me, lest I get angry and take it out on you."

  Zhang Anshi immediately said: "The minister is retiring."

  Looking up at Yi Shiha with sympathetic eyes, he ran away in a hurry.

  Back to Qixia, Zhang Anshi learned that the acting king Zhu Gui was dead.

  The whole body was left behind, and he committed suicide in the Xiangdian of Xiaoling Mausoleum. He died peacefully and his mood was very stable.

  Zhang Anshi sometimes thinks why some people are so stupid, but when he thinks about it carefully, isn’t the Zhang Anshi from before also a child spoiled by his brother-in-law, and also hopeless?

  The family pig raising model like Daming is simply a waste farm. Most of the clans raised are probably stupid and inflated guys.

  Fortunately... I, Zhang Anshi, have my own ethics.

  He recruited all the left and right hands around him.

  Several brothers, plus Zhu Jin and Chen Li, although there are not many people, they are all core members, people Zhang Anshi can trust.

"Neiqianhu Institute... If we want to change it, we have to build a Jinyi school. In the future...every few years, we will let the school captains go to study for a while. A group of rough people can't do fine work." Zhang An Shidao: "In addition, the commercial bank and the Neiqianhu Office must be combined, and the Neiqianhu Office must separate a group of people to build a Baihu Office within the commercial bank to analyze the data submitted by the commercial bank."

   "It's better than this. Zhu Jin will be in charge of the hundred households of this commercial bank for the time being. Others don't understand the analysis of data. Let Zhu Jin lead it for a while, and then select people."

  Zhu Jin's face flushed immediately, although he won the Yin Guan, but this is a hundred households of Jinyiwei.

  There are as many hundred and thousand households in Ming Dynasty as dogs, but for ordinary people, a hundred households that are pro-military are more valuable than ordinary thousand households.

   Among the pro-army, Jinyiwei's hundreds of households are even more superior.

  This is a military officer of the sixth grade of Jinyiwei who is a serious military officer, and he is really lacking.

   "This... this... villain is just a businessman, I'm afraid it won't work well." Zhu Jin was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't get carried away.

Zhang Anshi said: "It is because you are good at this that I let you come here. You have to teach the market analysis on weekdays. In addition... you also need to teach them how to make digital tables. I can teach you this at the beginning. Teach them statistics, and at the same time, make research and judgment based on the data. This matter...can only be left to you. Others, either don’t worry about it, or don’t have the ability. If you do well in the future, I will find a way , I will give you the post of Deputy Qianhu of Neiqianhu Office."

  Zhu Jin was moved to tears: "This... this... thank you, Lord Hou... the villain can die for Lord Hou right now."

   "Okay, there's a well outside."

  Zhu Jin: "..."


  Students, ask for some monthly tickets, thank you.

  (end of this chapter)

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