Chapter 328 Great Harvest

  Zhang Anshi is calm and relaxed.

   This is actually a very simple routine.

   But such a 'ghost story', since its birth, there have always been people who have been deceived one after another.

  Zhang Anshi is not even worried at all, this will be seen through.

  Because means can be seen through, but human nature cannot stand the test.

  The most urgent task at the moment is to continue to arrange and comprehensively deploy the agriculture of Taiping Prefecture.

  Nowadays, the workshop industry has developed considerably. In Taiping Prefecture, there are hundreds of workshops in the workshop area of ​​the three counties.

  The daily throughput of goods is astonishing.

   But agriculture is the foundation of everything. If you can't even afford food, then other industries are just duckweed in the water.

  The entire Taiping Mansion was united as one. By the end of summer, almost all the reservoir facilities and basic irrigation measures had been completed.

  Such a speed is astonishing. On the one hand... the government directly adopts the method of rewarding money and food to recruit a large number of farmers who have been idle.

  The same is true for the diversion canal, which is directly contracted out.

  If your village labors on time and according to the amount, in addition to the promised money and food, you will be given a reward. If you can't do it on time and according to the amount, then only take the most basic amount of money and food to ensure that you don't starve to death.

  Combined with the use of machinery, Taiping Mansion is also rich, buying a lot of mules and horses, recruiting a large number of ships and so on.

   This speed actually exceeded Zhang Anshi's expectation.

   Sure enough, piecework performance really works.

   And this method is considered an advanced management experience across the ages in this era.

  For ordinary farmers, during the slack season, they can earn a little bit, and they will be rewarded if they work fast and well. For farmers, it is already a great gift.

  Especially in Liuxian County, according to reports, the strong men there work almost day and night, without sleep or rest, like crazy.

   After all, it was too bitter in the past, no matter how bitter it is, there is still not enough to eat.

  Now that the family has their own crops, life has hope, and when the farming is slack, instead of having to serve corvee, they can work to earn money. This is something that I dare not even imagine.

Zhang Anshi was even worried that these hard-working people would lead to sudden death if things went on like this, so he had to order that there could be a measured reward, but there must be a top reward. Put your life in it.

  The county magistrate of Xuancheng County's report is the most exaggerated. He even said triumphantly that one farm worker today is worth ten corvee workers in the past. And there is no need for supervisors, everyone works hard.

  Zhang Anshi was stunned by the sight. He didn't know whether it was because there were a lot of foreign workers when they were in the corvee, or whether these farmers and workers are working too hard now.

   After thinking about it, he simply summoned some doctors to go to various projects and asked them to boil some soup to relieve fatigue and distribute it.

  The report on the farm is also very gratifying, because most of the irrigation canals were completed before the severe drought came, so there is almost no impact, and the problem of water irrigation can be basically solved.

  It is just to build a larger reservoir, but it is imminent, because it will be useful sooner or later.

  In the vicinity of South Zhili, because of the good land resources, many fertile lands can be planted twice a year, so at this time, it is time to start harvesting and then sow.

  Therefore... almost all officials are now counting the harvest of summer grain.

   And the most regrettable thing is that only about 50% of the paddy fields in Taiping Prefecture can be planted with two-crop rice. This year, due to seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation, the land that can be planted with two-crop rice has exceeded 80%.

  Zhang Anshi didn't believe it, so he decided to go to the countryside to have a look.

   On the other hand, food prices have lasted for two months and have climbed to three taels of silver per stone.

   It has increased several times, and it is still the price of bulk commodities, which is absolutely crazy.


  At this time, Li Xiucai was like a weasel, diligently searching for news in Qixia every day.

  He came back from Qixia today, but he seemed a bit worried.


   "What's the matter?" Zhang Taigong said calmly, "How is the market at Qixia?"

   "It rose a little more today."

   "Very good." Zhang Taigong said cheerfully.

  He bought a lot of grain one after another. After conversion, it was about one stone and two taels of silver, but now it seems that he should have at least doubled his income.

  Although buying grain at the beginning was a bit emotional, but now it seems that it has made a lot of money, which is much more profitable than rent collection.

Zhang Taigong said with a smile: "Now there are still three granaries that are not full, but... the money is not enough, but someone came... said that the land can be used to mortgage the silver... as long as a contract is signed, the bank will immediately offer the real money. You said... "

  Contrary to Zhang Taigong’s happy attitude, Li Xiucai said worriedly: “I’m in the market today… I heard… the harvest of summer grain in Taiping Mansion should not be as bad as I thought before.”

  After hearing this, Zhang Taigong just smiled and said: "Really? There are a lot of summer grains this year, and they all failed. How could this Taiping Mansion not be so bad?"

  Li Xiucai thought about it, and felt that he was worrying too much, but he still had some hidden worries in his heart, a feeling that he couldn't explain clearly.

  However, a scholar like Li Xiucai, and the scholars and gentry around him, almost all insisted that the harvest in Taiping Mansion must be bad, or even nothing.

   There is a saying called information cocoon room. Different groups may have diametrically opposite views on the same thing.

   No matter how much evidence you present, for example, a certain place in Taiping Prefecture seems to have had a bumper harvest, they will sneer at it.

   Some people think that this is some sinister tricks and means of the sinister Taiping Mansion. Or just don't believe it at all, thinking that someone is confusing the public.

  Even if you grab him and go to the place where the harvest is abundant, he just thinks that this is just one-sided information. It is normal for several townships in Taiping Prefecture, Nuoda, to have good harvests.

   All in all, unbelief is unbelief, and in a group, everyone is looking for various reasons for unbelief, and these reasons and excuses are just right for you.

   At this time, if you still want to make a clear judgment, it is actually impossible.

  Li Xiucai thought about it, and said: "Today... I met a few merchants, and those merchants..."

   Grandpa Zhang frowned, showing displeasure. It was Li Xiucai who encouraged him to buy grain at the beginning, but now... Li Xiucai retreated instead.

  He even mentions merchants...

  Seeing Zhang Taigong like this, Li Xiucai suddenly realized that he was vulgar, and he actually talked about merchants. Sin, sin, what he said just now is to be looked down upon and looked down upon by others.

  After all, the local gentry have a deep-rooted sense of superiority when facing merchants. This sense of superiority has lasted for thousands of years and is deeply rooted.

  Even though Zhang Taigong's face was not good-looking, he still said patiently: "Those merchants, what did you say?"

   "It is said that... the food price is now, it may be risky."

  Mr. Zhang said disdainfully: "This is the result of a cheap businessman who only knows the immediate benefits, has no long-term plans, and reads little. It's ridiculous..."

  Li Xiucai thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Why don't we sell some..."

   "Not for sale." Zhang Taigong shook his head decisively: "I am still waiting for the price to rise to six taels of silver. It seems... I have to find a way to collect more food."

  Li Xiucai hurriedly said: "Ah... grandpa... this... is too risky."

   Mr. Zhang smiled.

  Thinking about it, buying a sum of food easily resulted in more than doubling one's worth, lying at home, one could see one's property rising wildly.

  People's desires are hard to satisfy. After more than doubling their income, Zhang Taigong felt that he could make another big fortune.

  At this time, Zhang Taigong has actually begun to swell, and even his worth has doubled, but he still looks down on this little money.

  So Zhang Taigong said calmly: "Adventure? What kind of adventure is this? Others don't have a granary, but my family has a granary. This money is what I should earn."

  Li Xiucai said worriedly: "Actually, the students are worried whether this is Zhang Anshi's trick..."

   "If it's a trick..." Zhang Taigong actually didn't care, he said confidently: "Take a step back, even if there is really some conspiracy, do you still remember the tung oil that Zhang Anshi used to deal with merchants?"

   "Yes, that's what the student said."

   Zhang Taigong stroked his beard and laughed: "The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. If it was really the trick of tung oil back then, it would be easier."


Zhang Taigong said: "If Zhang Anshi wants to lure people in like tung oil, he must increase the price of tung oil to ten times or twenty times. Now... the market is still early, how many taels of silver is this? If the price does not exceed ten taels of silver, we will be able to make a profit, the old man has lived most of his life, how could he be like those lowly merchants, and be fooled by Zhang Anshi?"

Then, he snorted coldly, and proudly said: "No matter what method he uses, the old man will earn a large sum of money, and then sell it at that time. After earning this tens of thousands of wealth, and then retreat, when the time comes...whether it is the method of Zhang An Shi Whatever it is, it doesn't matter anymore."

   Zhang Taigong said that he was full of ambition, he was very confident, not to mention that he was not optimistic about the grain production of this Taiping Mansion, even if it was really a trap, he still felt that he was different from other fools.

  On this point, scholars are more self-willed than businessmen. They have a natural sense of superiority and think that they have mastered all wisdom.

  It’s good for Li Xiucai not to mention the risk, but when he did, Zhang Taigong was complacent, showing a bit of confidence that everything was under control.

  After hearing this, Li Xiucai felt that it was reasonable, and said: "What the grandfather said is very true, but the student... I am very ashamed."

  Zhang Taigong said: "Tomorrow, the people from the bank will come... Let's buy some more grain. Unfortunately, the capital is too small, so I only earned this."

  He showed regret.

   But Li Xiucai was stunned, how little money is there? Bought more than a dozen barns of grain... the wealth of hundreds of thousands of households is bundled together, and it is not as good as your fingers.

   "Students these days, go and inquire again."

  Eunuch Zhang nodded, took a sip of tea, and suddenly said: "Of course it is necessary to inquire, but... you must not mistakenly believe the words of a lowly businessman. You are a scholar... Do you understand?"

  After hearing this, Li Xiucai couldn't help becoming vigilant in his heart. He knew very well that what he said just now had already displeased Zhang Taigong.

  People... After all, they don't like to hear what they don't like to hear, and his words have obviously made Zhang Taigong have an opinion on him in his heart.

  Li Xiucai suddenly realized that he really shouldn't have made a slip of the tongue, not to mention that he would offend Grandpa Zhang. If other people listened to it, he was afraid... if he was considered a deviant, God knows if it would ruin his reputation.

  So he solemnly said: "Yes, the students are taught."

  Mr. Zhang revealed a gentle expression and nodded.


  The drought in South Zhili, the disaster has begun to become serious in summer.

  Although all places are trying to find ways to irrigate, the reduction in grain production is urgent.

  Zhu Di seemed very worried. He summoned the great scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and the ministers of various ministries to discuss the matter.

   All the ministers were also frowning.

  South Zhili is the main grain producing area of ​​the imperial court, and the reduction of grain production in this place is a serious matter.

   "Your Majesty." Xia Yuanji said with a sad face: "I heard that the price of food is already unattainable. If this continues, the people will complain."

  Zhu Di sighed, and continued: "Fortunately, there was some grain stored last year... This time... the harvests in various places are poor. The most troublesome thing for me... is the problem of summer grain collection."

  The court's food was barely enough.

  The problem of food and tax is the most troublesome.

  The common people have already suffered a bad harvest. If they are still urging for summer grain at this time, how can the common people survive?

  But if it is not conscripted, then the imperial court may not be enough.

  Xia Yuanjijian said: "I think it is better to reduce or exempt some, but we can't blindly reduce or exempt. First, let the governments collect collections to see how much they collect, and then give some reductions to places where the disaster is more serious."

  Zhu Di nodded thoughtfully and said: "That's what I said... By the way, Annan's grain ship should urge the Annan Governor's Mansion to find a way... to bring some."

Hu Guangdao: "If there is a disaster in some places, Annan's side can barely supply it. I heard that there is a lot of food there, but Nanzhili accounts for 20% of the world's food tax. Such a big deficit, and Annan's side... After all, the sea Ships are limited, and it is too late to build more ships, and the food that can be transported is probably very limited."

  Zhu Di nodded.

  Hu Guang said again: "I have heard some rumors, but I don't know if they are true or not."

  Zhu Di glanced at Hu Guang suddenly, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You mean the Taiping Mansion?"

  Hu Guangdao: "Yes, Your Majesty has also heard about it?"

  Zhu Didao: "The memorandum given to me by Zhang Qing's family says that there is nothing wrong with the Taiping Mansion."

  Hu Guang nodded, then fell silent.

But Yang Rong suddenly said: "Your Majesty, if there is anything wrong, you can find out at once. The grain tax in the world depends on Nanzhili, and the grain tax in Nanzhili depends on Taiping Mansion. Your Majesty may as well send an imperial envoy to inspect Taiping Mansion." After a while, the imperial court also has a bottom line."

  After Zhu Di listened, he glanced at the ministers thoughtfully, and said, "Who is the best to send?"

   "I am willing to go." As if everything was ready, Yang Rong volunteered without hesitation.

  Hu Guang: "..."

  Hu Guang felt that Yang Rong had already prepared this. This guy was always talking about going to Taiping Mansion for a while.

Hu Guang reacted quickly this time, and hurriedly said: "I can also go for a while. Food and tax are very important. I go with Yang Gong. If there is anything, we can discuss it. And Wenyuan Pavilion has its own money. The public is here, and these few days are idle, so there should be no problem."

  Zhu Di looked at the two suspiciously. Hu Guang wanted to join in the fun, but Zhu Di didn't think there was any surprise.

  But Yang Rong is always cautious in his words and deeds. He must think before doing anything. This time he took the initiative to invite Ying, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

  At the moment, Zhu Di nodded: "That's fine, then Erqing will go on my behalf. Hey... Zhang Anshi, this guy, spends the whole summer in his Taiping Mansion, and rarely comes to see him. This guy... his wings have grown hard."

  Although he cursed a few words, there was no trace of anger on Zhu Di's face.

  Actually, he also knew that Zhang Anshi was probably under great pressure because of the busy affairs of the Taiping Mansion.

   After all, the whole world is waiting to see the jokes of the Taiping Mansion. Renovating the old and restoring the new is easier said than done?

So Zhu Di said again: "A few days ago, some lychees were sent from Lingnan, and they tasted good. If you and Qing are on a trip, send them to me as soon as possible, and go faster. If not, the frozen lychees along the way Once this ice melts, it will be broken."

  Yang Rong and Hu Guang received the order, and then they went back to Wenyuan Pavilion to settle the business.

   Not long after, a few eunuchs came, holding several sealed boxes in their hands.

  The box feels cold to the touch, it should be something His Majesty asked them to bring, and the two of them should be carefully hidden.

   Now, set off immediately.

   Along the way, Hu Guang couldn't help complaining to Yang Rong: "Mr. Yang, I know you have expectations for Taiping Mansion, but do you know that there are all rumors about Taiping Mansion?"

  Yang Rong still looked very calm, and said with a smile: "I never listen to rumors, but... I never thought that Mr. Hu would come along with him."

Hu Guang widened his eyes, and said with a bit of anger: "You are usually respectful and polite in the eyes of His Majesty and others, but when you come to me, you seem to be very smart and smart. It’s about to rise up. I don’t accept it in my heart, so I don’t believe it, this Taiping Mansion… can really make things happen!”

   "This time, I want to go with you to see it with my own eyes... before I can rest. I also teach Yang Gong that there is some wisdom, but you can't be complacent."

  Hu Guang's appearance made Yang Rong feel amused. Yang Rong laughed and said, "Hu Gong, it seems that you are very unconvinced."

   "It's not that I'm not convinced." Hu Guangdao: "I have read books for half my life, and I dare not say that I am full of knowledge, but I don't believe that what the sage said can be wrong, and I don't believe it. The truth in these four books and five classics..."

   Before Hu Guang could finish his words, Yang Rong said, "Jian Yi has proved this point."

  Hu Guang was speechless for a while, but when it came to Jian Yi, Hu Guang seemed depressed. He sighed and said quietly: "It must be because of his negligence."

  Although he explained it in this way, he still felt that he was justified, and dared not continue to argue with Yang Rong.

  When we arrived in Qixia, we learned that Zhang Anshi was going to the countryside and went to Xuancheng.

  The two of them did not neglect, and went to Xuancheng by boat without stopping. Along the way... they saw a lot of plowing fields, and many people were harvesting.

  In the scorching summer, the earth is like being in an oven, but there are many hardworking farmers working.

  The situation in Taiping Mansion seems to be very different from many rumors outside.

  Hu Guang didn't say a word, he just observed carefully.

  Yang Rong said with a bit of emotion: "After seeing them, I will know that my life is really good."

   These words resonated with Hu Guang: "Why don't you and I write a poem to praise the hardships of farmers?"

"No." Yang Rong shook his head and said, "Farmers don't need us to write sour poems hypocritically. You are just writing poems to show your sympathy for farmers. This kind of kindness is worthless, and it is useless except to comfort Mr. Hu and yourself."

   Hu Guang's eyes widened when he said this: ""

   "That's the kind of person I am." Yang Rong sometimes even showed a little childish in front of Hu Guang.

  This is also the reason why Hu Guang can gain a foothold in the court, because everyone likes him, and extremely smart people will not be wary if they are with him.

  Hu Guang sighed: "It is not a good thing for people to be too smart."

   Arrived in Xuancheng, as soon as the imperial envoy arrived, someone at the ferry immediately went to the county to report.

   Soon, the local county magistrate came to greet him in person.

  Hu Guang saw him alone, and immediately asked: "Where is Wei Guogong? Where is the county magistrate of Xuancheng? Why don't you see anyone? I just asked you to come?"

  The county magistrate smiled wryly and said: "The Yali officials are on duty. Duke Wei and the county magistrate are in Xintian Township to learn about the situation of grain requisition."

   "Have you started collecting food?"

   "It's ripe early, so..."

  Yang Rong said: "Then let's go to Xintian Township as well. The two of us came by order..."

  Hu Guang was a little speechless, he was an imperial envoy, how could he have no airs at all? After all, he represents the emperor, and he needs to wait for Zhang Anshi to greet him in person, so why run to the countryside with him.

   But in front of others, Hu Guang was not easy to refute Yang Rong.

  At the moment, they set off again and rushed to Xintian Township.

   But the scene in front of him was shocking.

  The endless flow of people, either in a chicken bus or carried on their shoulders, go in one direction.

  When I arrived in that direction, it was the grain station of Xintian Township.

  In this grain station, more than a dozen servants are busy.

  Some weighed the grain, some put the grain into the warehouse, and some recorded it.

  Many people were chattering, and it seemed that the atmosphere was not tense.

   There is a person... looks familiar, like Qiu Song, Qiu Song is holding an umbrella, but the umbrella that blocks the sun is erected on Zhang Anshi's head, while Qiu Song continues to bask.

  He seemed to have peeled off a layer of skin from the sun. On his dark face, white and tender new skin sloughed out, black and white mixed together, like a hermaphrodite.

  (end of this chapter)

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