My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 302 Heal the Heart! hunting!

After listening to Tai Shuyun's suggestion, Xiao Huo had no doubts.

He also felt that it was too dangerous for members of the own tribe to continue to stay here. When it was a dangerous moment, he needed to protect Huang Feier, and it would be difficult to take care of other tribesmen.

"Feng Qi, you take the people back home first, the next is very dangerous, if you follow us, your strength is obviously not enough, it is difficult to survive."

Turning around, Xiao Huo spoke to the tribesmen.


Feng Qi, the clansman headed by him, looked at Huang Feier hesitantly. They were here to protect the Holy Maiden, Huang Feier. Wouldn't it be too good if they left like this?

"Feng Yan is right. You go back first. You don't have to worry about my safety. Feng Yan will protect me."

Nodding, Huang Feier gave an order, her expression flat.

"Follow the orders of Holy Maiden."

Feng Qi and the others saw Holy Maiden and Huang Feier had spoken, so they nodded and left together.

Seeing that these people were gone, Xiao Huo and Huang Feier looked at each other, then looked at Tai Shujing and them.

"Before hunting, I will help you heal the injury in your heart."

With a smile, Tai Shu Jing looked at Huang Feier.

"Second brother, do you have a way?"

Hearing this, Xiao Huo's tone was a bit agitated. If Huang Feier's heart pulse can be cured as soon as possible, her Cultivation Base will surely be able to ascension quickly.

"Of course, look to me."

Nodded with a smile, Tai Shu Jing raised his hand towards Huang Feier, a black and white two-color Yin & Yang life and death picture appeared under her feet, rotating in different directions inside and outside.

Immediately afterwards, another Yin & Yang life-and-death picture that was exactly the same appeared on top of her head.

Huang Feier stood between the two Yin & Yang life and death pictures, and looked at the two mysterious patterns a little nervously. From the two mysterious patterns, she felt a dangerous breath.

"Yin & Yang metamorphosed into life and death, life and death hurt by rebellion."

Raising his hand and turning, Tai Shujing whispered softly, and the two Yin & Yang life and death pictures were rotated and closed in the middle like this.

The power of the four origins gathers and evolves with each other, not only producing terrifying lethality, dissolving all things, but also having extremely powerful healing power, which is enough to reverse the injury of the road.

The two Yin & Yang life and death diagrams penetrate the flesh and bones of Huang Feier's body. The powerful healing power, including the strong vitality, converges toward her heart.

Huang Feier's heart radiated light, but the light was mixed with a trace of obvious black. This was the injury on her heart.

The two Yin & Yang life and death pictures overlapped in her heart, bursting out extremely powerful energy, countless Spiritual Qi infiltrated from the void and gathered there.


The sound of the phoenix sound was loud, and there seemed to be a Phoenix in Huang Feier's heart rebirth from the ashes, and under the effect of the power of the source, that trace of black was expelled.

Gradually, the light in Huang Feier's heart became more and more brilliant, without a trace of variegated color, shining with noble gold.

"All right."

Seeing this, Tai Shu Jing said something.

With a thought in his mind, the overlapping Yin & Yang life and death diagrams slowly dissipated, and the injuries on Huang Feier's heart veins were gone.

Slowly opening his eyes, Huang Feier felt that the feeling of blockage in his heart had disappeared, and the flow of Spirit Power throughout his body became active, and there was no obstacle to the flow to the whole body.

She even felt that the blood in her body was cheering, as if she had experienced a rebirth.

Just because of the huge energy gathered from the Yin & Yang life and death chart, it still stayed in Huang Feier's body. As long as she gave her time, she would soon be able to lift the Cultivation Base up.

"Thank you second brother, second brother for your great kindness, Mayfair is not unforgettable in this life."

Looking at Tai Shujing solemnly, Huang Feier bowed deeply.

The injury in this heart vein had troubled her for a long, long time, and the pain in it was only she could understand it. Originally, she thought that she could only heal the injury completely when she had built Immortal, but she didn't expect to do it now.

And all this is thanks to the second brother of Xiaohuo.

"Hahaha, those who are generous or not, they are all in the family. If you really want to thank me, please take care of Xiaohuo for us, so that I can rest assured."

Haha smiled, Tai Uncle waved his hand quietly.

Hearing this, a shyness flashed across Huang Feier's face, she glanced at Xiao Huo, and quickly withdrew her gaze.

"Second brother, I also want to thank you for Mayfair."

Xiao Huo looked at Tai Shujing.

"Don't thank you, I have been thanking you for a day. Are you still not thanking enough? Let's hurry up and hunt for the spirit of killing intent, time waits for no one."

Tai Shujing said with a smile at Xiao Huo.

"Yes, Xiao Jing is right, Xiao Huo, don't always thank you, you seem to be very rewarding."

With a puff, Lan Xiyue also said.

"Let's go."

Not much to say, the six immediately left the place and headed towards the place where there was the killing intent spirit in the distance. This time, they decided to hunt the killing intent spirit of the king level, and the stronger the better.

In the depths of the ancient battlefield, there are many small soil packs, one at a distance of several hundred feet or even several thousand feet.

However, there are some small dirt bags, but there are none on them. Only a few of the dirt bags were born with Immortal Light and the accompanying spirit of killing intent.

This piece of land is covered with dirt everywhere, and probably has an area of ​​thousands of miles.

At this time, surrounding these born Immortal lights, many monks were besieging the accompanying spirits of killing intent.

These killing intent spirits are at least at the quasi-king level. If you want to kill such a killing intent spirit, it will definitely be impossible if you don't have enough combat power.

However, few people can hunt these killing spirits alone and get the light of Immortal.

So many ascetics have chosen to join forces to besiege. As for how to deal with the Immortal Light, that's what comes after.

The fluctuations of the battle spread across this land, and fierce battles were taking place in many places, basically besieging those spirits of killing intent.

Although some people thought of using the method of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, the spirit of killing intent would not leave the light of Immortal too far.

Once it finds that someone has acted on the light of Immortal, the spirit of killing intent will react instantly and set the target to be the first to kill.

No one wants to face the spirit of killing intent alone, unless he is a trustworthy fellow, dare to use this desperate method, otherwise it is to seek death.

In this way, the safest way to get this Immortal light is to kill the spirit of killing intent first.

However, even if everyone besieged the spirit of killing intent together, it didn't mean that there would be no need for dead people. On the contrary, it would cost blood.

The siege has always been a killer spirit at the quasi-king level, not to mention that it will cost a few lives of the great Sage realm.

Even Nine Cycles Sage is in danger of falling.

And this is just to besieged the quasi-king-level killing intent spirit, if it is the king-level killing intent spirit, more deaths will be made.

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