My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 308 A Condition! The way of killing!


A palm slapped a king's chest into a hollow, and the bullet flew out. The uncle lied up on him quietly, and punched out, and penetrated the palm print mercilessly.


Immediately afterwards, Tai Uncle Jing's hand shook forcefully, and the king's body suddenly split apart, the crystal clear king's blood was spilled into the void, and the rich killing energy burst out, and was quickly wiped out by the power of the large array.

A trace of bloody real spirit flew out of the broken body, trying to escape, but was grabbed by Tai Shujing in the palm of his hand, pinched hard, and he couldn't die again.

"Only the instinct of killing, a little less agility, at most only half of the strength."

The town killed a crazy king, Tai Shu Jing estimated the strength of these kings after waking up.

After all, it was not the original person, but Immortal remained in the war, and there was a trace of broken will on it that could only be awakened by blood sacrifice.

If Immortal's body is shattered, then even if there is will remaining, it can't depend on the physical body, and will only die over time.

Another possibility is that by attaching will to the soldiers, Death can also be delayed.

The most important point is that these awakened quasi-kings and kings have no weapons in their hands. The quasi-kings and kings who have followed them for a lifetime have lost their spirituality for a long time.

Even if it survives, it has become the most common worn-out weapon.

If there are quasi king soldiers and king soldiers in hand, the strength of these quasi kings and kings will be stronger, and they will probably have the original strength of 70%.


Xiaobai's opponent was also smashed by her, and even the true spirit was annihilated, the exploded flesh and blood scattered all over, and was wiped out by the big formation, leaving nothing.

"A bit weak."

When he came to Tai Shujing, Xiao Bai said something.

"After all, it's a dead person, it's normal to be unable to reproduce the peak of the year."

Uncle Tai smiled quietly.

Looking at my brother and them, I found that they had no problem, and they all pressed a king to fight, and the battle was about to end soon.

Xiao Huo's opponent is a quasi-king, and the situation is leaning to one side without any pressure.

On the contrary, Lei Peng and the others, besieging a quasi-king in pairs, seemed a bit bullying, but it was all right to be cruel to the enemy.

"There are also two prospective kings, Xiao Bai, one of us. See who solves the problem first, and the one who wins will agree to one condition for the other side?"

Seeing the two quasi-kings floating on the edge of the big formation, Tai Shu Jing looked at Xiao Bai.

"No problem, you are determined to lose."

When the voice fell, Xiao Bai's figure disappeared, leaving Tai Shujing in amazement, whether he was a little misguided, Xiao Bai's way of space was not a joke.

"Forget it, blame yourself for not speaking through your brain."

Smiling and shook his head, the uncle took a quiet step and walked towards the other quasi-king.


The quasi-king who had become a killing machine roared as if to warn Tai Shujing not to come over. Even if she only had combat instincts, she could still feel the danger from Tai Shujing.

"Come and play, no, there is no time to play, it's not good to lose to Xiaobai."

Originally I wanted to play with this quasi-king, but Tai Shu Jing immediately changed his words, and without a word, he smashed it with a punch, and the starlight was shining above the punch.


Facing Tai Shujing's attack, the prospective king opened his mouth to spit out a killing sound, which was the only word they could say clearly.

This quasi-king was holding a long spear that was gathered by the power of the original source. The tip of the spear was bursting with a sharp edge.


A fist hit the tip of the gun, making a crisp sound, and the spear formed by the power of the source bounced suddenly, and the fine cracks were all over the tip of the gun.


In the next instant, the quasi-king's spear tip shattered, which made him stunned for a moment, and then quickly urged the power of the original source to regenerate a spear tip.

"Hey, you are quite quick."

With that said, Tai Shujing slammed a punch on the barrel of this long spear, and directly struck him in two, the fist pierced straight through, shattering the quasi-king's shoulder.


But the quasi-king didn't seem to feel any pain, regardless of own injury, holding a fragment of the original spear tip, slammed into Tai Shu Jing's body.

"Get out of here, you still want to learn from others to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred."

Facing this suicidal attack, the uncle raised his eyebrows quietly, with the stars shining in his palm, accepting this attack, and crushing the tip of the gun with a strong grip.

With a smooth palm, he knocked the quasi-king into the air, and sprinkled the crystal-clear blood of the quasi-king in the air.

Just as Tai Shujing was about to kill him, she suddenly saw a shot down figure not far away, and a powerful king pursued the man.

"Isn't that a member of the ancient Ji family? Why was he chased and beaten instead."

Turning around, Tai Shu Jing looked at the king, and then a little surprise appeared in his eyes.

The opponent that Ji Ruxue chose was a king, and this king was a bit unusual, because he had the aura of the origin of killing.

This way of killing is one of the highest avenues, simple and pure, just two words, killing.

Of course, this does not mean that as long as you continue to kill, you can comprehend the way of killing, but that the enlightened person must understand the true meaning of the word killing.

As long as you understand the true meaning of these two words, you can naturally control the way of killing.

But if you don’t understand the true meaning of killing and are obsessed with killing, it will be no fun. After all, you will be affected by the killing, and you can easily become enchanted and bring disasters to people.

Therefore, this way of killing is one of the highest, although it seems simple, in fact, not many people dare to think about it.

Since ancient times, in order to comprehend this way of killing, the children of Tianjiao have fallen a lot.

Even if this way of killing is the highest, it is regarded as a taboo way by many people.

But there are still some people who have done it. They have successfully realized the true meaning of killing and mastered the way of killing, and they have made great achievements.

Just like the king in front of him, he seemed to be quite young, with a firm face, if it weren't for the blood-colored eyes, he would be handsome.

This person must have been a talented arrogant who had become famous at a young age. He had also awakened the origin of killing and was in charge of the way of killing. The unique murderous aura in his body alone was enough to break the heart.

"No way, it's important to save people."

Without going up to make up the knife, Tai Shu quietly watched the killing sword in the hands of the king swing out, and it was about to cross Ji Ruxue's neck. The sword was drawn down, and the iron will be fragrant.

At this time, no one else noticed this scene.

Now that Tai Shujing saw it, there was nothing he could do, so he had to put down the quasi-king first, and rushed over to save people.

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