My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 321 Shut up! have opinions?

No one thought that Xiaohuo would directly admit it.

Suddenly, Yin Wuending's face became very gloomy and cold. He stared at Xiao Huo's figure, and naked killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Then my death has something to do with you?"

"And my son?"

Xiang Po Di and Shi Wuxin also stared at the small fire closely, as if they would get into trouble as soon as he said something.

"I killed it."

At this time, Tai Shu Jing walked out and looked at them with a smile.

"It's you? Who are you?"

Upon hearing this, both Shi Wuxin and Xiang Podi frowned and looked at Tai Shujing.

"You three, you don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. The news is not groundless, just don't know where this hole comes from."

With that said, Tai Shu Jing glanced at Feng Tianbo, whose eyes had already understood everything.

"However, it doesn't matter anymore. I deceive my brother and die. If you refuse to accept it, I will send you to Yellow Springs, father and son together, okay?"

When the voice fell, Tai Shujing's expression became cold.

Like this kind of small trouble, one or two is okay. If you get more, you will feel very annoyed. If you want to get it right once and for all, just go ahead and kill!

A chill spread out, causing all the prospective kings present to feel cold, and even Feng Tianbo felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"You... boldly, dare to speak to us like this, this is Wanhuangling, not your human race's territory, be careful to speak out from your mouth, and, relying on you, you are young and frivolous without knowing it."

The three of them were immediately irritated by Uncle Jing and glared.

"I just want to ask, do you want to lie here sideways or go out vertically and give you ten breaths time to think about it. I am in a bad mood now and the consequences are serious."

Looking at the three of them, Tai Shujing's tone was very deserted, revealing a horror that drew people's minds.

For some reason, at this time, Tai Shujing's momentum seemed to rise infinitely, moving toward the surroundings, making everyone feel a sense of awe of looking up at the mountains.

Obviously he looks so ordinary, not even the slightest Cultivation Base is revealed.

Such Tai Shujing puts heavy pressure on the three Shi Wuxin. That pressure is not their illusion, but the real coercion, just like the movement of the prehistoric behemoth before waking up.

Cold sweat appeared on their faces, and the three Shi Wuxin seemed to be scared, not at all as aggressive as they were at the beginning.

"Why little friends..."

"you shut up!"

At this time, seeing that the three Shi Wuxin had a feeling of retreat, Feng Tianbo was about to speak.

However, he was interrupted by Taishu Jing's cold voice. He glanced at Feng Tianbo. In those cold eyes, there seemed to be a white vortex condensing, pulling the true spirit, making the king also feel the danger.

Suddenly, Feng Tianbo's expression turned gloomy, but he did not speak.

His Immortal will tell him that there is a will that has locked him in, and if he dares to continue speaking, he will usher in the opponent's strong suppression, and he will not be merciless.

This caused Feng Tianbo's heart to feel extremely tormented. It is a shameful and shameful thing to think of him as a phoenix king who was locked in with will and directly threatened him.

Moreover, this person who locked him with will is still a young man.

Although he felt very angry in his heart, Feng Tianbo didn't get angry on the spot either. He resisted the urge to kill and forced himself to calm down. Under the lock of that will, he developed a sense of fear.

"this……"Seeing Tai Shujing beating Feng Tianbo directly, Feng Zhe and others felt that things were going to happen, but they didn't see Feng Tianbo doing anything for a long time.

Looking over, he found that Feng Tianbo only had a gloomy face and a gloomy look, which surprised the people present besides being surprised.

In particular, the three Lion Youxin came to find the fault, with a look of awkwardness. They didn't follow the procedure. What should they do?

"The time is up, give your choice."

Withdrawing his gaze, the uncle looked at them calmly.


Shiyouxin and the three of them stared at each other. They didn't know how to answer. They were wrong, and they might kill them. But today, the three of them came to worship the mountain with great momentum. Are they going back now with their tails in their hands?

"White Tiger Jinbuhuan came to worship the mountain!"

"Black Tortoise Clan Xuan Lingyu came to worship the mountain!"

"Qilin clan Qi Baishi came to worship the mountain!"

Suddenly, three majestic voices rang from outside the Phoenix Mountain, making Feng Zhe and the Elders stunned. What day is it today, and it’s not the time for the ancestor’s birthday, why are all of them here?

In less than a while, three Daoist shadows appeared in front of the Elder Phoenix Temple.

"I have seen King Tianbo, seniors."

The people here are three young people who have cultivated to Realm as the quasi-king at a young age, and they are regarded as the best among the children of all races.


Feng Tianbo nodded.

"Say, what is your choice? Don't challenge my patience."

He didn't have the slightest interest in the coming person, Tai Shu quietly stared at the three people, the inexplicable aura became more and more terrifying, like a black hole, it would annihilate everything.

The three Shi Wuxin felt that the pressure on their bodies was getting heavier and heavier. It seemed that they were not a young man at all, but a strong king.

"three two……"

The countdown sounded, Tai Shujing's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"Hold on... Let's go, we will leave now."

They couldn't stand it anymore, the bodies of the three Shi Wuxin were soaked in cold sweat. They had never had such a thing before, even facing the king of the clan, they had never been so frightened.

Their Immortal will is faltering, it is really going to die.


Regarding this, Tai Uncle Jing uttered a word with no expression on her face, and the three Shi Wuxin shivered in fright, and turned around and were about to leave here.

"Aren't these three clan uncles? What happened?"

Among the three young people, Jin Bu of the White Tiger clan exchanged his voice.

"It turned out to be Jin Shinephew, it's okay, it's all a misunderstanding."

Shi Wuxin stopped and smiled reluctantly.

This time, the three of them enthusiastically came to worship the mountain, but they went back in a desperate manner. They really didn't know how to face the eyes of those people in the clan.

However, even this is better than losing your life here.

That unremarkable young man is too dangerous. This is the first time they have encountered an existence that can make their Immortal will shaky. It is a warning from the true spirit and there is a big horror.

"So, this Xiongtai is very angry. This is Wanhuangling, not the territory of the human race. You don't understand the truth from the mouth?"

Jin Buhuan and the three of them looked at Tai Shujing, their expressions a little unkind.

They were just here to watch the excitement, and they didn't expect to see such a scene, which really made them feel uncomfortable, the arrogant Wanhuangling Tianjiao.

"have opinions?"

Glancing at the three of them, the uncle said quietly.


"Hold it."

Jin Buchang nodded his head and was about to speak, but was blocked by Tai Shujing's words, making his face uncomfortable.

"Puff, Feng Yan, the second brother speaks very aggressively, but he is very aggressive."

Huang Feier on the side laughed directly.

"In fact, the second brother has spoken much more constrained now than before. In the past, it was really annoying."

Smiling and shook his head, Xiao Huo said.

Compared with before, Tai Shujing has really changed a lot, her speech will not be so indifferent, her temper has also been reduced a lot, and the whole person is more calm and mature.

If she insisted, Tai Shujing should be said to have become introverted and sharp.

"You... impudent! What kind of place do you think this is, this is not a place where your human race can do whatever they want."

Seeing his uncle's static pressure roots, he didn't look at them straight, which made the three of them feel hot.

At any rate, they are also the famous Tianjiao on the Wanhuangling Mountain, and even the Realm who has cultivated the quasi-king. It is a certain thing to be promoted to the source of the Dao. Whoever sees them should not be respectful, let alone an outsider.

"Then what place do you think this is? This is the Phoenix Mountain, the territory of our Phoenix family, and it is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Xiao Huo stood up and said in a bad tone, without showing them a good look.

"My Phoenix family's territory, it is not yet your turn to make irresponsible remarks here."

Huang Feier also said coldly.

"You...Even if this is Phoenix Mountain, you can tolerate an outsider oppressing us at Wanhuangling? It's too ridiculous, isn't it?"

I saw that the people who talked were the Saint Son and Holy Maiden of Phoenix's line. Even if Jin didn't change the three of them, it wouldn't be easy to lose my temper, but coldly refuted.

"Why? Is it possible that you have to say, Wanhuangling is all a family, then we do not rarely see you bullying other races on weekdays, I remember, if you are right, the last time the Holy Maiden of the Xueling Deer clan had an accident. What a good thing you did, I really thought that no one knew what you did, and there is still the face to make irresponsible remarks here, which is embarrassing."

Huang Feier said coldly.

Hearing that, everyone looked at Jin Buhuan and the eyes of the three of them were all wrong, and they couldn't tell, dare to feel that the three of them were still dressed beasts, even though they weren't human in the first place.

"Are you talking nonsense? When did I wait to do this kind of thing? Just frame a good person. Is this what you should do as the Phoenix Holy Maiden?"

The secret was revealed, and Jin Buhuan's expressions changed drastically, and they shouted visibly.

"Good guys? Ask yourself, are you good guys? Don't put gold on your cheeks. God looks at everything you do? How about you go and ask God to see if it is true or not?"

With a sneer, Huang Feier meant something.

What she meant was obvious, and that was to let those three guys swear to Heavenly Dao and let the heavens decide right from wrong.


Hearing that, the three of Jin Buhuan were speechless, and there were ghosts in their hearts, and they would be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

There is no lie under Heavenly Dao, this is the only everlasting iron rule between heaven and earth.

"I can't tell, there are also such goods among the younger generations of these three races."Next to him, Feng Zhe shook his head. Judging from the expressions of the three of Jin Buhuan, he knew that Huang Feier was right.

There are the bloodlines of the great emperors on this Wanhuangling Mountain, and there are many bloodlines and races attached to them under each vein, just like his Phoenix bloodline, there are hundreds of gods and birds bloodlines attached.

The White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Qilin clan of the same five spirit emperor clan naturally also have many bloodline races under their hands.

And the Xuelinglu clan is a race attached to the Qilin clan.

This is a kind of domination and being ruled.

On the Ten Thousand Emperors Mountain, the imperial clan has the supreme authority, especially for the races that depend on them, no matter what to do with those dependent species, it is reasonable.

"Enough, three nephews, if there is nothing wrong with you, please go back."

As the Five Spirits emperor, Feng Zhe didn't want to make things too stiff, so he had to speak out to persuade Jin not to change them and leave here.

Seeing Feng Zhe persuading them to leave, Jin Buhuan all three of them looked ugly.

Like Shi Youxin, they mobilized all the people to worship the mountain, but they were ordered to evict their guests before they waited a while. This is also a disgraceful thing for them.

"Fengzhe Elder, this is not the case. Since the three nephews of my life have come to my Phoenix Mountain, they are both the emperor, and they should be treated well. It is not good for us to be close to the five spirit emperors, isn't it?"

Feng Tianbo said aloud.

"King Tianbo is right. I waited for the elders of the representative clan to come and repaired in the same line with Phoenix. How can I give up halfway."

Xuan Lingyu of the Black Tortoise clan nodded and said yes.

"King Tianbo is worthy of being the leader of the Phoenix clan. He has a unique vision, and his nephew admires him."

Even Qi Baishi of the Qilin clan followed him to flatter him.

Hearing that, Feng Zhe was rolling his eyes while watching, and he understood what he said. He still has a face to stay here, how thick is this face.

And when did Feng Tianbo become the leader of the Phoenix clan?

He is not the only Phoenix King in the Phoenix clan. He is much more powerful than him. He can become the leader of the Phoenix family. Where can the other Phoenix King faces be placed? Up to the sky?

"Hahaha, the three nephews can really speak."

After being slapped, Feng Tianbo's tail was about to rise.

"Ashamed, dirty eyeballs, little fire, let's go back"

Taking a look at Feng Tianbo and the others, Tai Shu Jing really wanted to slap them all to death. She looked disgusting, and she dressed glamorously.

After speaking, Tai Shujing turned around and went back to Xiaohuo and the others, pulling Xiaobai's hand to leave.

"Fengzhe senior, if you have time, come here for a comment."

After two steps, Tai Shujing turned back and gestured to Feng Zhe.

"Hahaha, since the little friends are kindly invited, there is nothing wrong with me, it just happens that I have nothing to do now, so let's go, if you are lucky enough to get some advice from the little friends, then you will make a lot of money."

Feng Zhe laughed.

He also felt boring to stay here, and felt embarrassed when he looked at it, so he might as well find a reason to leave. There will be other Elders who will take care of the rest.

With that, Feng Zhe walked towards Tai Shujing and the others, planning to leave here together.

"This clan uncle is joking, just rely on him to give some advice, I am afraid it is to ask the clan uncle for your advice."

"Uncle Clan, you are too scrupulous about his face. Even if you tell the truth, at least we will not laugh at him. Now, it is simply laughable and generous."

After Feng Zhe said, Jin Buhuan all laughed.

No matter how you look at it, Tai Shujing looks ordinary, so she looks pretty good, how much strength she can have, and she also points out a prospective king, and asks the prospective king to give instructions.

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