My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 332: Down the Mountain!

Every day, there are more dark clouds in the sky.

On this day, Xiao Bai finally planned to go to the True Dragon God Mountain to take a look. Of course Tai Shujing had to accompany her.

After greeted Xiao Huo and Huang Feier, the two walked out of the Phoenix Mountain, and Xiao Huo and the others were not accompanied.

Xiaohuo and the others are also very clear that Tai Shujing hopes to see them really grow up, and that will not allow Tai Shujing and them to worry too much by then. Dao Yuan Jing is only the minimum requirement.

Today, Xiaobai is wearing a snow-colored gauze skirt. The gold-rimmed collar covers her white neck, and the white belt is tightly tied around her waist, showing her beautiful figure.

The cuffs of the two sleeves were a bit thick, hanging down like a stationary butterfly. During the walk, the snow-colored skirt was fluttering, and the slender legs were looming, shining with crystal luster.

Moreover, today's Xiaobai also wears crystal shoes, high-heeled shoes, which are also a kind of shoes that women in large families like to wear, and ordinary women can't afford it.

One is that these shoes are a bit expensive and are made of special spirit mines, and the other is that they have no temperament and cannot be controlled at all.

"Why is there such a modern thing in this world? Isn't the development of beauty regardless of age?"

Staring at the pair of crystal shoes on Xiao Bai's feet, Tai Shujing sighed with emotion.

This pair of crystal shoes was given to her by Huang Feier. At that time, Tai Shujing felt very surprised and asked who invented this kind of shoes.

But I heard Huang Feier said that this kind of shoes was invented by a mortal carver.

At the beginning, it was just a normal sculpture, and then it was admired by many daughters, Miss, and slowly evolved into a style, especially sought after by many women.

"Jing, what are you looking at?"

Noting that Tai Shujing's eyes were hovering on her feet, Xiao Bai felt uncomfortable.

This is the first time she has dressed up so exaggeratedly. She has always been wearing a long gown. Now she has changed to a gauze skirt. Although it is not the kind of clothing with very little material, it still makes her a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm looking at your feet... the shoes."

Subconsciously, she replied, and then Tai Shujing added three words wittyly, her old face was embarrassed.

"Shoes? Do these shoes look that good? Fortunately, I didn't choose a heel that was too high."

Looking down at the shoes on his feet, Xiao Bai said something.

When choosing this pair of shoes, Xiao Bai also saw several pairs of higher heels. This pair is neither high nor low.

Originally, she was about half a head taller than Tai Shujing, but now she has a full head, although this will make it easier for her to hold Tai Shujing.

"Uh, it's not a big deal, it's just a bit more exciting to me, but you like Xiaobai."

Seeing Xiao Bai who was used to wearing a long gown, Tai Shu Jing couldn't adapt for a while. He didn't know if it was an illusion or something. He felt that Xiao Bai had become much more beautiful.

Obviously he had seen many women dressed like this, but Tai Shujing felt that way.


After listening to Tai Shujing's words, Xiao Baifeng's face showed a surprise. No matter how beautiful the girl is, it must be the people he likes to be able to move. This is the biggest compliment to them.

"Maybe I'm not used to it yet, just get used to it."

The corner of his eyes flicked, and Tai Shu quietly looked at such Xiaobai, always feeling embarrassed.

"Jing, do you like me wearing this way?"

Walking to the front of Tai Shujing, Xiao Bai turned around and lowered his head to look at him, his shining eyes blinked, and he asked expectantly.

"Like it, this little white is beautiful."

Facing that look, the uncle Jing's thoughts of not answering were gone, so he answered honestly.

Such a Xiaobai lowered his head and leaned in front of him, with a strong feeling. It was given by his height. Tai Shu Jing didn't want to envy him.

"Okay, don't we have to go to the True Dragon Mountain? Hurry up."

Seeing Xiaobai approached with a smile, her chest was about to touch his face, Tai Shujing avoided Xiaobai and walked down the mountain calmly.

"Jing, are you shy? Hee hee."

Perceiving Tai Shujing's red ears, Xiaobai smiled triumphantly, leaning her hands behind her, and then leaped briskly to catch up with her, silver bell-like laughter echoing on the mountain road.

"Nonsense, I'm an old husband and wife, I'm so shy."

Deliberately ignoring her ridiculous tone, Tai Shujing just didn't admit that she was shy at that moment.

The current Xiao Bai is really beautiful, tall, exquisite and elegant, not to mention the noble temperament, but also reveals a trace of domineering, presumably because of the dragon power flowing in her blood.

Although this Long Wei has no effect on Tai Shujing.

Such Xiaobai is definitely the best beauty in the world. Tai Shujing has no doubt that as long as she beckons, those who pursue her can be queued to the ends of the world.

"Jing, I have decided to wear this way from now on, okay?"

Seeing that Tai Shujing seemed to like her outfit, Xiao Bai said immediately.

"No matter what you dress up, I like it."

Not too embarrassed to say that I like it very much, Tai Shujing had to say so.

"Puff, Jing, you are really not frank, but I have seen everything through. Your performance shows that you like my dress, right? Huh?"

With a Yanran smile, Xiaobai's beautiful eyes were bent into crescents.

"Xiaobai, you all know, then I'm making fun of me. It's too naughty. Come here, and now I'll punish you to hold my hand and not let go, and honestly follow me to the True Dragon Mountain, and you are not allowed to talk."

With that, Tai Shu Jing took Xiao Bai's hand, clasped her fingers, and smiled toward the True Dragon Mountain.

Looking at his profile, Xiaobai's gentle color on his face, feeling the warmth of her hand, her eyes were full of inevitable joy and happiness, Tai Shujing really spoiled her too much.

Soon, the two were about to enter the scope of the True Dragon God Mountain.

Since the two left the Phoenix Mountain, several eyeliners followed them, hanging far behind them.

Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai are naturally clear about this, and with a few miscellaneous fish that can't even reach the sixth state of condensed state, they can't hide from the two quasi-kings.

"is coming."

When approaching the foot of the True Dragon God Mountain, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai stopped at the same time, and slightly raised their heads to look towards the sky.


The sea of ​​clouds in the sky suddenly tossed and gathered into wind eyes, turning toward the black color, as if some kind of existential emotional change triggered the celestial phenomenon, which was extremely obvious.

The three wind eyes are formed, appearing above the sky in the shape of a product.

Afterwards, three Daoist shadows emerged from the eye of the wind, each with unparalleled coercion, stirring the sky, and the majestic will penetrated into the void, suppressing a world.

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