My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 340 Victory is divided!

In this scene, the two people in the distant war stopped their movements.

"Not bad."

With a faint smile, Tai Shujing said, he didn't expect that Zi Xuanding would use this magical power on his own, after all, he was only perfected soon.

"What magical power is this!"

And the king of the Qilin clan trembled a few times, he felt a fatal crisis from the Tao map, making him feel like he was facing a peak powerhouse.

Under Tai Shujing's attack, the Qilin clan's king was already covered in blood, and the king's blood dripped into the depths of the void, exploding with a killing air that slayed all things.

"Excuse me."

In response, Tai Shujing gave a chuckle, raised his hand to pinch out a fist mark, and blasted out.

"Qilin Town God Fist!"

The king of the Qilin clan yelled and displayed his strongest attacking technique. The power of the thick soil and the power of the nine suns rioted at the same time, and the power of the source was like a tsunami. out.

A huge bright yellow Qilin condenses on the top of his head, screaming up to the sky, and the endless source of power gathers on it, condensing it like the essence.

This Qilin then suddenly fell and sank into the body of the Qilin clan king, instantly making his momentum climb to a peak.

A huge bright yellow fist condensed out, and as the Qilin clan king blasted out with a punch, the space burst.

"It's time to end."

With a whisper, the uncle took a quiet step, and the seven-color light in his hands gathered together like a piece of amber against his fist.

Facing that huge punch, Tai Shujing simply punched it out and collided with that huge punch.


The starry sky in a radius of tens of thousands of miles collapsed, and the power of the horror origin poured out, destroying everything around it.


On the huge bright yellow fist, dense cracks appeared, which broke apart in the blink of an eye. The king of Qilin clan vomited blood and flew out, directly hitting a Star thousands of miles away.


The Star couldn't bear the force of the impact, and it exploded, and the star core with shining starlight emerged.

"Wow...cough cough..."

The king of Qilin clan stopped his figure, and couldn't help coughing up blood.

I saw a blood hole on his left shoulder, which directly penetrated his arm, and there was still a strong avenue of origin power in it, hindering the self-healing of the king's body.

At the same time, with a loud trembling, a bright yellow seal was knocked away thousands of miles away, a corner of the seal was shattered, and the humanoid soldier soul on it became more illusory, as if it were Suffered a lot of trauma.


Wang Bing was wounded, and the Qilin clan king who was the leader of the soldiers spit out a mouthful of blood again, and his face instantly paled.

The soldier soul in the king soldier is like the will of the soldier owner, and the soldier soldier is the carrier of the soldier soul. Once the soldier is damaged, the soldier soul will naturally be injured, and the soldier must feel the same way.


The Purple Profound Ding hovered in the starry sky condescendingly, trembling cheerfully, and the Thousand Chance Diagram above the cauldron had disappeared.

Maintaining a complete Thousand Opportunity Map is also costly for Zi Xuan Ding, especially since it has not yet transformed into a soldier’s soul, the more powerful the attacking technique is used, the time for autonomous combat will be greatly shortened. .

Below the Zi Xuan Ding, the light emitted by the bright yellow seal was obviously dimmed a lot.

After the corner was broken, the seal of the square was naturally unable to fight anymore, and the humanoid soldier soul sank into the seal, turning into a stream of light and fleeing away, returning to the hand of the soldier.

"Okay, come back."

Raising his hand, Zi Xuanding returned to Tai Shujing's hands.

Although there were a lot of collision marks on the cauldron body, it had no effect on the Purple Profound Cauldron, and it could be repaired soon.

"Do you still fight?"

Glancing at the king of the Qilin clan, the uncle said quietly.

At this point in the battle, the outcome is clear. If he still does not give up, he decides to stalk the mark of the king and stalk him, then Tai Shujing will let him realize what despair is.

"...The victory or defeat is divided."

With the look in Tai Shujing's eyes, the Qilin king's heart trembled inexplicably. He had an intuition that if he just said no, something terrible would happen.

And this terrible thing has something to do with the young man in front of him.

"You, when will you understand the true meaning of the king?"

Inexplicably speaking to the king of the Qilin clan, Tai Shujing put away the Zi Xuan Ding, appeared in the distance in a flash, and went straight to another battlefield.

"The true meaning of the king! He has realized this point...this time, he was still wrong after all."

Lost in the hands of a young man, and completely crushed, the Qilin clan Wang Chang sighed, his tone showing a touch of loneliness.

They have been practicing for nearly ten thousand years, but the more they practice, the more they become confused and go wrong without knowing it.

"In the first place, you shouldn't have been involved in matters between juniors, and it's considered self-reliance."

Not in the mood to deal with his own injury, letting the original strength of the wound hinder him from healing, the king of the Qilin clan left Xingtian and returned to Wanhuangling with an injury.

A bright yellow streamer fell from a high altitude and appeared in front of the three Jin Buhuan.

"Father! How could this be!"

Qi Baishi screamed when he saw the blood bathed by his parents and there was a blood hole on his shoulder.

Not only Qi Baishi, but even Jin Buhuan and Xuan Lingyu both had their mouths grown, but they couldn't speak.

The return of a king of Daoyuan Realm with such a miserable appearance is really shocking, and this is almost a scene that is hard to see.

"Uncle Clan, what happened to my father and them?"

Jin Buhuan and Xuan Lingyu asked anxiously.

"You should all reflect on yourself, Shiraishi, go back with me, it's time to meditate."

Without answering their questions, the Qilin clan king looked calm and said to the three of them.

After speaking, he grabbed Qi Baishi to tear the void and disappeared in the same place, leaving Jin Buhuan and Xuan Lingyu looking at each other as if they were stunned.

The scene of the bloody return of the Qilin clan king was seen by many people on the Wanhuangling Mountain, and it immediately caused a shocking wave.

"The king of the Qilin clan returns in blood. I don't know if it will win or lose?"

"Looks like it's lost!"

"It's incredible, the quasi-king and the real king, they actually won, what a evildoer!"

On Wanhuangling, there were voices of discussion everywhere, especially the bloody appearance of the true king of the Qilin clan when he returned, making it difficult for everyone to calm down.

For a while, everyone was very curious about the existence of a true king who had severely damaged him.

Is it true that as others have said, that is just a quasi-king.

Now, in the starry sky, there is still a battle that has not yet ended. It seems to be a quasi-king and two true kings, which is even more mind-blowing.

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