My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 344 The Worship of Holy Maiden!

The two separated and came to Ao Xiaoxiao.

"Sorry, did you wait too long?"

Apologized softly, Tai Shujing looked at the little girl.

"No no, Miss Miss, you have a great conversation with Big sis."

Shaking his head, Ao Xiaoxiao said enviously.

"According to our human age, how old are you this year?"

With a slight smile, Tai Uncle asked quietly.

"Hmm... I should be eighteen years old, Miss Miss, what do you ask this for?"

After thinking about it, Ao Xiaoxiao still answered.

"Eighteen, that's two years younger than us. You can cultivate to the Realm of Sage Realm Four Transition. Your talent is very good."

Uncle Tai smiled quietly.

There is a Cultivation Base in the Sage realm who is less than twenty years old. It is only in the middle of the field that such an excellent disciple can be born. Not everyone has their two brothers, and they have great luck in their bodies.

"Really? Miss husband, but Uncle Ao Jue always thinks that I am useless. Compared with Bai Big sis, it is like one in the sky and one on the ground."

After speaking, Ao Xiaoxiao's tone was a little low.

Both of them are the blood of four-clawed real dragons, and Xiaobai's Cultivation Base and combat power are obvious to all, which shocked all the Dragon Kings, and even treated them with courtesy.

As for Ao Xiaoxiao, if you want to do this kind of thing, you don't know how long you will have to wait.

"I am not the same as you. You have to believe in your own blood, and you have to believe in yourself. When you understand this, you will become very strong."

Facing this somewhat immature clan girl, Xiao Bai still softened her voice and said with a smile.

"Thank you Bai Big sis, I will work hard."

Xiaobai was encouraged, Ao Xiaoxiao seemed to be full of energy, and raised her small fist.

"It can be seen that you admire Xiaobai very much. Why is this?"

Looking at this somewhat ignorant dragon, Holy Maiden, the uncle asked quietly with a smile.

"Because the White Big sis, like me, is a real dragon bloodline of Rank 4, and it is so powerful, plus, there is a powerful and considerate dao companion like you, Miss Miss, of course I will admire it."

Seeing that Ao Xiaoxiao said it for granted.

In her opinion, like this white Big sis, she is beautiful and strong, and there is a dao companion who is as powerful as her, and so gentle and considerate. How can I ask which woman would not admire and admire.

"Oh, cultivation, believe in the own heart, don’t be restrained by others. This is what I learned from your Miss husband. The appearance can be weak, but the soul must be strong. Sometimes, if the heart is stubborn, it’s not a problem. road."

With a chuckle, Xiaobai felt that Ao Xiaoxiao looked very pleasing to the eye.

She came from a big clan, especially in places like the Dragon Clan, and her heart was still innocent, so Xiaobai found it very rare, which reminded her of Life where she and her uncle were quiet in the Yunmeng Mountains.

During that time, she has always been like this, free, even wayward.

"White Big sis, I still only understand half of what you said."

Wrinkled his nose, Ao Xiaoxiao showed a thoughtful look.

"It's okay, you will naturally understand when you call me a white Big sis, and I will give you a gift."

As he said, Xiaobai turned his hand and took out a gray-purple spar, the color and luster was like crystal, exuding the supreme aura, telling the true meaning of disorder and chaos.

With a flick of his finger, things fell into Dantian Ao Xiaoxiao and appeared in her holy realm.

"This is...Thank you Bai Big sis."

He recognized what it was at a glance, and Ao Xiaoxiao thanked him cleverly.

She didn't shout out, nor opened her mouth in shock, but the surprise in her eyes was very strong. She didn't expect this white Big sis to give her such a precious gift.

Nodding, Xiaobai smiled slightly.

"You call me Miss Miss, I also have a gift for you."

Seeing Xiaobai sent a Primal Chaos Crystal, she seemed to like Ao Xiaoxiao, the innocent girl, Tai Shujing also smiled.

Then, a ray of purple light flashed from Tai Shujing's hands, and as his heart moved, the ray of purple light fell into Ao Xiaoxiao's body.

"Thank you Miss Miss."

Ao Xiaoxiao was very happy to receive another precious gift.

Even if she is the Holy Maiden of the dragon clan, it is difficult to get the precious spiritual relics in the dragon clan, and she is not eligible to receive some ordinary holy-level spiritual relics.

But today, she has obtained the world's top emperor-level spiritual item twice in a row, which is really exciting.

"The mouth should be more important, cultivate well, these two things can help you enlighten the way, don't waste it."

Smiled, Tai Shujing exclaimed.

Not to mention the source of chaos that Xiaobai gave her, it was the source of the Houtian purple qi he gave her, and it was a treasure that could help people to enlighten the Tao, and could make people clear and enlighten the way.

"Yeah, I understand Mrs. Miss, I'm not stupid at all."

Nodding vigorously, Ao Xiaoxiao vowed to say.

Seeing this, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai looked at each other and smiled. They didn't think Ao Xiaoxiao would be stupid. The innocence is just the more pleasing part of her character, but it does not mean that her IQ is worrying.

"There is a pavilion in front. Let's sit there."

With that, the three of them walked towards the depths of the Longlin Wood Farm.

Ao Xiaoxiao brought Tai Shujing and Xiaobai to Longlin Wood Farm, many people had seen it, and the three did not avoid others.

Not long after Ao Xiaoxiao took the two to Longlin Wood Farm, a big figure also came here.

This person is one of several saint sons of the Dragon Race in the Great Hall of the Heavenly Palace.

I saw this saint son of the dragon family strutting forward, wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, embroidered with a few patterns of real dragons riding in the fog, and gold silk borders. At first glance, he is the son of the big family of Bufan.

A pair of lavender dragon horns shimmered faintly, revealing a burst of breath, and even the eyes were full of lavender.

Behind this dragon saint son, there are several subordinates who are like guards, but the Cultivation Base is not high, and can only be regarded as a small follower.

"This is Shengzi Aojie, what is he doing here?"

"I don't know, in my opinion, it is very likely that I went to see that one."

In the Longlin Wood Farm, many members of the Dragon Clan saw the arrival of Aojie, the holy son, and they were all wondering.

You know, among the several saint sons of the Dragon Race, this one is relatively special and has a very hard background. It can be said that the identity of the saints is the most respected among all the saints.

"That one? Doesn't there already have a dao companion?"

"You don't understand, right? There is a big backing behind them, and there is still a chance."

"Really? I can't see it."

Many members of the Dragon tribe have been talking about it, and they are very curious about the intention of the holy son Aojie here. This can be said to be the holy son who has the power to call the wind and the rain among the dragon tribe. Does it really fall in love with that one?

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