My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 353 Heavenly Dao Three Questions!

Among the stars.

This is a place full of dead silence and coldness, with meteorites of various sizes suspended everywhere, as well as the remains of Star's death.

Boundless, even more vast than the starry sky, the huge Star hangs above the head, emitting a charming starlight.


In this silent starry sky, the sound of a tearing cloth sounded extremely abruptly.

I saw a crack in the void, silver-white rays of light leaked out of it, the crack closed, and two figures stepped out of it.

Surprisingly, they are Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.


Sweeping around, the uncle quietly looked at the dazzling Star not far away, and said.

Afterwards, the two came to this Star.

"let's start."

The two of them sat face-to-face, Lotus Position, and slowly closed their eyes.

After a while, a mysterious wave spread from the two of them, and passed through this endless void to a place.


There was an inexplicable drum sound, louder than the heartbeat of a giant, and penetrated into the soul.

Above the two people's heads, a huge white-gold vortex gradually took shape. It was not something like a robbery cloud, but filled with a vast and distant breath.

Immediately afterwards, from the white-golden whirlpool, a face with no face appeared.

Even if this face has no five senses or anything, it gives people a sense of detachment that is above all creatures. Facing this face is like facing the whole world.

"Ask! Do you have any regrets?"

The magnificent voice rang from the heavens and the earth, unable to discern where it came from, as if every inch of void from this world pierced the soul.

This voice appeared, echoing directly in the true spirits of the two.

In the God's Court, Tai Shu Jing's True Spirit opened his eyes, slowly got up, his eyes passed through his body, and he looked straight at the face that resembled a mask.

"I have regrets in my previous life, but I have no regrets in this life!"

The tone was sonorous, Tai Shu Jing's true spirit said.

In his previous life, he had too many regrets, especially for the girl who loved him so much that he restarted a new life.

And that girl still watched him silently in this life, with her blessings, Tai Shujing had family, brothers, and she.

Therefore, he felt no regrets.

"Ask! Are you guilty?"

The majestic voice continued to ask questions, without a trace of emotion in it, full of majesty.

"A person who cultivates the Tao is guilty and innocent. I respect all creatures and don't do the way of killing. I only kill the people who should be killed. The practice also cultivates my heart. Only the original intention remains the same, and I have a clear conscience. What's the guilt!"

Tai Shujing's true spirit eyes are clear and there is no guilty conscience.

Since her previous life, Tai Shujing has held an attitude of respect for all creatures in this world. Even if the strong is respected, it will not be a reason for him to bully the weak.

Awe of life is also a kind of awe of own.

Maybe this has become weakness in the eyes of others, but what does it do with Uncle Jing? He doesn't need outsiders to point him when he is acting. If he is not convinced, then use his fist to speak.

"Ask! What do you do?"

Soon, the third question came.

"I do not seek justice for the common people, do not open up a prosperous world for the successor, do not judge justice for the world, and do not look at the arrogance and loneliness for longevity. I am the only one, and I only want to live up to Tathagata and live up to the Qing."

Tai Shujing's true spirit said word by word.

For him, nothing is more important than his own relatives, and monasticism is only a part of life, but also for a better life.

As for everything experienced on the path of monasticism, it will become a passing moment and turn into dust under your feet.


The magnificent voice sounded again, and it seemed that there was no next question.

But then a shadow appeared in Tai Shujing's divine courtyard.

"Aye, did you forget me?"

This is a girl who looks like an elf, her eyes are like a full moon, smart and gentle, but at this time there is water mist overflowing, looking at Tai Shujing in a grievance.

"Qianqian, long time no see."

Tai Shujing's real spirit gaze softened, and he stretched out his hand to caress the girl's profile, as if he was back at that time.

"Aye, will you go with me? I can't live without you?"

The girl leaned in his arms and said in a gentle and gentle tone.

"Qianqian, I miss you too."

The uncle murmured quietly while stroking the girl's hair.

"Really? Then...Aye, will you go with me? We will never be separated again. We will live happily and give birth to some lovely babies. The family will be happy."

The girl said fascinatingly, making Tai Shujing's gaze a little bewildered.

Seeing Tai Shujing's appearance, the corners of the girl's mouth were slightly raised, and then disappeared quickly.

"It's not bad if that's the case."

Later, Tai Shujing responded.

"Then...Aye, did you agree?"

The girl raised her head in surprise and met Tai Shujing's gaze, but her face suddenly changed.

Because she found that Tai Shujing's eyes were very clear, and she didn't feel the kind of foggy feeling at all. The look in her eyes that saw everything made her feel flustered.

"In fact, Qianqian is as good at acting as you are. She once told me that her dream when she was a child was to become an actress, but then her mind changed."

With that, Tai Shujing looked at the "Qianqian" in her arms and smiled slightly.

"Qianqian is a very cute girl. She dares to love and hate, sometimes naughty and sometimes gentle. She is also very positive and sunny in Life. Although people are selfish, Qianqian in my eyes is not selfish. "

"So, do you understand?"

After that, Tai Shujing looked at the "Qianqian" in her arms and asked.

"Aye, what are you talking about? I am Qianqian. It turns out that I am so good in your eyes. People are a little embarrassed."

The girl smiled shyly at her uncle.

"The play is over, let's hit the road."

Reminiscing about the girl again, Tai Shu Jing put a palm on the eyebrows of this ‘Qianqian’ and shattered it.

Before she could make any response, she was obliterated by Tai Shujing.

This is the easiest catastrophe in Heart's Demon. It will evoke the softest memories in the heart at the last moment, and then let people sink into it and never wake up again.

This is a Heart's Demon.

After smashing this Heart's Demon, this Heart's Demon robbery was over.

The previous three questions were also part of Heart's Demon. The object of questioning was Heavenly Dao in this world, also known as Heavenly Dao three questions.

Heavenly Dao will, according to everyone's answer, after the ascetics successfully smash Heart's Demon and the Transcends Tribulation succeeds, it will drop the light of different degrees of imprints.

The light of imprint is the thing used to condense the imprint of the king and is bestowed by heaven and earth.

According to the amount of light of the imprint, the condensed mark of the king can be stimulated, and how much power can be borrowed. According to the power of the borrowed great power, stronger combat power can be erupted.

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