My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 369 Fierce Dragon Girl!

If the Dragon Clan had such a terrible heritage, it would have been able to dominate the Divine Desolate Continent a long time ago.

Even an existence that controls the power of order can be sealed. How strong is this junior?

"Unexpectedly, even old guys like us would be so threatened by younger generations one day."

Staring at that graceful figure, Ao Qiansheng sighed with emotion.

They underestimated this junior from the beginning, and even when she and the two showed the power of order, they still underestimated her, and did not treat her as a terrifying powerhouse.

And now, they knew that the strength of this junior had surpassed those of them.

There is not only a kind of orderly power in control, but this alone is enough to make her ascend to the throne of the emperor realm. If the blood of the sacred dragon is added, the future may be in the divine realm.

"Hmph, you still have time to sigh here, Ao Ke is humiliated, where do we put our faces."

Ao Li snorted coldly, his expression extremely gloomy.

"For today's plan, we should encircle Wei and save Zhao."

Ao Feng on the side said aloud.

Hearing what he said, both Ao Li and Ao Qiansheng instantly understood. What he meant was to use that young man as a bargaining chip and force the younger generation to give in.

"You really are Qi Deviation, and you still want to touch her inverse scales. Forget it, I don't care about this. Just do whatever you want. I won't interfere."

Being speechless to these two old friends, Ao Qiansheng flicked his sleeves and stepped aside.

"I didn't count on you either."

With a solemn expression on his face, Ao Li and Ao Feng glanced at each other and nodded.

Seeing Ao Ke who was slapped in the distance, the two of them were not very optimistic. Today, the four of them left because of the blood of the sacred dragon, and thought that everything was under their control.

Unexpectedly, this junior would be so ‘excellent’, and he suppressed Ao Ke face to face.

Now, they can be regarded as having a general understanding of the strength of this junior, that is, strong, very strong.

Seeing this junior’s mysterious means, Ao Li and Ao Feng felt that they might not be able to fight together, but they could not tolerate a dragon uncle being slapped in the face in public.

Therefore, the two of them decided to capture Taishu Jing to negotiate terms with this junior.

"Uncle, don't you stop these two?"

Lie Dragon King Ao Lie knows the thoughts of the two uncles Ao Li and Ao Feng, he looks at Ao Qiansheng.

"Stop the fart, can I control them? Leave them alone, let them smash their heads, and learn a lesson."

Rolling his eyes, the uncle of the Dragon Clan's vulgar words made the corners of Ao Lie's eyes twitch.

Among the four uncles who left the customs today, the uncle in front of him has a better temper. Perhaps it has something to do with the Tao he understands. It is not as strong as the other three uncles and cannot tolerate others' disobedience.

Ao Lie also felt that what the uncle said was reasonable. If these young people have been underestimated, sooner or later they will be capsized in the gutter. This is an era where arrogances frequently appear.

During this period of time, he has seen a lot of auspicious clouds, which are signs of the younger generation growing up, catching up with their older generations.

"You guys will stay away later, this girl doll is very grumpy, maybe today, the dome of the heavenly palace really won't be able to keep it."

Looking up at the top of his head, Ao Qiansheng stroked his own white beard, as if prophesying.


Hearing that, Ao Lie and more than a dozen Dragon Kings all had cold sweats on their faces.

No way, this True Dragon Heavenly Palace Great Hall is protected by the rank eight formation. As long as it is not the real Emperor, it will not be able to break this formation.

Could it be that this younger generation can still perform an attack comparable to the emperor's realm?

Although they didn't believe it, Ao Lie and the others retreated a bit obediently. Life was full of surprises. Maybe the dome was really going to collapse.

"I'm a good boy, kid, I'm a little curious now, how does she like you."

Ao Jue, whose eyes widened, was already shocked by everything he saw in front of him, especially Xiaobai's strong suppression of an uncle, which made him feel excited.

Having lived for thousands of years, Ao Jue promised that it was the first time he had seen a dragon girl as fierce as Xiaobai.

Even the dragon girl senior who has the name of Sky Splitting has never done such an exaggerated thing, not to mention suppressing an uncle, and even slapped her face.

In the eyes of others, this is too rebellious.

However, he knew that for this younger generation, there is only thinking, no daring, no rules on her are useless, is this accustomed to her, or is she just like this?

This is a question worth pondering.

"Um... Although Xiao Bai looks fierce now, he is usually gentle, I can promise."

Shaking his face, Tai Shu Jing said something seriously.

"I understand now. She must have been spoiled by your kid. No wonder she will follow you desperately. I don't think anyone in the world can treat her as kind as you."

"Boy, at this point, I admire you, in the world, all the men who pet their wives are men."

As he said, Ao Jue gave a thumbs up, and he didn't know whether he was talking about himself or too Shujing.


Uncle Tai quietly twitched the corners of his mouth, and said nothing.

After loud applause, Xiaobai was rude to Ao Ke, and he just drew out the remaining twenty times in one breath.

I saw that the face of Ao Ke, the uncle of the dragon clan, was already swollen and there was no prototype, and it was blue and red.

Even so, Ao Ke didn't snorted, but looked at Xiao Bai angrily, his eyes were blood red, and he used his eyes to express his inner emotions.

"Old guy, let you go for the time being today, and next time, never show mercy."

Squinting, Xiaobai looked at him coldly, not treating him as a member of the own clan at all, as if he was looking at the enemy.

This old man's deeds has already made Xiaobai have no good impressions, even if he is a dragon clan, in her eyes he is no different from outsiders.

The cold killing intent bloomed, Xiao Bai was not just talking about it, her more murderous intent than real gold spread out, causing Ao Ke to fall into the ice cellar, and the dragon soul was chilled.

He knew that this dragon junior was not joking, but was telling a fact.

Ao Ke didn't speak, and he was also taken aback by Xiaobai's murderous intent. Although he was always in a high position and respected among the dragons, no one dared to disobey him, but when faced with Death, he was still scared.

" dare!"

Seeing Ao Ke seemed to be scared, Xiao Bai didn't want to see this ugly face, raised his hand to unlock the power of the seal on him.

After unlocking the power of the seal for Ao Ke, it was less than three breaths.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai's face changed, and she suddenly shouted in surprise.

The change at this moment was due to the two Ao Li and Ao Feng in the distance. At this moment, they attacked Tai Shujing.

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