My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 371 Samsara's Vision!

The True Dragon Palace is the center of the true dragon family and a symbol of the true dragon family. Today, a descendant of the dragon clan broke the dome. If this is known by the sages of the dragon clan, it will be difficult to rest under Jiuquan.

"Old guy, shut up."

Looking back, Xiaobai let out a cold cry, and Sacred's Longwei blossomed from her, causing Ao Ke and everyone to tremble slightly.

I don't know if it is their illusion, the younger generation's Longwei seems to be a little thicker, and can already suppress them with his aura.

"Okay, Xiaobai, don't be so fierce, it's all from your tribe."

Holding Xiao Bai's hand, the uncle smiled quietly and comforted.


With a cold snort, Xiao Bai stopped looking at these old men.

"Everyone, Xiaobai is my beloved wife. No one can let her be wronged. Even if she is of the same clan, I have a friendly attitude towards the dragon clan. Bridge of Helplessness in Yellow Springs, what does the other shore flower look like in full bloom."

As he spoke, a milky white light appeared in Tai Shujing's eyes, and the shadows of the two vortexes reflected, as if they were the entrance to the other world, giving people the illusion of separation of spirit and body at first glance.


The cold wind blew, and a milky white light butterfly appeared out of thin air, lingering beside Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.

Quill, a mirage-like phantom appeared beside them. It was a river with no beginning and no end. There were countless stones on both sides of the river bank.

In the crevice of the stone, strange flowers bloomed all over the river, blooming beautifully and strangely.

Then, a stone bridge appeared, across the river, and two ancient words appeared on the bridge. If anyone could recognize it, they would know that it was the word Naihe.

On a section of the stone bridge, a small stone stands upright with two ancient inscriptions carved on it, Sansheng.

The phantom continued to expand, only to see a magnificent palace appearing. There were eighteen stories under the count. A large plaque was hung on the gate, and it was written on the front door.

These phantoms floated behind Tai Shujing and Xiaobai, making Ao Ke and the Dragon Kings feel chills in the back of their heads.

It was the first time they saw such a weird vision. It was neither Sacred nor gloomy, but it revealed a great horror, causing their dragon souls to scream and warn.

Only then did Ao Li and Ao Feng realize that this young man who did not seem to be outstanding was actually too strong.

This obviously should be the way of Samsara, but why can there be such a strange vision? It seems that there is no trace of such a vision in the records of the dragon clan.

The way of Samsara has always been in the hands of few people, and there have been only a handful of Samsara's visions that have been recorded, all of which are inconsistent with this vision.

This makes them wonder whether Tai Shujing's Tao is Samsara's Tao in their perception.

"This kid, who seems to be smiling, is also a cruel master."

Hearing the meaning of the uncle's quiet words, Ao Jue was also a little bit cold, and there was nothing he dared not do for the sake of that Dragon Clan junior.

It seems that these two people are similar, both are characters who will work hard for each other.

It's just that the talents of the two are terribly good, and they are powerful, so who would dare to provoke them?

Seeing Tai Shujing directly expressed his own attitude, and using a nearly intimidating method, Ao Ke and the others were frightened, but also frightened.

Whether it's this Dragon Clan junior or this young man, they all underestimated a lot.

Not only was he promoted to the Daoyuan Realm at this age, but he also comprehended the power of order. Such a talent can already be said to be shocking to the world.

Moreover, there is the highest space avenue, and the uncertain Samsara avenue.

Combining these kinds of things, even if Ao Ke and the others didn't want to admit it, they knew very well that this dragon descendant was already comparable to a half-step emperor's consummate existence.

When she truly reached the half-step imperial realm completion, she could already slam the real emperor realm.

And the young man next to her is the same. They are all invincible figures in the near future. This can't help but make Ao Ke and the others start to change their minds.

"Hahaha, Ao Ke, now you know, these two little guys are not easy to mess with."

Ao Qiansheng came over and smiled gleefully.

"Shut up, you."

Ao Ke's cheeks twitched, and he glared at him.

It was enough to lose in front of the younger generation, and he was slapped severely thirty times, and he still felt that his old face was so painful to death.

"Junior, your name is Bai, right? And this little guy, your name is Tai Shujing, right."

Ao Qiansheng didn't care, and then looked at Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.

"Yes, senior."

Xiaobai still didn't mean to pay attention to them, Taishu responded with a smile, his eyes returned to black, the phantom behind him also disappeared, and the milky white light butterfly disappeared.

"It's really scary to be born later. I didn't expect the dome of the heavenly palace to be punctured as soon as our four old guys left the customs. It was really Losing face that was lost to my grandmother's house."

Shaking his head, Ao Qiansheng gave a wry smile.

"You deserve it."

In this regard, Xiao Bai didn't mean to be guilty, and said lightly.


Hearing Xiaobai's words, Ao Ke's eyes widened, and if they didn't know they couldn't beat them, they would have copied them.

"The old man didn't mean to blame you. This matter is indeed because some of our old guys did not do the right thing first. It would be good to let you vent your anger."

With a sigh, Ao Qiansheng said.

Although the dome of the heavenly palace was broken, it would not be troublesome to repair it, but the big formation in this temple had to be rearranged, which was a bit troublesome. It was necessary to ask an eight-turn formation master to re-engrave the formation pattern.

Unfortunately, the only two formation masters of his dragon clan are also in Closed Door Training, thinking about breakthrough to Nine Cycles formation master.

So, for the time being, we can only repair the dome first, and the formation will have to wait for the two to pass through.

"Senior, I have something to do, I hope you can tell the truth."

After a pause, Ao Qiansheng looked at Xiaobai with a sincere tone.

"no way."

Glancing at him, Xiaobai uttered two words.

There was a fight just now, and now I want to ask her, but she hasn't calmed down yet, I want her to tell them what they want to know, there is no door.

Seeing Xiaobai even thinking about it, he refused, Ao Qiansheng looked helpless, and then looked at Tai Shujing embarrassedly.

"Junior, what do you want?"

The official Ao stared at Xiao Bai, suppressing his anger and let out a voice.

He was beaten out by the palm of a younger generation, and fell on the steps with all eyes in sight. What a loss of face, he might never forget this time.

"What? Do you still want to fight?"

Glancing at him disdainfully, Xiao Bai said faintly.

If you can shoot them once, you can shoot them a second time. She doesn't think these defeats can do to her? If it's a big deal, we will go together, and she still suppressed them all.

"Do you really think we're afraid you won't make it?"

Ao Feng looked at her sternly, the expression on her facial paralyzed face also began to enrich, revealing a trace of sullenness.

On the previous occasion, Ao Feng thought that he and Ao Li were caught off guard for a moment, and then she was beaten out of the house.

Now, it's not that simple.

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