My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 380 Weird Name!

Another table.

When the guys had all the dishes served, the six fat boys of the gluttonous clan started talking without saying hello.

It's really not polite to see other people in a daze.

"Tao Xinxin, have you never eaten enough?"

Ao Xiaoxiao asked curiously when he saw the food scenes of these gluttonous disciples.

"That actually is not, how should I put it? Our people love to eat, and we will never eat enough, plus we don't need to be as gentle as women. Don't be surprised, just get used to it."

Tao Xinxin, the fat guy reached out his hand and grabbed the barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. It was so refreshing to eat.

"When the girls in your clan eat, they are just like you... bold and unrestrained?"

Ao Xiaoxiao asked again.

"No, they are more gentle than us, don't just talk, you guys eat too, otherwise I'm embarrassed."

With that, Tao Xinxin grabbed a few more vegetables and swallowed it with a grunt.

We didn't see it at all. Why do you feel embarrassed? Everyone thought.

"Brother Tao is so refreshing to eat."

With a slight smile, the uncle said quietly.

Seeing Tao Xinxin and the others eating, it reminded him of the past in Yunmeng Mountain. When family sacrifices were made, all members of the clan would participate. They roasted a few fierce beasts. They should eat, drink, or not. lively.

"Hahaha, this brother looks like a fellow in the same way. Get to know him, Tao Xinxin, a family of gluttonous people, what do you call your brother?"

After listening to Tai Shujing's words, Tao Xinxin laughed, as if she had found a friend.

"Uncle Bi, with a single name and a static character."

Tai Uncle responded with a smile.

"It turned out to be Brother Jing, come and eat."

Tao Xinxin greeted him.

"Thank you, Brother Tao, for your kind intentions. The wine is not good when you are here, Brother Tao can do it yourself."

Shaking his head, Tai Shu Jing said.

"Then the relationship is good. Those who are good at wine are all temperamental people. My Tao Xinxin likes to make friends with such a temperamental person like you, Brother Jing."

While eating, Tao Xinxin can still talk to Tai Shujing, and both are correct.

"Haha, Brother Tao, let's eat first."

Seeing that these people were too busy to eat, the uncle smiled quietly and stopped talking.


Nodded, Tao Xinxin quickly caught his attention and was eating.

"Xiao Bai, don't you want to eat something?"

Looking at Xiaobai, Tai Shujing found that she seemed to have no appetite.

"Are you feeding me?"

Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Forget it, so many people are watching."

She smiled helplessly, Tai Shujing didn't want to show her affection in front of so many people, it would hurt others.

"Just kidding, I want to drink, would you let me?"

Shaking his head, Xiao Bai said again.

"Drinking? Hey, Xiaobai, you will give me problems. After you have a few glasses of wine, you will rely on me, or don't. When we go back, I will accompany you to drink as much as you want. How about it?"

Squeezing her hand, the uncle said quietly.

"Jing, this is what you said."

With a smile, Xiaobai certainly wouldn't touch things like alcohol outside. She knew she would be drunk, and she didn't want Tai Shujing to be embarrassed.

Therefore, Xiaobai will definitely not show his true and willful side in front of outsiders.

"I said."

With a free smile, the uncle nodded quietly.

As long as it is not in front of outsiders, Tai Shujing can agree to any willful request made by Xiaobai.

After receiving Tai Shujing's response, Xiao Bai smiled happily.

"Hey, that's what I want to eat. You robbed me. It's too much. You don't know how to make a girl. You have no manners. Be careful to choke you to death."

Suddenly, Ao Xiao smiled and stood up, staring at a fat guy on the opposite side with wide eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see it, you can eat other things, there are many more."

The fat guy from the gluttonous family quickly apologized.

"Tao Feifei, please pay attention, first finish eating what people don't like, so that you won't conflict with them, do you understand that?"

Tao Xinxin glanced at his clan member, and then gave an impeccable guidance.

"Understood, Xinxin Dage."

Nodded, the Taofei Feitiao tribe responded.

"Puff, what the hell did I say about your names? One Tao Xinxin, one Tao Feifei, is it possible that the others are also called Tao Xuan?"

Ao Xiaoxiao laughed at that person's name.

"Yes, they are called Tao Chengcheng, Tao Pingping, Tao Sensen and Tao Dongdong."

Looking up at Ao Xiaoxiao, Tao Xinxin said the names of the remaining four clansmen.

Hearing that, everyone looked at them in astonishment. This method of naming sounds really random. Is it possible that the gluttonous clan named them like this?

"My God, this is too weird, can't you be more serious about the name?"

Ao Xiaoxiao looked at them speechlessly.

"The name was given by my parents. It has nothing to do with us, and it is useless to say it."

Tao Xinxin said without raising her head.

"Okay, smile, don't talk about other people's names casually, it's impolite."

Looking at Ao Xiaoxiao, Tai Shujing shook her head at her.

Speaking of it, the strange names are not only the six fat boys of the gluttonous clan, and even Tai Shujing's own name is a little bit more feminine.

The name is given by the parents, and it is not something they can change if they want.

"Oh, sorry."

Scratching his head, Ao Xiaoxiao apologized.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

With a wave of hands, Tao Xinxin and the five clansmen looked indifferent, it seemed that they really didn't care about the name at all.

There were nearly twenty disciples from the three races at this table, and only three people did not touch the dishes at this table.

In addition to Tai Shujing and Xiaobai, there was also the Holy Maiden from Phoenix, who just sat there quietly without eating and making no noise. It was the exact opposite of Ao Xiaoxiao, the dragon Holy Maiden.

From beginning to end, the Holy Maiden from Phoenix's line stayed on Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.

Among the young people at this table, only Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai were invisible to her, and she could not feel the depth of the two.

The Holy Maiden Huang Cai'er had no knowledge of what happened on the Phoenix Mountain before, including the Star-Sky War.

During that time, Huang Cai'er was transforming into an Immortal body and was in a state of Closed Door Training, so she didn't know anything about Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.

"Where did they come from? Dragons? She is, but he is not."

Looking at the two people on the opposite side, Huang Caier felt a little curious.


There was the sound of footsteps going upstairs, and then only a few pedestrians appeared on the eleventh floor of this Xianshan Building.

There were more than 30 people in these eleven floors.

Among the thirty-odd people, there are three leading middle-aged men, each of whom is a quasi-king strong, and the young people behind them are all disciples.

Seven or eight people were dressed in white brocade robes, embroidered with two characters, too empty.

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