My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 390 The grand meeting opens!

Seeing Tai Shujing could not speak, Tai Shuyun smiled.

"I won't mix things up with you, you just need to take a good sense. Okay, the big competition is about to open, just say so much."

After looking at the Wandan platform for a few times, Tai Shuyun said to him, then turned around to leave.

"By the way, brother, pay attention, there are also people from that mysterious force in the middle domain."

Seeing Tai Shuyun was about to go out, Tai Shujing reminded him.

"Yes, you guys also be careful."

Looking back, Tai Shuyun nodded, and then gestured to Lan Xiyue. The two left here together.

"Jing, what did you talk to Dage?"

Xiaobai came over and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just talked about the latest things."

Tai Shu Jing smiled.

The two brothers are now grown up, and they are no longer inseparable as before. They don't need to know too much about each other, just about it.

Whether it is cultivation or life, they have all walked out of their own way and have their own cognitions.

Today they only need to know that each is good.


After hearing Tai Shujing's answer, Xiao Bai nodded slightly.

She can also feel that the two brothers no longer seem to have to tell each other everything as they did when they were young, and gradually they have their own thoughts and ideas. This may be a sign of maturity.

Just like monasticism, they will eventually take a different path and have a different life.

Tai Shujing could feel that even though his brother Tai Shuyun had lost his own body like him, he took this unique step.

But when he was promoted to the Dao Source Realm, Tai Shuyun still entrusted the king's mark in the world.

Therefore, the aura on Tai Shuyun's body is still similar to most real kings of Dao Origin Realm, it is the aura of heaven and earth.

This is the same with his sister-in-law Lan Xiyue.

Everyone's Tao is different. Even brothers will have different perceptions and walk on different paths. As long as they can reach the top, that's enough.

Therefore, Tai Shujing did not talk to him about cultivation this time. They all have their own ways and choices, so there is no need to say more.

it is more than words.

"We are all grown up, and I don't know if my father and mother will be relieved to see us now."

With a chuckle, Tai Shujing said.

He felt that after he grew up, he and Tai Shuyun had two brothers from their respective families. Although the relationship is still better, but the taste of childhood is missing.

This may be the price of growing up, the uncle thought quietly.

"Will do."

Holding Tai Shujing's hand, Xiao Bai responded softly.

"I think so."

Converging his expression, the uncle nodded quietly.

"You're finished talking, then sit down, this time the alchemy grand meeting is about to begin."

At this time, Ao Jue came back.

After hearing this, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai sat down, and Ao Xiaoxiao also sat beside them, preparing to watch the opening of this grand alchemy event. The scene of such a grand event was still very spectacular and shocking.

clang! clang! clang!

At a certain moment, the clear bells came to mind in the whole venue, which attracted everyone's attention.

The noisy venue is finally no longer noisy, whether it is the crowds of spectators or the guests from all sides in the sky, they are all watching.

On the Banten stage.

An old man with hanging white hair came with grandeur and walked to the center of Bantentai.

In this place surrounded by countless pill furnaces, there is a high platform with a height of three to five feet.

The old man stepped over the steps, slowly walked up to this high platform, stood on it, and looked around the entire venue.

This person is wearing a pill robe with seven pill patterns embroidered on it, which shows that he is a seven-patterned alchemist in the alchemy guild, and his status is not low. He is an Elder-level figure.

From the perspective of breath, this Elder's Cultivation Base is not high, only the level of the seventh cave.


Jier, the old man spoke with a deep voice, and he didn't look old at all.

"Old man Song Qingsheng, on behalf of my alchemy guild, I would like to preside over this grand alchemy event. I hope that all participating alchemists will show their magical powers and be amazing."

"Next, please enter all participating alchemists!"

The old man's voice suddenly increased, and with the sound of the loud bells, a large number of people began to flood from all directions in Wandantai, appearing in front of each Ding Dan furnace in an orderly manner.

Looking at the influx of alchemists, they looked like a colony of ants from the sky, marching in an orderly manner.

"Wow, so many people."

Ao Xiaoxiao looked down in surprise.

This influx of participating alchemy masters, to say nothing, has tens of thousands, and in the blink of an eye they occupied the alchemy furnace on the Wandan platform.

All the participating alchemists will be in place soon.

"The big waves are scouring the sand, I don't know how much will be eliminated in this first game?"

Looking at the many alchemists on the Wandan platform, Ao Jue said to himself.

This first pill refining competition was basically used to screen out those alchemists who came from all over the mainland to compete, so that many contestants could be screened out at once.

After all, the highest level of pill refining on the Divine Desolate Continent is still in the middle domain.

The pill refining levels of alchemists in other places are uneven, and they are not high. The more common ones are very few good seedlings with Alchemy talents.

Therefore, the first pill refining is to clean the sand.

The participating disciples from all major forces have all participated in the pill refining competition from the second round.

The real alchemy contest, it can be said that it started from the second game, so this first pill refining competition was also regarded as the opening ceremony of this alchemy event, for fun.

The art of Alchemy, in the eyes of the world, is extremely in need of talent. There is no talent, and it is difficult to even get started.

To make progress and breakthrough in Alchemy, it is much harder than cultivation. It is like learning. You have to read a lot, learn a lot, and then do a lot. Only then will you have feelings and gains.

Therefore, those Alchemy masters are all immersed in Alchemy for a lot of time, and decades are nothing.

This can be seen from the Elders of the Alchemy Guild.

"The first pill refining contest, start."

Seeing that all the participating alchemists were ready, the old man Song Qingsheng also gave an order, and the competition officially began.

As soon as his voice fell, countless spots of light fell from the sky. It was a piece of animal skin wrapped in a few medicinal materials that fell out of thin air, appearing in front of every participating alchemist.

The pill recipe is written on these animal skins, and the medicinal materials for refining this Medicine Pill have been prepared, and two copies have been prepared. In other words, there are only two chances.

If the refining is not successful twice, then it has failed.

These pill recipes and medicinal materials are randomly allocated, and they are the same and different, but the level of Medicine Pill to be refined is the same, and there is no difference in difficulty.

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