My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 397: The quasi-king is the world!

Over the Green Lake.

"Stop talking, let's watch the draft."

Seeing that Xiaobai seemed to be making some ideas, Tai Shujing quickly changed the subject.

He follows Xiao Bai everywhere, but Xiao Bai always likes to make him entangled. Is this also love?

"Hey, Bai Big sis, Miss Miss is scared."

Ao Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

She also noticed that Tai Shujing was afraid that they would give him a problem, so she changed the subject.

"Okay, let's watch the draft."

With a tick at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Bai also said.


Reducing her smile, Ao Xiaoxiao also turned her gaze to the high platform on the Cuihu Lake. Nearly more than twenty powerful women surrounded the sky above the high platform, and they all showed their fighting spirit.

None of them will shrink back from this battle of the goddess.

These twenty-odd women are all Cultivation Bases at the pinnacle of Sage.

More than that, there was a faint Immortal aura on their bodies, which showed that they had all cast Immortal bodies, had surpassed the Sage realm, and were only one step away from the Quasi King.

"You guys at Cultivation Base are good, but they haven't reached the limit. Some friends haven't shown up yet, let's just let my Tiannv Pavilion come to us."

"Shen Yu, closed moon, it's time to come out and meet fellow daoist."

With that, the true king named Ninghua turned around and whispered to the pavilion where it was located.


Two tyrannical coercion rose from the Tiannv Pavilion, Immortal's aura was very strong, much stronger than the coercion of the twenty-odd Holy Maiden just now.

"Quasi King!"

Feeling these two suffocating pressures, many people can guess that the person sent from the Tiannv Pavilion this time must be the existence of the quasi-king.

There is a restriction in the celestial draft, that is, Cultivation Base cannot surpass Realm.

Once promoted to the Daoyuan Realm, you will not be able to participate in the Heavenly Girl Draft, and naturally you will not be able to compete for the title of Heavenly Girl.

The goddess is drafted once in a hundred years, and the opportunity is very rare. For women across the continent, the title of goddess has a very important meaning.

All the celestial women of all previous generations were amazingly talented and brilliant, with amazing combat power, and all of them became true kings.

There are even a few celestial women who have boarded the emperor's realm and become the invincible peak powerhouse.

The young and strong have changed from generation to generation. For a hundred years, they are long and short, and Tianjiao has lost countless halberds. Only the title of Goddess has not reduced the weight by half.

Above the Tiannv Pavilion, two beautiful shadows slowly descended, landed on the high platform of Cuihu Lake, and suddenly became the center.

These two women, as their name suggests, are dressed in colorful gauze skirts, with a slender figure and exquisite makeup under the veil. Every smile and a smile are touching and fascinating. They can make the fish sink into the pool. The moon hid in the clouds in shame.

These two women are the two Holy Maidens of the Tiannv Pavilion, and they are also candidates for the Tiannv draft.


Suddenly, Tai Shujing felt her own hand being grabbed. He turned his head and found that Xiao Bai gave him a look.

"Xiaobai, don't worry, I didn't stare at them in a daze."

Thinking that Xiaobai had misunderstood, Tai Shujing quickly explained that, in fact, he had just been distracted. Although two beautiful women came out, he still didn't have much interest. He thought his Xiaobai was more beautiful.

"Puff, I know, you're in a daze again, Jing, your audience is too unqualified."

Hearing his explanation, Xiaobai smiled and said.

"Haha, Xiaobai, you know me, too. I really don't have much interest in this kind of occasion. Or I will take care of you, so that it won't be boring."

After spreading his hands, Tai Shujing didn't know what was going on. Although there were many beautiful beauties below, he just felt bored and lost his mind.

He thinks that his own Xiaobai is a big beauty, and he can look at it blatantly every day.

Although other beauties are not bad, it is impolite not to stare at others.

And if you stare at Xiaobai, Tai Shujing doesn’t get tired of it at all, and she thinks that the more you look, the better it looks. Maybe this is the power of lovers, but Tai Shujing thinks her Xiaobai is more beautiful than Xi Tzu. .

"Jing, what are you talking about."

Hearing this, Rao Xiaobai blushed no matter how bold he was.

"I'm telling the truth, or I should fall asleep."

Tai Shu Jing smiled.

"Then you sleep, I will hold you."

As he said, Xiaobai hugged him skillfully, making Ao Xiaoxiao on the side smacking his lips.

", I feel embarrassed if you hold me like this."

Being hugged by Xiaobai from behind, the corner of his uncle's mouth twitched. With so many people here, he always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't be afraid, you don't know anything when you fall asleep."

Xiaobai's white chin leaned against his shoulder, and then said with a smile.

"I'm afraid I won't fall asleep."

Tai Shujing glanced back.

"Then watch the draft, so you won't be distracted."

Rubbing his face, Xiao Bai looked down with a full smile.

"I don't seem to be distracted anymore."

Maybe it's because Xiaobai got used to it, Tai Shujing just followed her to hold it like this.

No one will pay attention to them anyway. At this time, everyone's attention is also on the high platform, waiting to watch the draft game.

"It's a wonderful pair of dao companions."

In this regard, Ao Xiaoxiao also only said this.

"Smile, what did you say?"

Suddenly, Xiao Bai asked without looking back.

"No no, white Big sis, I didn't say anything, watch the draft and watch the draft."

Quickly shook his head, Ao Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, staring down as if looking seriously.

After glancing at her, Xiaobai retracted his gaze and looked at the Holy Maiden on the high platform, as well as the two quasi-kings under the gate of the heavenly women's pavilion.

From the perspective of Cultivation Base, these two women from Tiannv Pavilion are even better.

The quasi-king Realm not only created Immortal's body, but also transformed Immortal's will, and it was only a thin line away from Dao Source Realm.

As soon as these two prospective kings came out, they suppressed the more than twenty Holy Maidens present.

"Everyone, the candidate for my Tiannv Pavilion has already appeared on the stage. Friends who have not yet shown up should also show up."

This true king named Ninghua smiled slightly and looked at the still dark void.

She can feel that there are more than ten more subtle auras hiding in the void. That is the most likely to compete for the name of the goddess in this draft, and is also the opponent of the two Holy Maidens of her Tiannv Pavilion.

"as you wish."

A misty voice came from the depths of the void and echoed above the high platform.


The void was torn apart by the invisible force, a beautiful shadow appeared quietly from the crack, and the coercion of the quasi-king vented out, causing the surface of the Cuihu Lake to be swayed with water drops.

Then, the second place...the third place...

Eleven women appeared again, and all the women who appeared this time were quasi-king powerhouses.

"That's the Lingxi Princess, Ruoshan Princess, Tian Martial Emperor Princess, as well as Heaven Patching Holy Maiden, Xing Jia Holy Maiden, Nether Holy Maiden...Even Miss Jiang from the Jiang family and Ji family are here."

All of these eleven women are extremely distinguished.

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