"Treasurer Lu, this Wuji Trial is a major event of Wuji Holy Heaven. Not only the suzerains and envoys, but even the Lord Shengjun attach great importance to it. If something goes wrong, not to mention you Deacon Lu, even your Kyushu Chamber of Commerce will take care of it." I'm sorry." Seeing that the holy masters didn't dare to say anything more, Gong Yuanhong looked at Lu Fangyuan solemnly again.

Lu Fangyuan's expression froze. If this was in the Wuji Holy Heaven and Gong Yuanhong was so shameless, it would have nothing to do with him fighting to the death. But this is Mingsha City, which involves the Wuji trial a few days later. Their Kyushu Chamber of Commerce really can't intervene.

Lu Fangyuan looked at Gu Fenghua apologetically. The reason why he clung to Gong Yuanhong was to gain popularity, and to show favor to Gu Fenghua. But now it seems that he has no way to help Gu Fenghua anymore. Early.

Gu Fenghua responded with a slight smile, but he didn't take it very seriously. As friends, we should be considerate and tolerant to each other, put ourselves in Lu Fang's shoes and think for Lu Fang, he also has his own difficulties, how can you be so embarrassing for him?

Anyway, Gong Yuanhong had nothing to do with them, Tang Junhou was beaten up again for nothing, and by the way, she also got a set of powerful magic weapons - those seven-star horror flags lay quietly on his bed She didn't suffer from the storage bracelet no matter what, and there was no need to embarrass Lu Fangyuan.

"Okay, it's all over, let's go back to practice quickly, and improve our cultivation level to face the Wuji Trial three days later." Seeing that even Lu Fangyuan didn't speak anymore, Gong Yuanhong breathed a sigh of relief, and said while the iron was hot.

Although the people around were a little bit unwilling, but they had seen Gong Yuanhong's strength, but no one dared to reason with him, so they could only let it go and start to disperse.

"Wait, in my opinion, it is precisely because it is related to the trial of Wuji three days later, so it is better to check this matter clearly, otherwise, who can participate in the trial with peace of mind." At this moment, a lazy voice came.

"Who dares to utter nonsense!" Gong Yuanhong was furious when he heard the words. He had already suppressed the situation, but someone still fanned the flames!

"Brother Gong, I've worked hard on you these days, I'd better leave this matter to my younger brother." A young man with a handsome face yawned and walked out of the crowd.

Everyone looked at him blankly: Who is this guy, with such a big breath!

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were also a little surprised. This guy with a yawning face and a tired face, as if he never got enough sleep, isn't he the sleepy god Xia Qingfan? , His identity is not that simple.

When Gong Yuanhong saw clearly who was speaking, his face changed. The domineering aura just now completely disappeared, and anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"By the way, everyone, Xia Qingfan, I should have been in charge of the affairs of Mingsha City, because I was involved in trivial matters a few days ago, so I let Brother Gong do it for me." Xia Qingfan smiled calmly. Said.

I don't know if it's because he knew that this guy's background was bigger than he thought, but Gu Fenghua suddenly discovered that this guy still has a bit of the aura of a superior person. Born in the prime minister's family, Gu Fenghua is very familiar with this temperament.

"Qingfan, you must be tired after traveling all the way, you should go to rest first, I will take care of this trivial matter." Gong Yuanhong forced a smile and said to Xia Qingfan.

"Thank you, Brother Gong, for your concern. I'm not tired. Besides, you also said that it's just a small matter. It doesn't take much energy to think about it. I have already troubled Brother Gong to worry about it these days. Now that I'm back, how can I make you suffer?" Xia Qingfan said with a smile on his face.

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