My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1028 The result is still in vain

"What is Master Gong doing?" A saint teacher asked curiously.

"Looks like you're dancing the Great God?" A short holy master speculated.

"Jump God?" The people next to him all looked shocked.

"Well, our hometown is located in the frontier, and the people's wisdom is not yet developed. There are often witches and witches exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts, just like this dance." The short holy master nodded and said.

"Well, it does look like a great dancer, but what kind of master Gong is going to Gu Fenghua's yard to dance?" Others have more or less seen the tricks of the gods and witches. But it's all inexplicable.

"I guess this yard is haunted by ghosts." The short saint said solemnly.

"Cut!" The other saints all looked disapproving. This is the best Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard of the Wuji Inn. How could it be haunted? Besides, even if it is really haunted, given the relationship between Gong Yuanhong and Tang Junhou, I'm afraid it will be fun. ghost.

"In my opinion, what Mr. Gong used should be a set of extremely mysterious handprints." The guess of another holy master is quite reliable.

"But why did he run to Gu Fenghua's yard to perform this handprint?" The person next to him asked again in puzzlement.

"I don't know about this, but it shouldn't be a good thing. This Gu Fenghua is probably going to be unlucky." The saint said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, the others looked carefully at the faces of the people around them. Sure enough, the eyes of Luo Enen and the others were full of worry, while Tang Xiyi and the others were gloating. It was obvious that Gong Yuanhong was not a good person.

"Hey, Mr. Gong is also from Wuji Shengtian, why do you have to make trouble with Gu Fenghua? Isn't this bullying?" Someone sighed.

"Shh, keep your voice down, can we talk about this kind of thing? Let's just watch it honestly, Wuji Shengtian's methods are not always seen." The companion next to him quickly made a silent gesture.

Although because of Tang Junhou, everyone didn't have a good impression of Gong Yuanhong, and they had some sympathy for Gu Fenghua, but it was also a chance for them to see Gong Yuanhong make a move in person, and everyone concentrated Looking at Gong Yuanhong.

Gong Yuanhong jumped up and down jumping up and down the big god, and after a while, he was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

"All dharmas return to the sect, show me!" Gong Yuanhong sternly shouted again after making the last handprint.

A strange light descended from the sky, enveloping Gu Fenghua again, but unfortunately, there was still nothing unusual about her.

Tang Xiyi and the others looked at Gong Yuanhong and then at Gu Fenghua inexplicably, wondering what was the meaning of his exhausting dance.

impossible! This time, Gong Yuanhong exerted all his breastfeeding strength, confident that the handprint was absolutely correct, but his seven-star frightened flag still did not respond at all.

"Now, now, show me!" Gong Yuanhong noticed the puzzled gazes of Tang Xiyi and the others, lost face, jumped up and down again, pointed his fingers at Gu Fenghua in the air, and said a few words in succession.

Of course, the result was still in vain, but he was exhausted and out of breath.

"Master Gong, are you tired from dancing, why don't you wipe off your sweat first, and then dance again?" Gu Fenghua took out a handkerchief, said sympathetically, and added, "By the way, if you want to play monkeys, go to the gate of the city." , there happened to be a monkey hanging on the flagpole there."

"Pfft!" Lonen and the others laughed at the same time.

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