"Do you know what's wrong with you?" Gu Fenghua asked coldly with a mischievous look on his face.

"Junior Sister, I shouldn't have peeked at you taking a shower. I was wrong, I was really wrong!" Seeing Gu Fenghua's frosty face, another beautiful and beautiful picture appeared in Gong Yuanhong's mind. With a cold and heartless face, he said with tears streaming down his face.

"What!" Gu Fenghua exclaimed, she never thought that she would ask such a shocking secret just as a prank. No matter what Gong Yuanhong said, he is also a disciple of the dignified envoy, and he actually peeked at his junior sister taking a bath. This news is simply too hot and shameless.

"Junior Sister, you believe me, I have absolutely no intention of blasphemy towards you, I have fallen in love with you since you were eight years old, I endured it for five years, I couldn't bear it anymore, that's why I peeked." Gong Yuanhong said with a face full of fear, weeping bitterly.

"What!" Hearing this sentence, everyone around also exclaimed at the same time.

It's nothing more than peeking at my junior sister taking a shower. The problem is that I fell in love with my junior sister when I was eight years old and endured it for five years. How old is his junior sister? A beast, a beast!

Not to mention others, even Tang Xiyi and the others looked at Gong Yuanhong with contempt.

"Junior Sister, please forgive me, I won't dare again, I swear, I won't dare again." Gong Yuanhong begged and kowtowed vigorously, suddenly rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth and fainted land.

As a strong man in the Heavenly Sacred Realm, although his mind is much stronger than ordinary people, the secret hidden in his heart is too shocking, and has already become his inner demon. After telling this secret, he His will finally collapsed completely.

"Master Gong!" Tang Xiyi and the others hurried forward to support Gong Yuanhong, pinching him and feeding him pills, but unfortunately, they couldn't wake up Gong Yuanhong.

They didn't dare to stay, picked up Gong Yuanhong and left the yard. When they came, they were all arrogant, but when they left, they were as sick as a bereaved dog, and they didn't even dare to look at Gu Fenghua.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, those holy masters in the distance also dispersed one after another. Before leaving, they couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Gong turned out to be such a person."



"Fenghua, what happened just now?" After Tang Xiyi and the others carried Gong Yuanhong away, Luo Enen and the others immediately closed the door, surrounded Gu Fenghua, and asked excitedly.

Seeing Gong Yuanhong's menacing and confident appearance, their hearts were raised in their throats, and they were even ready to fight to the death if the incident was revealed. Who knew that Gong Yuanhong would spit at the mouth They fell on the ground and revealed such a shocking secret. Up to now, they are still confused and have not recovered.

"It's very simple. If you want to forcibly destroy someone else's magic weapon, you will be backlashed." Gu Fenghua said.

"Other people's magic weapon?" Luo Enen and the others looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

Although we don't know much about Gong Yuanhong's blood-seal contract, everyone knows that the magic weapon he wants to force beyond the space limit of the storage bracelet is the Seven-Star Crying Flag, but isn't that Gong Yuanhong's magic weapon? When did it belong to someone else?

"You wiped away Gong Yuanhong's imprint of spirit and soul, and the Qixing Horror Banner has re-recognized its owner?" Ye Wuse was the first to react, and looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

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