My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1034 Who dares to make things difficult for her

"I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Tang Xiyi said with a sigh.

According to Tang Junhou's original plan, he would wait for the trial to start before attacking Gu Fenghua. Knowing that he was not Gu Fenghua's opponent, he started to contact experts from other countries and major temples early on. After Tang Junhou's accident, these matters were handed over to Tang Xiyi.

Originally, these people were afraid of the power of the Tang family, and they had already been moved by their words, but after Tang Junhou was hung on the flagpole like a monkey, they began to hesitate again, and Gong Yuanhong said that the most dirty thing in his heart After revealing the secret, they retreated even more, rejecting Tang Xiyi's solicitation without hesitation.

Are you kidding me, even the majestic palace lord made a fuss about Gu Fenghua, and they are not stupid, so how could they have trouble with Gu Fenghua again?

Gong Yuanhong frowned. Although he didn't know that his scandal had spread all over the ancient city of Mingsha, he could also imagine that his prestige must have plummeted when he fainted in front of Gu Fenghua before, and Gu Fenghua was Famous, under such circumstances, who would dare to make things difficult for her.

"How about this, you show them this Holy Pill and tell them that as long as they are willing to help Junhou, I will give him one of this Holy Pill after it is done." Gong Yuanhong took out one Sheng Dan, said to Tang Xiyi.

"This is?" Tang Xiyi had never seen such a holy pill, and looked at Gong Yuanhong curiously.

"This is called Xuanxin Pill. As long as your aptitude is not too bad, you can use this pill to advance to the realm of Xuanxin once you have reached the peak of the Ninth Grade Soul Sage." Gong Yuanhong said proudly.

Even in Wuji Holy Heaven, not everyone is qualified to have Xuanxin Pills. If it wasn't for his status as a disciple of the emperor's envoy, it would be impossible for him to take out so many Xuanxin Pills.

"Thank you, Lord Gong!" Tang Xiyi was overjoyed. As the saying goes, people make money and birds die for food. For these holy masters who are about to participate in the Promise Trial, what else can compare to the Xuanxin Pill in front of them! Tang Xiyi believed that absolutely no one could refuse such a temptation.

"Go! Do things for Junhou, I will never treat you badly." Gong Yuanhong finally found a little confidence in being a disciple of the emperor's envoy, pretending to be calm and calm, and said with a wave of his hand.

Although he doesn't dare to provoke Gu Fenghua anymore for the time being, he will never let her go easily, not to mention, the seven-star frightened flag is still on her body, if he gives up, what will he do when asked by the Master in the future explain?

But the Promise Trial was about to begin, he couldn't go to the Nether Sand Sea in person, so naturally he couldn't do it himself, all his hopes could only be pinned on Tang Junhou.

"Gu Fenghua, when you get to the Nether Sand Sea, I'll see what tricks you can do!" A sneer appeared on Gong Yuanhong's face again.


Three days passed in a hurry, and tomorrow morning, everyone will go to Nether Sand Sea to participate in the Promise Trial.

At nightfall, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others walked out of the room at the same time. After a few days of practice, everyone was radiant, and there was an unconcealable excitement in their eyes.

"Beautiful boy, what level have you reached?" Loenen was the first to ask, unable to hide his thoughts. Although he was asking about Fatty Bai's strength, there was a hint of showing off on that radiant face.

"Third Grade Soul Sage." Fatty Bai said. Speaking of which, it took only three days to upgrade from the second rank of Soul Sage to the third rank. In the eyes of ordinary saints, it is already a great miracle, but there is no joy on his face.

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