My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1037 Everyone Can't Help Laughing

The man and woman outside the door are none other than Lu Zixuan, the Ninth Prince of Xinghua Kingdom, and Lin Hanyi, who used to be at odds with Gu Fenghua, but now has turned enemies into friends.

"We are also here to participate in the Promise Trial." The Ninth Prince looked at Gu Fenghua with a gentle smile on his face, but there was a hint of imperceptible excitement in his eyes.

"Are you also participating in the Promise Trial?" Luo Enen looked at the Ninth Prince in surprise.

It's not surprising that Lin Hanyi was selected to participate in the Promise Trial. After all, she already had the cultivation of the Soul Sacred Realm, and it was only because of Qiu Mingxuan that she kept hiding it. In terms of talent, she is definitely a genius among geniuses. But the Ninth Prince is only the second rank of the Talented Sage, isn't he going to die if he participates in the Promise Trial?

"I'm now the seventh rank of the Dharma Sage." The Ninth Prince knew what Luo Enen was surprised, and said with a triumphant look.

Only in front of Gu Fenghua and others would he show such an expression. Because they are friends, they don't have to worry about their status as princes, let alone put on airs as children of the royal family.

"What!" Lorn was even more surprised. I remember that when I participated in the Ten Directions Ceremony last time, the Ninth Prince was only at the second rank of the Dharma Sage, why did he reach the seventh rank of the Dharma Sage so quickly? Not only her, but Gu Fenghua and others all showed surprise.

"This is the benefit brought by Huangji Nine Breaks. Although every time you use Huangji Nine Breaks, you will almost die, but as long as you persevere, the meridians in your whole body will be completely opened up once, and the speed of cultivation will be rapid." Ninth Prince explained.

"So that's how it is." Gu Fenghua and the others suddenly realized.

Thinking about it, Huang Ji Jiu Po ​​is the ancestral secret of the Xinghua royal family. If there are only risks but no benefits, how can it be passed down to this day.

"The Ninth Prince has been cultivating in closed doors during this period of time, otherwise, no matter how mysterious the Nine Breaks of the Emperor's Pole, it would be impossible to achieve such an improvement." Lin Hanyi said with emotion.

Unlike Gu Fenghua and others, she, Zhang Haoran and others were selected by the royal family many years ago and were being cultivated as future guardians of the royal family. In a sense, they can even be regarded as dead soldiers of the royal family. The Ninth Prince is practicing in seclusion, and it is she who protects the Dharma.

She knows better than anyone else how much effort and hardship the Ninth Prince has put in for this promotion to the fifth level. It is by no means as simple as he said. Even she secretly admired such persistence and persistence.

"It's a pity to drag you down. If it wasn't for protecting me, you should have come to Mingsha Ancient City a few days earlier." The Ninth Prince said shamefully.

After entering the Wuji Inn, he realized how abundant and pure the aura of heaven and earth here is. If he had come a few days earlier, it would have been of great benefit to Lin Hanyi.

"Actually, with my talent, I am lucky to have the current level of cultivation. Even if I come a few days earlier, I won't have much improvement." Lin Hanyi said modestly.

"What are you doing standing at the door, come in quickly." After chatting for a while, Gu Fenghua suddenly realized that he hadn't invited anyone else in yet.

"As expected of Tianzi No. 1 courtyard, the aura of heaven and earth is several times stronger than outside." Entering the courtyard, the Ninth Prince said with emotion.

"Ninth Prince, do you also know Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard?" Luo Enen asked. She thought that the Ninth Prince and Lin Hanyi had just come to Mingsha Ancient City and didn't know anything.

"I didn't know it at first, but when I entered the city, I saw a monkey hanging on the flagpole, and I knew everything after asking." The Ninth Prince joked.

Hearing him mention Tang Junhou, everyone couldn't help laughing. If Tang Junhou can pass the trial and go to Wuji Holy Heaven, that's all. If he stays in Tianji Continent, he may not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

"By the way, there is one thing you probably don't know yet." The Ninth Prince said suddenly.

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