My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1055 Strong Uneasiness in My Heart

"Fenghua, what's the matter with you?" Luo Enen noticed the strange color on Gu Fenghua's face and asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, it's just that the divine sense was too exhausted before, and it hasn't fully recovered." Gu Fenghua said perfunctorily.

In fact, since she got the power of the phoenix, her spiritual sense has recovered several times faster than before. Although she ran all the way down the road, although her holy energy was greatly consumed, her spiritual sense had already recovered.

However, just now when she gathered her spiritual thoughts to conduct an investigation, she suddenly felt a dark and violent aura. This aura was so secretive and yet so tyrannical that it was not even within the power of the phoenix. Now, more importantly, this energy seemed to be innately restrained by the Phoenix Force, so that her mind was shaken instantly, as if she had been hit by a giant hammer.

What else is hidden in this ghostly sand sea? Gu Fenghua originally thought that the most terrifying thing in the Nether Sand Sea was the Nether Sandstorm and the Demon King Monitor Lizard. Now it seems that there must be other dangers hidden in this sand sea.

However, the Demon King Monitor Lizard had already terrified Lornen and the others too much, so she didn't need to say more about this, lest they become suspicious and frightened.

Gu Fenghua secretly heightened his vigilance, and did not dare to use his divine sense to investigate lightly, but took out the Tianfang Diagram again. It was also fortunate that I met Lu Fangyuan and got the Tianfang Map from him, otherwise Gu Fenghua would really be at a loss what to do in this strange and dangerous Nether Sand Sea.

The map appeared again, but this time, those red dots were not seen again. Gu Fenghua and others now knew that those dots were actually the figure of the Demon King Monitor Lizard. After careful observation, there was no sign of a sandstorm nearby, Gu Fenghua and others finally calmed down.

"Okay, there's no danger, eat something and have a rest." Gu Fenghua relaxed and said.

Fatty Bai quickly took out the kitchen utensils and started preparing dinner.

After dinner, the sky gradually darkened. The Netherworld Sand Sea was already dangerous during the day, and it was even more so at night. Gu Fenghua didn't dare to be careless, so he decided to rest for a night to recover his energy, and set off to search for the ice jade fire heart fruit tomorrow.

After running desperately for most of the day, Luo Enen and the others were already exhausted. Even after taking the holy pill, they couldn't recover for a while, so they set up the camp and everyone seized the time to rest.

There are no birds and insects, and the night in the dark sand sea is more peaceful than the outside world. Gu Fenghua sat beside the bonfire, feeling the special tranquility, but his heart was always a little restless, as if a pair of eyes were staying on her body for a long time through the boundless darkness.

Is it an illusion? After all, he is in the Netherworld Sand Sea, the most mysterious forbidden place in Tianji Continent, Gu Fenghua dare not jump to conclusions lightly, but the uneasiness in his heart is even stronger.

The Nether Sand Sea is not only the first forbidden area of ​​Tianji Continent, but also one of the several forbidden areas of Wuji Shengtian, and it is also the natural barrier between Tianji Continent and Wuji Shengtian.

At this time, outside the sand sea barrier of the Wuji Holy Sky, a girl with a cold face was curiously looking at the seemingly peaceful sand sea in the barrier, and curiously said to an old man: "This is the Nether Sand Sea? It doesn't look like anything special."

"Mu Yun, don't underestimate the Nether Sand Sea. This space barrier can distort the light. It's calm? That's just your illusion. The danger in it is beyond the reach of ordinary people." The old man said kindly. That's right, the girl in front of her was Su Muyun, who was repeatedly spoiled by Gu Fenghua and made her face ashamed.

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