The insistence of Gu Fenghua and others had already aroused his strong fighting spirit, he was actually a little unwilling to give up like this, but in front of outsiders, he maintained Lu Aochen's majesty as always.

From the moment Lu Aochen rescued him when he went mad many years ago, he swore allegiance to him and followed him wholeheartedly.

Beside, Chen Shanyang and the others were also a little puzzled. They have been following Lu Aochen these days, and have seen with their own eyes the formidable strength he displayed when he killed the monster king lizard, and they have long been completely convinced by him.

They believed that as long as Lu Aochen was willing to act personally, no matter how strong Gu Fenghua and others were, they would still have a dead end, so they couldn't understand why he would let Gu Fenghua and his party go.

"Look there?" Lu Aochen pointed down.

A huge demon king lizard was cut in half by a sword, and the gushing blood soaked into the yellow sand and gradually dried up, dyeing the surrounding sand a reddish brown.

"It's just that we killed a monster lizard, and we've killed quite a few these days." Qin Kuangge said disapprovingly.

His strength at the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade Soul Saint is not weak, and the giant sword he wears is also of extraordinary quality. These days, he followed Lu Aochen and had hundreds of saint masters to help him. He killed quite a few demon king lizards. The one waiting to be killed didn't care at all, and didn't even bother to take a second look.

"Look carefully at the scar again." Lu Aochen said.

Only then did Qin Kuangge and the others take a closer look, and soon, Chen Shanyang and the others showed surprise on their faces.

They finally understood that the sword marks on the Demon King Lizard were so neat and completely different from the scars left by them besieging and beheading with chaotic swords. Fatal, it was split in half directly.

Among them, only Lu Aochen could barely do this, even Qin Kuangge didn't have such strength.

"I never thought that this Gu Fenghua would have such strength!" After a long time, Chen Danyang gasped and said.

I was secretly glad that Lu Aochen arrived in time just now, and Qin Kuangge didn't make a move in advance, otherwise it is very likely that it was not Gu Fenghua who died, but them.

"Impossible, Gu Fenghua definitely doesn't have such strength, otherwise the people around her wouldn't be injured like that." Qin Kuangge was also taken aback after carefully looking at the fatal sword wound on the demon king monitor lizard, but then thought of Luo Changfeng who was seriously injured Waiting for someone, shaking his head and said.

"It's true, if she has that kind of strength, her companion shouldn't be injured like that." Chen Shanyang and others also reacted, and looked at Qin Kuangge with some admiration.

Don't look at this person's arrogant and cruel appearance, but his mind is extremely careful. In this world, Lu Aochen is probably the only one who can make him obey.

"You are right. I also think that Gu Fenghua shouldn't have such strong strength, but this sword is not fake." Lu Aochen nodded approvingly, and then said in a deep voice.

He has absolute confidence in his talent and strength, but this sword is difficult for him to do even if he asks himself. He never believes that at Gu Fenghua's age, his strength can be stronger than himself. And based on the information he had inquired before, it is indeed impossible for Gu Fenghua to have such a strong cultivation base, so what is going on with this sword?

"Could it be that they have mastered a set of exquisite joint fencing skills?" Qin Kuangge asked speculatively.

"It's quite possible, but have you heard of the combined fencing skills of eight people?" Lu Aochen asked.

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