Su Muyun obviously didn't take Lu Zixuan seriously, and didn't bother to spend much time on him, so the method of sealing the meridians was extremely simple.

"Fenghua, thank you for your hard work." As soon as the meridians were untied, Lu Zixuan said emotionally.

Although Gu Fenghua and the others acted so resolutely, as if they had made up their minds to sacrifice him to protect others, he believed that they would never do that. And the final result did not disappoint him.

Seeing that Gu Fenghua and others were all spitting blood and were seriously injured, while he was unscathed under the protection of Gu Fenghua's two demon pets, Lu Zixuan was moved, but also felt a little ashamed. If it wasn't that his cultivation base was too weak and easily controlled by others, Gu Fenghua and others wouldn't have to take such a big risk and suffer such serious injuries.

"Let's go!" Seeing that Lu Zixuan was fine, Gu Fenghua felt relieved, and shouted loudly to Luo Enen and the others.

Although the seven of them were united again just now, they jointly slashed the earth-shattering sword, but judging from her limited understanding of Su Muyun, it might be difficult to kill him with this sword, but they themselves were injured It's not easy, so it's better to go first.

"It's not that easy to leave!" At this moment, Su Muyun's angry voice came, and the dust surrounding her flew towards the surroundings fiercely, and the red figure appeared in front of everyone again. .

The corners of Su Muyun's mouth were also oozing blood, and it seemed that she was seriously injured, but the murderous intent in her eyes was even stronger than that of Xianqiang.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua printed a handprint, and then left quickly with Luo Enen and others.

A golden streak of light, floating like water waves, enveloped Su Muyun's body like a golden cage.

Quartet Golden Lock Formation! Facing an opponent like Su Muyun, how could Gu Fenghua dare to be lucky? As early as when he made the move, he had already gathered energy to transmit the sound, and asked Luo Enen and others to cooperate secretly, and quietly set up the four-square golden lock formation.

Su Muyun never dreamed that she racked her brains and tricks, but in the end she was still injured by Gu Fenghua's sword, and was rescued by her to Lu Zixuan by the way. She was so angry that she trembled all over, she held the long sword tightly and turned towards Gu Fenghua and others. People chased and killed them. However, the surrounding golden lines of light rippling like water waves, her figure froze, and she was imprisoned by the square golden lock array.

"Let's go!" After all, the other party is a master from Wuji Shengtian, and Gu Fenghua didn't dare to expect the Sifang Golden Lock Formation to trap her for too long.

How could Luo Enen and the others dare to stay, after taking the healing elixir, it was too late to practice the exercises to refine the elixir power, and followed Gu Fenghua to escape quickly.

"Do you think you can trap me with the square golden lock formation?" Behind him, Su Muyun gritted his teeth and slashed down with his long sword.

"Crack!" The rippling golden light trembled violently, and a crack was split out. A series of cracks also spread in all directions.

Although Gu Fenghua guessed that the Sifang Golden Lock Formation would not be able to trap Su Muyun for too long, he did not expect it to be so vulnerable. From what it looked like, Su Muyun could break through the formation with only a few strikes at most.

But it's no wonder that she is not the only one who knows the Sifang Golden Lock Formation. When she first met Zihan, she was secretly attacked by Zhou Wenjun and others with this formation, and their Sifang Golden Lock Formation was created by Tang Jixing. , was originally taught by Su Muyun's master, how could Su Muyun not?

The cracks in the formation spread rapidly, and Gu Fenghua stopped abruptly. Looking at it like this, I'm afraid Su Muyun will break through the square golden lock formation before they rush out of Baizhang. Instead of waiting for her to chase her up, it's better to fight again while she is still more or less restrained by the formation. .

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