Seeing Su Muyun's backhand slap, Gu Fenghua and the others raised their hearts to their throats, wanting to make a move, but they were afraid of accidentally hurting Fang Tianyou. After all, he is currently in the onset of the disease, his mind is a mess, and he doesn't know how to protect himself.

It's a long story, in fact, from the moment Fang Tianyou fell ill and hugged Su Muyun, to the time Su Muyun slapped Su Muyun's backhand in shame and indignation, it was just a flash of light, without giving Gu Fenghua and others time to think and make a decision. A palm has been patted behind him.

"Bo", the air vibrated, and there was a soft sound, this palm did not hit Fang Tianyou's body.

With a twist of his figure, he turned in front of Su Muyun, and Su Muyun's palm almost brushed his scalp. The movements of the two of them are so natural, completely subconscious, but smooth and smooth, as if they have practiced countless times in coordination with each other.

Su Muyun's expression froze, he never expected that the palm he slapped with anger would miss. You must know that she is at the fifth rank of Profound Sage, even if she subconsciously slapped her, it should never be avoided by a fourth rank of Soul Sage.

"Sister, you promised to buy me candy, your words don't count." The next moment, Fang Tianyou hugged her thigh, put his face on her lower abdomen, and said in a crying voice. While speaking, tears welled up, and he rubbed his face on her lower abdomen, rubbing the tears all over her body.

Beside, Gu Fenghua and others were completely dumbfounded, and the goosebumps on their bodies fell down layer by layer. Although they were all ready to make a move, but with Fang Tianyou hanging on Su Muyun's body like this, they were even more unable to make a move.

"Let go of me, let me go quickly!" Su Muyun was ashamed and angry, her face turned blue, twisted her wrist, and stabbed down with the tip of the arrow.

Gu Fenghua and the others were so nervous that they almost burst out. They almost saw the tragic scene of Fang Tianyou being pierced by a sword. However, the scene that surprised them happened again. Fang Tianyou twisted his body left and right, Like a worm, it climbed up Su Muyun's thigh, and the iron-cut long sword pierced into the sand along his shoulder, waist, and thigh, but still failed to hurt him at all.

"Sister, don't you want Tianyou? Did Tianyou make you angry by being disobedient? I won't make you angry again. Don't you want me?" Fang Tianyou hugged Su Muyun's shoulders tightly, and buried his head On her chest, weeping sputteringly.

"Bastard, die to me!" Su Muyun was so angry that she was about to cry, wishing to poke Fang Tianyou into meat with a sword, but she was so mad that she didn't have time to reverse the long sword, and her left hand pointed at Fang Tianyou's head again shoot away.

This time, Fang Tianyou only cared about crying like a child, without any reaction at all.

In the blink of an eye, that palm reached Fang Tianyou's head.

The hearts of Gu Fenghua and others also instantly became icy cold. With Fang Tianyou and Su Muyun's posture at this time, they had no chance to make a move at all, and could only watch Fang Tianyou die at the hands of Su Muyun.

"Sister, I won't make you angry again, don't leave me, don't leave me again." Fang Tianyou was completely unaware of what was about to happen, but with tears in his eyes, he looked at Su Muyun and begged bitterly.

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