My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1101 We will definitely stick to the past

"Although you have built the Nine Tribulations Tower of Life and Death, there are still many flaws, so you must not be careless." Gui Yezi didn't bother Gu Fenghua any more, and after reminding him, there was no more sound.

Gu Fenghua withdrew his distracting thoughts and put all his attention into the formation.

The defense of the Nine Tribulations Tower of Life and Death is certainly strong, but the requirements for the formation are extremely high. With her current strength, even if it can be completed, it cannot be activated at all. Fortunately, there are nine formation bases in this formation, and they happen to have nine people, each chooses a formation base to infuse holy energy, and finally activates it.

Speaking of this, it is thanks to Su Muyun. If it wasn't for her, Gu Fenghua had never even heard of the fine gold and mithril used in these formations, so how could he get it? If it wasn't for her strength, Gu Fenghua alone would have Fenghua and the others, even with fine gold and mithril formations, they couldn't activate them at all. Of course, then again, if it wasn't for her, Gu Fenghua and the others wouldn't be in such a dangerous situation.

Constantly injecting holy energy with all their strength, everyone looked pale, and Su Muyun was no exception, while Gu Fenghua's expression was dignified.

Although relying on everyone's joint efforts, they successfully activated the formation, but after all, everyone's cultivation level is different. The Nine Tribulations of Life and Death Tower looks like a whole, but in fact, different positions are still strong and weak. When the sandstorm breaks, the entire formation will be shattered, so she must coordinate the holy energy of everyone to ensure that the formation will not be broken.

Fortunately, after she got the power of the phoenix, her divine sense increased greatly, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible. Gu Fenghua also felt the benefits of the power of the phoenix again. You must know that the power of the phoenix she got was only the incomplete power of the wood system. If she found other incomplete phoenix powers, how much benefit would it bring? Gu Fenghua looked forward again.

Unfortunately, according to Gui Yezi, the sky and the earth are vast and boundless, and God knows where the other phoenix powers are. They are not even in the Tianji Continent, nor in the Wuji Holy Heaven, but in other cultivation planes. She could only dream about it.

Outside the barrier, sand waves shook the sky, and the sharp whistling sound also became dull, like the roar of thunder.

Two ghostly sandstorms came from opposite sides, judging from the speed and distance, the position of Gu Fenghua and others happened to be the center of their head-on collision.

Gu Fenghua secretly groaned, if it was just a ghost sandstorm, the Nine Tribulations Tower of Life and Death could completely handle it, but now it is right in the center of two ghost sandstorms colliding head-on, God knows how powerful it will erupt.

The hearts of Luo Enen and the others also hung up again, and their eyes showed nervousness.

"Don't be afraid, we will definitely persevere." Gu Fenghua cheered everyone up.

"En." Luo Enen and the others nodded heavily, concentrating their minds to the extreme, and at the same time deliberately accumulating holy energy.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, two ghost sandstorms finally met, and a huge sandstorm tornado rose into the sky, flying thousands of miles.

The ground trembled violently, and cracks appeared in the hazy spire outside the body, and sandstorms seeped into it, carrying countless yellow sand, like sharp needles, mercilessly piercing their limbs, blood oozing Although it was not violent, it was so dense that in a moment, the clothes of Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou, Lu Zixuan and Lin Hanyi were soaked in blood. One turned into a blood man.

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