My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1111 The Potential of Being a Bandit

"Say, let me tell you, the other Ice Jade and Fire Heart Grasses belong to Ouyang Yuanming and the others." The saint master cried while covering his blood dripping ears, not daring to bargain any more.

"Wouldn't it be okay if I said it earlier? In fact, I'm a very talkative person, and I hate fighting and killing." Luo Enen patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and smiled. The smile is so fresh and bright, but Compared with the fierce appearance before, it looks even more moody and cruel.

Gu Fenghua and the others secretly wiped off their cold sweat, and discovered for the first time that Miss Luo still had the potential to be a bandit.

Fatty Bai took off the storage bracelets of Ouyang Yuanming and the others. The owner died, and the spirit brand of the storage bracelets disappeared by itself. Soon, nearly a hundred Bingyu Fireheart Grass appeared in front of Gu Fenghua and others.

"That's what it looks like." Luo Enen's smile was finally a little satisfied.

"Then, can we go?" a saint teacher asked cautiously. Having seen Miss Luo's "ruthless and spicy" side, they were even more apprehensive, and they didn't dare to speak out loudly.

"Leaving Nether Sand Sea, I will spare you from dying." Gu Fenghua said.

Although these people may not be as innocent as they said, but judging by their cowardly and fearful appearance, they are indeed not vicious people. If it wasn't for Ouyang Yuanming to win them together, they would have already finished their trials and left Netherworld sand sea. Now that Ouyang Yuanming is dead, Gu Fenghua doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, they still have to pay the price for what they did for their help, so they quit the trial and give up the only chance in this life. This punishment is not insignificant.

"Miss Gu, we are willing to follow you, can you give us another chance?" a saint teacher begged.

"I've already given you a chance." Gu Fenghua shook his head resolutely.

The reason why she, Lonen and others have come to this day is because of mutual trust and friendship that they are willing to sacrifice their lives for their friends. These people in front of them are not qualified to be her companions at all.

"Are you refusing to leave, then we can only send you on your way in person." That gloomy smile appeared on Lonen's face again.

"Let's go, let's go." Seeing this, the saint masters felt chills in their hearts, and they didn't dare to say more, they crushed the trial tokens one after another.

Strange light phantoms flashed in front of my eyes, cracks were torn open in the space, more than 20 masters who came to Wuji Holy Heaven appeared one after another, and quickly left the Nether Sand Sea with those holy masters.

From the beginning to the end, no one paid much attention to Gu Fenghua and the others, and even turned a blind eye to the corpses on the ground—if it wasn't for the Bingyu Fireheart Grass, they wouldn't bother to save people, so they wouldn't care about the life and death of these ants.

The strong wind blew, and soon, a layer of fine yellow sand was sprinkled on those corpses. It is estimated that they would be submerged in the yellow sand and sleep here forever.

That's good too, Gu Fenghua and the others don't need to bother. No matter how vicious Ouyang Yuanming and the others were, and how much blood was stained on their hands, they had already paid the price with their lives and received the punishment they deserved. As human beings, Gu Fenghua did not want to see their corpses being ruined by the monster lizard.

Without staying for long, Gu Fenghua and the others left quickly, and while walking, they shared the hundreds of Bingyu Fireheart Grass equally among them.

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