My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1113 I won't be offended if people don't offend me

"Don't think about it too much. Anyway, there is still more than a month before the end of the trial. Let's take a step and see. I think that even if we don't take the initiative to rob others, there will be people who want to kill us, so we don't have to be polite to them. " Gu Fenghua said.

"That's right, I won't offend anyone if they don't. If anyone dares to trick us, he'll have all his underwear left!" Lou Enen cheered up and raised his arms and shouted.

Gu Fenghua and the others were speechless again, just grabbing Bingyu Fireheart Grass, what are you doing grabbing underwear, looking at Luo Enen's flamboyant little face, they seemed to see a rising star in the bandit world, so dazzling.

The yellow sand is long, and a few pieces of metal reflect the sunlight, so dazzling.

Looking closely, it turned out that several long swords were scattered on the ground, most of which were buried by the yellow sand, only a small section of the sword body was exposed, and when I looked closely, there were still a few pieces of clothes on the side, and there were bloodstains that had dried up on it , showing a dull brownish purple color, but it feels more dazzling than the reflected sword light.

You don't need to guess, you know that this is a holy master who died of cannibalism. If they died from the ghost sandstorm or the fangs and claws of the demon king monitor lizard, they would have been smashed to pieces long ago, and not even a piece of clothing would be left.

Along the way, I have seen such a scene no less than ten times, but Gu Fenghua and others still feel a little sad.

However, their beliefs did not waver, and even became firmer—from these people, they once again deeply felt what it means to respect the strong and what it means to prey on the weak. Now that they have embarked on the path of cultivation, Only by constantly improving and becoming the strongest, can we live better.

Soon, they turned their heads away and continued on with firm steps.

"They were unlucky and didn't meet us." Luo Enen also said with emotion.

Although these words sound a bit suspicious of pretending to be X, others think so.

Over the past few days, they have also encountered several groups of holy masters who blocked the road and robbed them. With the power of the sword that they are becoming more and more proficient and cooperating with each other more and more tacitly, those mobs will certainly not pose a decent threat to them, not at all. If a second sword is needed, the opponent will abandon the sword and surrender without exception. However, except for those extremely vicious people who were truly unpardonable, they did not kill them wantonly, and drove them out of the Nether Sand Sea to settle the matter.

Of course, before they leave, they still need to be taught a lesson, the Bingyu Fireheart Grass will definitely stay. And for those saint masters who were kicked out of the Nether Sand Sea and ended their trials early, although it is a bit regrettable, this is undoubtedly the best result.

At this point, everyone has seen too much blood and killing, and maybe their hands are also stained with the blood of other saints. Compared with those who will forever be buried in the ghostly sand sea, they are still lucky.

"By the way, the Bingyu Martian Grass on us should be enough." Fang Tianyou said suddenly. Forget it, after this journey, each of them has more than ten more Bingyu Martian grass on their bodies, plus a total of more than thirty plants in front of them. If you look at it when you just entered the Nether Sand Sea, this is simply impossible.

"I'm afraid it's not enough, haven't you noticed? The closer you get to the depths of the Nether Sand Sea, the more ice jade and fire heart grass, and the more spoils on those guys." Just shook his head and said.

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