"You have to repay your kindness and save your life. The Nether Sand Sea is not the place for you, so you should leave as soon as possible." Gu Fenghua didn't take her words seriously, but persuaded her sincerely.

Since she was selected to participate in the trial, Song Yu'an's talent and strength must be good, but after all, she is too young, and this increasingly cruel trial is not suitable for her. This time she was lucky enough to meet them, otherwise she would be doomed.

"No, I must pass the test and avenge my sister!" Song Yu'an clenched her fists tightly and said through gritted teeth, the tears she had finally stopped pouring out again.

"Your sister?" Gu Fenghua looked at her curiously.

"This time I came to Nether Sand Sea with my sister to participate in the trial. Thanks to her protection, I have persisted until today." Song Yu'an explained.

"What about her?" Lorne asked.

"Dead." Song Yu'an trembled all over, and the hatred in her eyes was burning like flames. Before Luo Enen could ask, she continued, "We met Yue Qianshan, that beast, who defiled my sister and killed her. If he killed her, I want revenge, and I must kill him."

Song Yu'an trembled all over, talking hysterically, his teeth bit his lip, and bright red blood flowed out.

Gu Fenghua and the others were shocked. Although the holy masters who participated in the trial killed each other in order to pass the assessment and go to the Promise, but as far as they know, no one has done such evil deeds as crossing the thousand mountains. If Song Yu'an hadn't lied, this Yueqianshan was not only a beast, it was worse than a beast.

Looking at Song Yu'an's grief-stricken appearance, he shouldn't be lying, and the engraved hatred is not so easy to pretend.

"I really didn't expect that Yue Qianshan, as a child of the royal family, would be so vile and shameless!" Lu Zixuan scolded fiercely. As a child of the royal family, even he was deeply ashamed of Yue Qianshan's despicable behavior.

However, he was not surprised why Yue Qianshan would do such a thing after being a royal family. This trial was too dangerous, not only aroused the blood in everyone's bones, but also aroused the violence or darkness hidden deep in many people's hearts, and the prince's children were no exception.

Perhaps, this is Yue Qianshan's nature, just like when he stabbed with the sword just now, but his mood was so calm, perhaps, this kind of decisive killing is his nature.

"I beg you to take me with you. I must pass the trial and avenge my sister. I will cut him into pieces so that he will never be reborn!" Song Yu'an fell to his knees again and kowtowed heavily. . Although there was soft fine sand underneath, she still knocked her forehead red with all her strength.

"I promise you, if you meet Yue Qianshan, I will help you avenge your sister, but the Nether Sand Sea is too dangerous, you should leave first." Gu Fenghua helped Song Yu'an, and persuaded.

If they really met Yue Qianshan, even if they didn't do anything, the other party would definitely not let them go. If you really want to make a move, it's definitely either you die or I live. Avenging Song Yu'an is just a matter of convenience. But she was absolutely unwilling to take Song Yu'an with her. The next trial would only become more and more dangerous. She didn't want to harm her, nor herself.

"Please..." Song Yu'an wanted to persuade her again, but was interrupted by Gu Fenghua, "Don't say anything, I can't take you with me, it's for your own good, and it's also for our own good."

Song Yu'an looked at Gu Fenghua helplessly, his eyes dimmed with tears again.

"Let's go." With such a gaze, even Gu Fenghua didn't feel soft-hearted when he saw it, so he turned around and left.

"Wait, I know a place where there are a lot of ice jade fire heart grasses, at least thousands of them." Song Yu'an thought of something, and suddenly shouted.

"What?" Gu Fenghua and the others stopped at the same time.

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