My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1122 You are the one who is worried about marrying

It was only then that Gu Fenghua and the others knew that this girl's cooking skills were actually pretty good. Among the crowd, she was the only one who could really help. A disservice.

Soon, dinner will be ready. A large round table was placed in the middle of the camp, covered with exquisite tablecloths, with more than a dozen dishes on it, all delicious in color and fragrance, reflecting the firelight, making it even more tempting to eat. As both foodies, Miss Gu is obviously better than Fatty Bai and Luo Luo. Enen is more particular. It is precisely because she is so particular, that she is so elegant and charming even when eating, that people often overlook the fact that she is also a foodie.

"Yuqing lotus seed porridge is here." Following Song Yu'an's crisp voice, bowls of rice porridge as clear as jade were brought to the dining table, exuding the unique fragrance of lotus seeds, because it was also carefully mixed with the medicinal materials carefully prepared by Fatty Bai. The fragrance is more refreshing.

"Wow, it's so delicious, Yu'an, you made this?" Luo Enen took a few breaths, took a sip, rolled his eyes comfortably, and then looked at Lu Yu'an in surprise. As far as this Yuqing lotus seed porridge is concerned, Song Yu'an's cooking skills are no worse than Fatty Bai's, even she can hardly tell the difference.

"Brother handsome taught me how to do it." Lu Yu'an said shyly, her delicate face looked more pure. After getting along for a long time, she also knows what Fatty Bai's itch is.

"I just gave pointers, but she actually made it herself. Yu'an's cooking talent is not inferior to mine." The elated white fat man showed a rare humility. In terms of cooking skills, he has always been above his eyes. Top.

"I really didn't expect Yu'an to have such good cooking skills, so she won't worry about getting married in the future." Luo Enen said jokingly.

"Please worry about marrying you, okay? I've heard that as long as someone is willing to marry you, the Luo family not only doesn't want a gift, but also gives a large dowry. By the way, what do you think of me?" Fang Tianyou leaned forward, shy Said with a straight face.

After getting along for a long time, he and Gu Fenghua and others no longer have the slightest quarrel, and it is much more casual to joke around.

"Get out!" Miss Luo, who was poked in the sore spot, picked up the hot rice porridge and was about to splash it on Fang Tianyou's face.

"Let me just talk about it, forget about it, don't be so angry, you can't drink such delicious lotus seed porridge every day, don't waste it." Fang Tianyou quickly shrank back with his head in his arms.

"Huh!" Seeing Fang Tianyou's terrified appearance, Luo Enen snorted arrogantly, and triumphantly picked up the rice porridge and drank it down in one gulp. Then, he heard a "poof", and then saw Luo Enen The eldest lady was sticking out her tongue like a puppy and breathing desperately, while slapping her hands fiercely.

And the bowl of boiling hot rice porridge was still on Fang Tianyou's head according to the planned track.

"Ah..." A pig-killing scream resounded through the night sky.

"I swear, I didn't do it on purpose." Luo Enen's voice was louder than Fang Tianyou's scream.

After a brief silence, there was a burst of heartless laughter all around.

"Yu'an, who did you learn your cooking skills from?" It took a while for the laughter around to subside. While drinking cold water, Lornen asked as if no one else was there. Miss Luo, who is as firm as iron, is not so easily defeated.

Fang Tianyou's psychological quality is obviously far inferior to hers. Water drops dripped from his freshly washed hair, which made him look even colder in the cold night, and his eyes were misty.

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