Her mind gradually sank into emptiness, and the chaotic sandstorm in front of her was clearly presented in her mind. They disappear with each other, collide with each other, and entangle each other, forming gaps for a short time. These gaps are either connected to each other, or separated by several miles, but there is one thing that is generally consistent. After each gap appears, there is no gap in a short time. It will appear for the second time at the same position, and where the next gap will appear depends on the direction and strength of the sandstorm. Only sandstorms with equal strength and opposite directions will collide violently and will There are brief lulls, gaps between heavy sandstorms.

As long as she can control all this in her heart, she has every chance to find the right time to go to Luankong Mountain through many sandstorms.

Gu Fenghua aroused his spiritual thoughts to the extreme, and focused on using them all while watching the changes of the ghostly sandstorms, and he didn't even let go of those tiny sandstorms.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, a thin layer of sweat oozed from her forehead, and a stabbing pain came from her mind.

As time passed slowly, drops of sweat rolled down her cheeks, and the expression on her face became more and more painful.

Luo Enen looked at Gu Fenghua worriedly, took out a handkerchief, and carefully wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Follow me!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly opened his eyes and rushed towards the ghost sandstorm opposite.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lornen and the others followed closely behind.

Just after rushing out less than ten feet away, I saw two ghostly sandstorms colliding violently in front of me, and a sand tornado, like a roaring black dragon, swirled into the sky with endless yellow sand.

Luo Enen and the others were taken aback. At this speed, wouldn't they just rush into the sandstorm tornado? Subconsciously looking towards Gu Fenghua, she saw that she didn't stop in her footsteps, she didn't even hesitate at all, and she still used her full strength to charge forward.

Luo Enen and the others immediately put aside all distracting thoughts, circulated the Holy Qi to the extreme, and followed her closely. They believed that no matter what decision Gu Fenghua made, it would never harm them. Everything she did had a reasonable reason.

"Boom" Just when they were about to crash into the sandstorm tornado, and the moment they were about to be smashed to pieces, there was a bang in their ears. The huge sandstorm tornado collapsed like a tall building, and countless yellow sand fell with the wind.

Outside, it was unbelievably peaceful!

Luo Enen and the others looked at Gu Fenghua with admiration. She was able to grasp the timing so accurately, which is probably the only one in this world who can do it.

Without stopping, and without giving Luo Enen and others a chance to breathe, Gu Fenghua continued to gallop forward, without even opening his mouth to remind Luo Enen and others.

Although she more or less grasped some of the laws, the sandstorms were changing rapidly, and accidents could happen at any time, and no one could guarantee that they could fully understand the laws. She can only seize the opportunity as much as possible and try her best to avoid accidents. Even if you say one more word, you may miss the opportunity and fall into desperation.

More importantly, she had a tingling pain in her mind when she tried her best to condense her divine thoughts. For a while, she didn't have time to rest and recover. Otherwise, when she recovered, the opportunity would be gone. If she tried to find the opportunity again, the result would still be the same. Instead of wasting time, it would be better to rush over and talk about it. So at this time, Gu Fenghua was completely supporting herself. Once she opened her mouth and vented her anger, she might not be able to hold on anymore.

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