My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1128 She stopped for the first time

He thought that after recruiting so many elites, it would not be too difficult to break through the barrier with everyone's strength, but it was only now that he realized that he had underestimated the barrier. Unless he can perfectly condense everyone's power together and unleash the strongest power among them, he will not be able to break through the barrier at all. However, these holy masters have different cultivation bases, and the skills they learn are also very different. It is impossible to be completely consistent. How can it be so easy to condense them together?

Lu Aochen couldn't help but recalled the monster lizard that was beheaded by Gu Fenghua and others. The power of that sword obviously far exceeded the combat power of Gu Fenghua and others, although it may not be comparable to the sword of a hundred of them joining forces. , but completely concentrated in one point, its destructive power is far superior.

If there is such a sword, it should be able to break through this enchantment.

"My lord, you should be able to do it after a few more tries." Seeing Lu Aochen's lost expression, Qin Kuangge said comfortingly.

Lu Aochen nodded. In fact, according to the previous situation, even if he tries a hundred or a thousand times, the result may still be the same, but he is not willing to give up at this point. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he must do his best.

Suddenly, the jade finger in his hand trembled slightly, Lu Aochen lowered his head to look, and saw a very secret crystal light flashing past, he was refreshed, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

"My lord?" Noticing the change in his expression, Qin Kuangge was a little curious.

"Everyone leave immediately with me." Lu Aochen ordered.

"What happened?" Qin Kuangge asked in surprise.

"Someone will help us open the barrier, so we don't need to bother." On Lu Aochen's face, there was that unpredictable and profound smile again.

Soon, the group of people left with Lu Aochen, and soon a layer of fine yellow sand was sprinkled outside the barrier, covering up all traces, as if no one had ever been here before, and nothing happened.


All around, the sandstorm was still raging, and nine figures shuttled through it. They might be swallowed and torn to pieces by the churning sand waves at any time, but they were always close by.

Everyone's clothes were drenched with sweat. Flying through the gaps, they didn't stop for a moment. The holy energy in their bodies has already run to the extreme, and even their potential has been exerted to the extreme, but they have not let up in the slightest.

They are very clear that any hesitation, hesitation, or pause may cost them their lives, and now that they are already deep in the center of the sandstorm, there are churning sand waves everywhere, and they have no chance to quit.

More importantly, as Gu Fenghua guessed, under the cover of the mighty ghostly sandstorm after another, the trial token has been silent, even if it is crushed, there will be no reaction at all, let alone Someone came to the rescue.

So their only choice is to follow Gu Fenghua's footsteps and keep moving forward. Only by rushing through this sandstorm and reaching Luankong Mountain can they have any hope of surviving.

Suddenly, Gu Fenghua stopped, and everyone behind him also stopped.

"What's the matter, Feng...Fenghua?" Lonen asked panting.

There was no pause along the way, and this was the first time Gu Fenghua stopped, and she felt a little ominous.

Gu Fenghua didn't answer, but looked forward with a solemn expression.

Luo Enen and others also followed her gaze. Previously, they were only focused on following Gu Fenghua and galloping with all their strength. No one had the time to observe the surrounding scene. This was the first time.

Seeing the situation in front of them clearly, their expressions all changed immediately.

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