My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1132 Did she discover something?

Three days passed by in a hurry, Gu Fenghua finally opened his eyes, he felt light all over his body, all the injuries in his body had healed, and both the holy energy and the spiritual thoughts had returned to their best condition again.

Looking around, seeing Gu Fenghua's familiar clear eyes, Luo Enen and the others showed relieved smiles.

They just ran out of holy energy and didn't suffer any injuries, so they recovered much faster than Gu Fenghua. They were alive and well again in just one day, but seeing that Gu Fenghua hadn't woken up yet, they didn't dare to act rashly. Standing by her side every step of the way. Seeing that Gu Fenghua had finally returned to normal at this time, their long-sustained hearts were finally at ease.

"You have worked hard these past few days." Gu Fenghua said to Luo Enen and the others. Although she has been concentrating on cultivating and recuperating her injuries these days, she is not ignorant of the external situation. She knows how worried Luo Enen and others are, and how they guard her every step of the way.

"If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have been injured so badly. Didn't you mean to make us feel guilty by saying that?" Lonen pouted.

"Okay, then I won't say it again." Gu Fenghua smiled freely. Indeed, considering the friendship between them, it's a little strange to say such a thing.

"Sister Fenghua, I made rice porridge, you can drink some." Song Yu'an came to Gu Fenghua with a bowl of rice porridge gratefully.

"Thank you for your hard work." Gu Fenghua took the rice porridge.

"Sister Fenghua still treats me as an outsider. If you hadn't sacrificed your life to save me, I would have been dead by now. Even if you let me die, I would have no complaints. What's so hard about making porridge?" Song Yu'an said dissatisfied .

"Really?" Gu Fenghua glanced at her with a smile, but there was something unclear in that smile.

Song Yu'an's heart skipped a beat: This smile is so strange, did she discover something?

"When I get revenge, this life will belong to Sister Fenghua, no matter life or death, I will do as I please!" Song Yu'an said loudly, his eyes were so clear, no hypocrisy could be seen.

Gu Fenghua took a deep look at her, didn't say anything more, picked up the rice porridge and drank it.

After finishing the rice porridge, Gu Fenghua stood up and came to the forbidden barrier.

This enchantment is faint and integrated, covering the entire Luankong Mountain. Looking through the past, one can see the Ice Jade Fireheart Grass that looks like stars.

Taking a closer look outside the barrier, it seems that there used to be ice jade fire heart grass, but now there are only broken rhizomes left, and the fruit leaves no longer exist. According to what Song Yu'an said earlier, of course these ice jade fire heart grasses fell into the hands of their sisters, and now they fall into the hands of Yue Qianshan. Of course, they didn't know at this time that Yue Qianshan had buried their bones in the dark sand sea, and all the ice jade and fire heart grass had fallen into the hands of Lu Aochen and others.

Soon, Gu Fenghua withdrew his gaze from the ice jade and fire heart grass, and walked along the edge of the barrier. After walking about ten zhang, she stopped, turned around and walked back.

Luo Enen and the others knew that she was looking for a way to break the barrier, so they didn't dare to speak out loudly for fear of disturbing her.

Gu Fenghua walked back and forth dozens of times before stopping.

"How about Fenghua, have you thought of a way to break the barrier?" Luo Enen finally managed to speak out, and asked impatiently.

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