My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1138 You are a wolf-hearted thing!

"What kind of fragrance is this? It feels so strange." Although he couldn't tell what kind of strange fragrance it was, Lornen felt a little uneasy.

"This is the fragrance of the grass in the clear sky and night." At this moment, Song Yu'an said suddenly, and a meaningful smile appeared on her delicate face.

"Clear sky and grass at night?" Luo Enen looked at Song Yu'an suspiciously, seeing the meaningful smile on her face, the uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

"That's it." Song Yu'an slowly took out a herb with a dark green color.

Almost at the same time, Luo Enen and the others felt their bodies soften, all the holy energy suddenly disappeared, and their bodies became extremely sore and limp. They could no longer maintain the posture of cultivation, and fell to the ground at the same time.

Among the crowd, only Gu Fenghua was still sitting cross-legged and maintaining a cultivation posture, but he was on the verge of falling, obviously losing all his holy energy.

"Song Yu'an, what's going on?" Fang Tianyou yelled at Song Yu'an in shock.

"What else could be going on, of course it was poisoned, she poisoned it." Beside, Xie Youran replied with a wry smile.

"As expected of the Misty Cloud Valley Xie family, I thought of it so quickly." Song Yu'an glanced at Xie Youran and said appreciatively.

But these words sounded more like irony to Xie Youran, except for Fang Tianyou, everyone probably guessed what was going on the moment Song Yu'an took out the grass in the clear sky and night.

"Song Yu'an, we kindly rescued you and brought you to Pokong Mountain, why did you kill us?" Luo Enen asked angrily.

"There is no way, I don't want to harm you, but I have to do this because of my life. Don't worry, as long as you are willing to work for my son, I will keep you safe." Song Yu'an's eyes flashed a trace of shame. He looked pale, but soon returned to normal, and said confidently.

"Your lord?" Everyone looked at Song Yu'an in anger and doubt.

"You will see my lord soon." Speaking of his lord, Song Yu'an's eyes showed admiration.

"I don't understand, how did you apply the poison, as far as I know, the grass should be non-poisonous, right?" Xie Youran asked.

In any case, he is Xie Huaiyuan's only grandson, even if he cannot practice alchemy, he is familiar with all kinds of medicinal materials under the influence of his ears and eyes.

"Tianqingyeyoucao is not poisonous, but if you smell its aroma after taking the bitter leaf gentian fruit, it will be different. The two medicines complement each other, and it can completely disperse the holy energy, just like losing the cultivation base. However, although the bitter leaf gentian fruit is extremely bitter, the fruit is colorless and tasteless, and my cooking skills are indeed good. Now, do you understand?" Song Yu'an said.

"It turns out that you poisoned our food, you heartless bastard!" Lorn scolded angrily.

The others finally understood that Song Yu'an had no good intentions in helping Fatty Bai these days, and dropped bitter-leaf gentian fruits in the food when they were not paying attention.

"Actually, you should feel lucky. If it weren't for you being useful, my son might not have allowed you to live to this day." Song Yu'an was not angry, and said calmly.

"So, we should thank you?" Lin Hanyi said sarcastically.

"That's right, you should thank her. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have allowed you to live until now." At this moment, a young man with hundreds of holy masters stepped into the knot through the crack. In the middle of the world, there was also a rare brisk smile on that gloomy face.

"Lu Aochen!" Gu Fenghua and the others exclaimed in unison, finally knowing who the son Song Yu'an was talking about.

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