Qin Kuangge was not in a hurry to make a move, but he didn't care about Song Yu'an either, but looked at Lu Aochen, as long as Lu Aochen nodded, how could such a little girl stop him?

"My lord, they saved my life, please give them another chance." Song Yu'an knew this very well, and said eagerly to Lu Aochen.

"I've already given them a chance." Lu Aochen said indifferently.

"It's just that they haven't seen the true strength of the young master, and they are obsessed with it for a while. Give them another chance, and I believe they will change their minds." Song Yu'an said, while quietly winking at Gu Fenghua and others.

It can be seen that her pleading is from the heart, not to win the favor of Gu Fenghua and others. In fact, everyone can see that the current Gu Fenghua and others have no power to resist at all and can only let others Butchering, she didn't have to do that.

Gu Fenghua looked at Song Yu'an's anxious face, and there seemed to be a hint of relief in his eyes that outsiders could not detect, but he still didn't say anything.

Lu Aochen looked at Song Yu'an, his expression gradually became serious.

All around, everyone was silent. They have seen Lu Aochen's attack, and they know what a terrible thunderbolt it will be if they offend him. Seeing that Song Yu'an is not old, no matter how strong his cultivation is, he must not be much stronger. How could he be Lu Aochen's opponent? Speaking of her, even a strong man like Qin Kuangge might not be able to stop his blow.

If Lu Aochen strikes out in anger, she will definitely die!

"My lord, I have absolutely no dissent towards you. As long as your lord orders, I, Song Yu'an, will die, but they have saved my life, and I will never let them go." Song Yu'an fell to his knees on the ground with a thump.

Seeing how she repays her kindness so well, even risking Lu Aochen's anger to intercede for Gu Fenghua and others, the surrounding people are somewhat moved.

At this moment, the enchantment that was originally as calm as a pool of secluded springs suddenly had ripples.

Not far away, a holy altar appeared out of thin air. Behind the holy altar was a section of ancient steps leading directly to the peak of Luankong Mountain. At the end of the steps, a stone temple stood proudly.

"Young master!" Everyone rubbed their eyes, almost unable to believe everything that appeared out of thin air.

The lights and shadows fluctuated like water ripples, and the altar steps and stone hall appeared indistinctly, as if they might disappear at any time.

"Yu'an, you have followed me for many years, how could I doubt you? Well, I will give them another chance, and I will give you a chance to repay your kindness. When we open this second barrier, if they still refuse If you change your mind, then you can't blame you, let alone me." Lu Aochen finally said.

"Thank you young master, thank you young master!" Hearing this, Song Yu'an finally breathed a sigh of relief, the other saints looked at Lu Aochen with a little more respect besides fear.

Although they followed Lu Aochen through the sandstorm to Luankong Mountain and did not encounter any danger, but one can imagine how dangerous this journey would be if he hadn't been prepared.

Song Yu'an came here with Gu Fenghua and others to carry out his orders for him. It can be said that he escaped death, which shows his loyalty. If Lu Aochen really refused to give her even a chance to repay her life-saving grace, it would be too unkind. Fortunately, Lu Aochen finally gave Song Yu'an this chance. It can also be seen that he is not as cold and ruthless as he appears on the surface, but he is still affectionate and righteous, and he has the air of a hero.

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