My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1142 Guess what's going on

You! The golden light flickered, and an ancient red-gold bell about one foot high appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by hazy mist, just inlaid on the enchantment, half inside and half outside. Looking at the runes engraved on it, it is obviously a magic weapon.

"This... this is..." Everyone around showed surprise. No one thought that there was a magic weapon inlaid on the barrier, and more importantly, how did Lu Aochen know?

"This is a magic weapon left by my ancestors of the Lu family. In the past, my ancestors entered the Nether Sand Sea with more than ten close friends. After going through hardships and dangers, they came to Luankong Mountain. The success fell short, and more than a dozen companions were buried here. In the end, only my grandfather and another friend left alive.

And the secret of Luankong Mountain has been handed down all the time. The Qingyun floating yarn I used to take you through the sea of ​​sand was carefully refined by members of my Lu family with the last words left by their ancestors. It is impossible to get here unharmed. "Lu Aochen explained.

"My lord, is there any danger hidden in this barrier?" After hearing Lu Aochen's words, a saint teacher thought of something and asked worriedly.

The other holy masters also showed signs of worry. You must know that they reached Luankong Mountain safely by relying on Lu Aochen's Qingyun floating yarn, while the ancestors of the Lu family and his companions had nothing to rely on at the beginning, and completely relied on their strength to cross the mountain step by step. There were many sandstorms, and the restriction enchantment of Luankong Mountain was opened. It is conceivable that their strength is strong. But even so, the entire army was almost wiped out in the end. What kind of danger is hidden in this barrier?

"You guys are overthinking. The reason why they fell short at the beginning was not because of any danger hidden in the barrier, but because..." Having said this, Lu Aochen paused, and then sighed, "People's hearts are unpredictable... ..."

After thinking about it for a while, the others suddenly realized what was going on. From ancient times to the present, there have been countless father and son fights against brothers and sisters for power and profit. Let's take them as testers. In order to successfully pass the assessment and go to the Promise Holy Heaven, they will fight to the death.

It must be the same with Lu Aochen's ancestors and his companions. As soon as they saw that the barrier was about to be opened, they each had a different heart, and then killed each other. In the end, no one took advantage. Breaking the barrier again, I can only leave with regret and helplessness.

"My lord, we are loyal to you, and we will never disagree." Thinking of this, someone immediately expressed their loyalty to Lu Aochen.

Lu Aochen's strength is right there, if he has doubts about them, there will be absolutely no one in the room who is his opponent.

"You don't have to think too much, how could I doubt you? I have already said that I have no interest in the so-called way of the strong in Wuji Shengtian. As long as you help me open the enchantment and help me get one of the pieces in the stone palace Magical artifacts, all other natural materials and earthly treasures are yours to take, and the ice jade and fire heart grass that you got earlier also belong to you." Lu Aochen saw what they were worried about, waved his hand and said.

"My lord, what exactly do you want?" Although Lu Aochen said so, everyone was still a little worried.

"The way of the strong in Wuji Shengtian is really comparable to the endless power of Tianji Continent?" Lu Aochen said proudly.

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